[PATCH] api: Remove deprecated task variables

Aun-Ali Zaidi admin at kodeit.net
Tue Mar 1 03:46:17 UTC 2016

Task variables were a feature of RTEMS' Tasks which functioned in the same way
as POSIX keys and TLS.

In addition to their scarce usage they are not SMP safe.

updates #2494.
 c/src/ada/rtems-tasks.adb                          |  65 ---
 c/src/ada/rtems-tasks.ads                          |  20 -
 .../lib/libbsp/powerpc/gen5200/include/bestcomm.h  |  20 -
 cpukit/librpc/src/rpc/clnt_raw.c                   |   4 +-
 cpukit/rtems/Makefile.am                           |   7 -
 cpukit/rtems/include/rtems/rtems/tasks.h           |  46 ---
 cpukit/rtems/include/rtems/rtems/tasksimpl.h       |  15 -
 cpukit/rtems/mainpage.h                            |  37 --
 cpukit/rtems/src/tasks.c                           |  75 +---
 cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariable_invoke_dtor.c        |  52 ---
 cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariableadd.c                 |  97 -----
 cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariabledelete.c              |  86 ----
 cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariableget.c                 |  88 -----
 cpukit/sapi/include/confdefs.h                     |  50 +--
 cpukit/score/include/rtems/score/thread.h          |  34 --
 testsuites/psxtests/psxconfig01/init.c             |  29 --
 testsuites/psxtests/psxconfig01/psxconfig01.scn    |   8 +-
 testsuites/sptests/sp28/Makefile.am                |  22 --
 testsuites/sptests/sp28/init.c                     | 439 ---------------------
 testsuites/sptests/sp28/sp28.doc                   |   0
 testsuites/sptests/sp28/sp28.scn                   |  17 -
 21 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 1201 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariable_invoke_dtor.c
 delete mode 100644 cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariableadd.c
 delete mode 100644 cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariabledelete.c
 delete mode 100644 cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariableget.c
 delete mode 100644 testsuites/sptests/sp28/Makefile.am
 delete mode 100644 testsuites/sptests/sp28/init.c
 delete mode 100644 testsuites/sptests/sp28/sp28.doc
 delete mode 100644 testsuites/sptests/sp28/sp28.scn

