Per-task file descriptors and eventually a "real" shell

Isaac Gutekunst isaac.gutekunst at
Mon Oct 5 13:20:16 UTC 2015

Hi Ian,

That's exciting! I clearly should have looked a bit harder before posting. Is there any special 
config? Or is it sufficient to instantiate another shell with a different file descriptor for IO?


On 10/04/2015 09:22 PM, Ian Caddy wrote:
> Hi Isaac,
> On 3/10/2015 4:24 AM, Isaac Gutekunst wrote:
>> Hey,
>> The hack would be that file descriptors 0,1 and 2 are not part of a
>> global namespace of file descriptors, and potentially refer to different
>> actual IO devices on a per task basis.
>> The motivation here would be creating a more functional shell and
>> support easy IO redirection for logging, and running multiple shell
>> instances, perhaps via multiple telnet and serial sessions.
> Maybe I am missing something, but we do all this currently with the shell.
> We have a serial port access, and we have multiple telnet / ssh access to our devices providing
> multiple shells with no problems.
> We also redirect the stdio for all the application tasks to print to an application log instead
> on the shell.  This is all completely doable now, as as far as I know newlib provides a per
> task stdin, etc.
> Just start your task and point them where you want them to go.
> regards,
> Ian Caddy

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