Fwd: rtems interrupt

Ярослав Лещинский midniwalker at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 18:46:37 UTC 2016

Hi everyone. I need help with interrupt manager for stm32f4. Here is my
test project https://github.com/MiDWalkeR/try_rtems. I took example code
from hello_world_c and modify it: added my own drivers for exti and gpio.
Drivers was checked without rtems and working well.

Board - stm32f446re.

When i flash my device in terminal i see code line number from
exti_event.c, that means that task is working. When i push the button all
breaks down only reset can help. When i enable my own exti interrupt method
without rtems_interrupt_handler_install and push the button in terminal i
get the string "spurious interrupt: 40". - that means interrupt was

How correct should i config interrupt manager?

It's looks like i'm making some stupid mistake(-s), but don't see them...

Thanks for any advice.


С уважением, Лещинский Ярослав.


С уважением, Лещинский Ярослав.
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