diff --git a/c/src/ada/rtems-tasks.adb b/c/src/ada/rtems-tasks.adb
index b809fcf..1fc7fcd 100644
--- a/c/src/ada/rtems-tasks.adb
+++ b/c/src/ada/rtems-tasks.adb
@@ -203,71 +203,6 @@ package body RTEMS.Tasks is
    end Mode;
-   procedure Variable_Add
-     (ID            : in RTEMS.ID;
-      Task_Variable : in RTEMS.Address;
-      Dtor          : in Variable_Dtor;
-      Result        : out RTEMS.Status_Codes)
-   is
-      function Variable_Add_Base
-        (ID            : RTEMS.ID;
-         Task_Variable : RTEMS.Address;
-         Dtor          : Variable_Dtor)
-         return          RTEMS.Status_Codes;
-      pragma Import (C, Variable_Add_Base, "rtems_task_variable_add");
-   begin
-      Result := Variable_Add_Base (ID, Task_Variable, Dtor);
-   end Variable_Add;
-   procedure Variable_Get
-     (ID                  : in RTEMS.ID;
-      Task_Variable       : out RTEMS.Address;
-      Task_Variable_Value : out RTEMS.Address;
-      Result              : out RTEMS.Status_Codes)
-   is
-      function Variable_Get_Base
-        (ID                  : RTEMS.ID;
-         Task_Variable       : access RTEMS.Address;
-         Task_Variable_Value : access RTEMS.Address)
-         return                RTEMS.Status_Codes;
-      pragma Import (C, Variable_Get_Base, "rtems_task_variable_get");
-      Task_Variable_Base       : aliased RTEMS.Address;
-      Task_Variable_Value_Base : aliased RTEMS.Address;
-   begin
-      Result              :=
-         Variable_Get_Base
-           (ID,
-            Task_Variable_Base'Access,
-            Task_Variable_Value_Base'Access);
-      Task_Variable       := Task_Variable_Base;
-      Task_Variable_Value := Task_Variable_Value_Base;
-   end Variable_Get;
-   procedure Variable_Delete
-     (ID            : in RTEMS.ID;
-      Task_Variable : out RTEMS.Address;
-      Result        : out RTEMS.Status_Codes)
-   is
-      function Variable_Delete_Base
-        (ID            : RTEMS.ID;
-         Task_Variable : access RTEMS.Address)
-         return          RTEMS.Status_Codes;
-      pragma Import
-        (C,
-         Variable_Delete_Base,
-         "rtems_task_variable_delete");
-      Task_Variable_Base : aliased RTEMS.Address;
-   begin
-      Result        := Variable_Delete_Base (ID, Task_Variable_Base'Access);
-      Task_Variable := Task_Variable_Base;
-   end Variable_Delete;
    procedure Wake_When
      (Time_Buffer : in RTEMS.Time_Of_Day;
       Result      : out RTEMS.Status_Codes)
diff --git a/c/src/ada/rtems-tasks.ads b/c/src/ada/rtems-tasks.ads
index c1f200b..52a87b3 100644
--- a/c/src/ada/rtems-tasks.ads
+++ b/c/src/ada/rtems-tasks.ads
@@ -122,26 +122,6 @@ package RTEMS.Tasks is
    pragma Convention (C, Variable_Dtor);
-   procedure Variable_Add (
-      ID            : in     RTEMS.ID;
-      Task_Variable : in     RTEMS.Address;
-      Dtor          : in     Variable_Dtor;
-      Result        :    out RTEMS.Status_Codes
-   );
-   procedure Variable_Get (
-      ID                  : in     RTEMS.ID;
-      Task_Variable       :    out RTEMS.Address;
-      Task_Variable_Value :    out RTEMS.Address;
-      Result              :    out RTEMS.Status_Codes
-   );
-   procedure Variable_Delete (
-      ID                  : in     RTEMS.ID;
-      Task_Variable       :    out RTEMS.Address;
-      Result              :    out RTEMS.Status_Codes
-   );
    procedure Wake_When (
       Time_Buffer : in     RTEMS.Time_Of_Day;
       Result      :    out RTEMS.Status_Codes
diff --git a/c/src/lib/libbsp/powerpc/gen5200/include/bestcomm.h b/c/src/lib/libbsp/powerpc/gen5200/include/bestcomm.h
index 3664655..92c410f 100644
--- a/c/src/lib/libbsp/powerpc/gen5200/include/bestcomm.h
+++ b/c/src/lib/libbsp/powerpc/gen5200/include/bestcomm.h
@@ -220,24 +220,6 @@ static inline bool bestcomm_task_is_running(const bestcomm_task *self)
   return (*self->task_control_register & SDMA_TCR_EN) != 0;
-static inline uint32_t bestcomm_get_task_variable(const bestcomm_task *self, size_t index)
-  assert(index < VAR_COUNT);
-  return (*self->variable_table)[index];
-static inline volatile uint32_t *bestcomm_task_get_address_of_variable(const bestcomm_task *self, size_t index)
-  assert(index < VAR_COUNT);
-  return &(*self->variable_table)[index];
-static inline void bestcomm_task_set_variable(const bestcomm_task *self, size_t index, uint32_t value)
-  assert(index < VAR_COUNT);
-  (*self->variable_table)[index] = value;
 static inline uint32_t bestcomm_task_get_increment_and_condition(const bestcomm_task *self, size_t index)
   assert(index < INC_COUNT);
@@ -269,8 +251,6 @@ static inline void bestcomm_task_set_increment(const bestcomm_task *self, size_t
   bestcomm_task_set_increment_and_condition_32(self, index, INC_INIT(0, inc));
-void bestcomm_task_clear_variables(const bestcomm_task *self);
 static inline uint32_t bestcomm_task_get_opcode(const bestcomm_task *self, size_t index)
   assert(index < self->tdt_opcode_count);
diff --git a/cpukit/librpc/src/rpc/clnt_raw.c b/cpukit/librpc/src/rpc/clnt_raw.c
index c522cec..1432cfc 100644
--- a/cpukit/librpc/src/rpc/clnt_raw.c
+++ b/cpukit/librpc/src/rpc/clnt_raw.c
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ struct clnt_raw_private {
 	} u;
