Per-task file descriptors and eventually a "real" shell

Ian Caddy ianc at
Mon Oct 5 01:22:44 UTC 2015

Hi Isaac,

On 3/10/2015 4:24 AM, Isaac Gutekunst wrote:
> Hey,
> The hack would be that file descriptors 0,1 and 2 are not part of a
> global namespace of file descriptors, and potentially refer to different
> actual IO devices on a per task basis.
> The motivation here would be creating a more functional shell and
> support easy IO redirection for logging, and running multiple shell
> instances, perhaps via multiple telnet and serial sessions.

Maybe I am missing something, but we do all this currently with the shell.

We have a serial port access, and we have multiple telnet / ssh access 
to our devices providing multiple shells with no problems.

We also redirect the stdio for all the application tasks to print to an 
application log instead on the shell.  This is all completely doable 
now, as as far as I know newlib provides a per task stdin, etc.

Just start your task and point them where you want them to go.


Ian Caddy

Ian Caddy
Goanna Technologies Pty Ltd
+61 8 9444 2634

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