[PATCH 00/13] Replace mongoose with civetweb.

Christian Mauderer christian.mauderer at embedded-brains.de
Fri Apr 22 05:04:52 UTC 2016

Yes that's right. 05/13 just adds the unchanged sources from civetweb.
Beneath civetweb.c and civetweb.h it also adds handle_form.inl and
md5.inl. The last two files are included into civetweb.c. According to
the documentation "The *INL* file extension represents code that is
statically included inline in a source file."

And yes: The patch didn't get through. I have got a replay that "Your
message to devel awaits moderator approval". The civetweb.c file is over
300k and the mailing list seems to have a maximum of 256k. I hoped that
one of the mail admins would approve the patch soon.

Am 21.04.2016 um 22:49 schrieb Gedare Bloom:
> I think patch 05/13 probably adds civetweb.c and civetweb.h? But it
> did not come through the mailman.
> On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 4:46 PM, Gedare Bloom <gedare at rtems.org> wrote:
>> P.S. might be worth it to open a ticket related to civetweb and
>> #update it from these patches.
>> On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 4:45 PM, Gedare Bloom <gedare at rtems.org> wrote:
>>> Is the plan eventually to be able to use the upstream civetweb? or to
>>> track it with our own copy?
>>> On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 4:49 AM, Christian Mauderer
>>> <christian.mauderer at embedded-brains.de> wrote:
>>>> This patch series replaces the mongoose webserver by its still MIT
>>>> licensed fork civetweb.
>>>> Please note that I try to get some (currently two) of the patches
>>>> directly into civetweb too. But I think that it might need some time and
>>>> adaption till they are accepted. So I thought that adding them to RTEMS
>>>> would still make sense as a working interim solution.
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embedded brains GmbH
Christian Mauderer
Dornierstr. 4
D-82178 Puchheim
email: christian.mauderer at embedded-brains.de
Phone: +49-89-18 94 741 - 18
Fax:   +49-89-18 94 741 - 08
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