 	u_int	mcnt;
-#define clntraw_private (rtems_rpc_task_variables->clnt_raw_private)
+#define clntraw_private (NULL)
 static enum clnt_stat	clntraw_call(CLIENT *h, rpcproc_t proc, xdrproc_t xargs, void *argsp, xdrproc_t xresults, void *resultsp, struct timeval timeout);
 static void		clntraw_abort(void);
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ clntraw_create(
 		clp = (struct clnt_raw_private *)calloc(1, sizeof (*clp));
 		if (clp == 0)
 			return (0);
-		clntraw_private = clp;
+		clp = clntraw_private;
 	 * pre-serialize the static part of the call msg and stash it away
diff --git a/cpukit/rtems/Makefile.am b/cpukit/rtems/Makefile.am
index c92a7c8..acca419 100644
--- a/cpukit/rtems/Makefile.am
+++ b/cpukit/rtems/Makefile.am
@@ -104,13 +104,6 @@ librtems_a_SOURCES += src/taskstart.c
 librtems_a_SOURCES += src/tasksuspend.c
 librtems_a_SOURCES += src/taskwakeafter.c
 librtems_a_SOURCES += src/taskwakewhen.c
-librtems_a_SOURCES += src/taskvariableadd.c
-librtems_a_SOURCES += src/taskvariabledelete.c
-librtems_a_SOURCES += src/taskvariableget.c
-librtems_a_SOURCES += src/taskvariable_invoke_dtor.c
 librtems_a_SOURCES += src/schedulergetprocessorset.c
 librtems_a_SOURCES += src/schedulerident.c
diff --git a/cpukit/rtems/include/rtems/rtems/tasks.h b/cpukit/rtems/include/rtems/rtems/tasks.h
index 11e2780..5f33e0b 100644
--- a/cpukit/rtems/include/rtems/rtems/tasks.h
+++ b/cpukit/rtems/include/rtems/rtems/tasks.h
@@ -372,52 +372,6 @@ rtems_status_code rtems_task_is_suspended(
   rtems_id   id
-#if !defined(RTEMS_SMP)
- *  @brief RTEMS Add Task Variable
- *
- *  @deprecated Task variables are deprecated.
- *
- *  This directive adds a per task variable.
- *
- *  @note This service is not available in SMP configurations.
- */
-rtems_status_code rtems_task_variable_add(
-  rtems_id  tid,
-  void    **ptr,
-  void    (*dtor)(void *)
- *  @brief Get a per-task variable
- *
- *  @deprecated Task variables are deprecated.
- *
- *  This directive gets the value of a task variable.
- *
- *  @note This service is not available in SMP configurations.
- */
-rtems_status_code rtems_task_variable_get(
-  rtems_id tid,
-  void **ptr,
-  void **result
- *  @brief RTEMS Delete Task Variable
- *
- *  @deprecated Task variables are deprecated.
- *
- *  This directive removes a per task variable.
- *
- *  @note This service is not available in SMP configurations.
- */
-rtems_status_code rtems_task_variable_delete(
-  rtems_id  tid,
-  void    **ptr
 #if defined(__RTEMS_HAVE_SYS_CPUSET_H__)
  * @brief Gets the processor affinity set of a task.
diff --git a/cpukit/rtems/include/rtems/rtems/tasksimpl.h b/cpukit/rtems/include/rtems/rtems/tasksimpl.h
index 3f8a873..82e8618 100644
--- a/cpukit/rtems/include/rtems/rtems/tasksimpl.h
+++ b/cpukit/rtems/include/rtems/rtems/tasksimpl.h
@@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ extern Thread_Information _RTEMS_tasks_Information;
 void _RTEMS_tasks_Initialize_user_tasks( void );
-#if !defined(RTEMS_SMP)
- *  @brief RTEMS Tasks Invoke Task Variable Destructor
- *
- *  @deprecated Task variables are deprecated.
- *
- *  This routine invokes the optional user provided destructor on the
- *  task variable and frees the memory for the task variable.
- */
-void _RTEMS_Tasks_Invoke_task_variable_dtor(
-  Thread_Control        *the_thread,
-  rtems_task_variable_t *tvp
 RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Thread_Control *_RTEMS_tasks_Allocate(void)
diff --git a/cpukit/rtems/mainpage.h b/cpukit/rtems/mainpage.h
index 9801bfb..4ee8420 100644
--- a/cpukit/rtems/mainpage.h
+++ b/cpukit/rtems/mainpage.h
@@ -854,43 +854,6 @@
  * the floating point unit is CPU dependent but will generally result in an
  * exception condition.
- * @section ClassicTasksSecPerTaskVariables Per Task Variables
- *
- * Per task variables are used to support global variables whose value may be
- * unique to a task. After indicating that a variable should be treated as
- * private (i.e. per-task) the task can access and modify the variable, but the
- * modifications will not appear to other tasks, and other tasks' modifications
- * to that variable will not affect the value seen by the task. This is
- * accomplished by saving and restoring the variable's value each time a task
- * switch occurs to or from the calling task.
- *
- * The value seen by other tasks, including those which have not added the
- * variable to their set and are thus accessing the variable as a common
- * location shared among tasks, can not be affected by a task once it has added
- * a variable to its local set. Changes made to the variable by other tasks
- * will not affect the value seen by a task which has added the variable to its
- * private set.
- *
- * This feature can be used when a routine is to be spawned repeatedly as
- * several independent tasks. Although each task will have its own stack, and
- * thus separate stack variables, they will all share the same static and
- * global variables. To make a variable not shareable (i.e. a "global" variable
- * that is specific to a single task), the tasks can call
- * rtems_task_variable_add() to make a separate copy of the variable for each
- * task, but all at the same physical address.
- *
- * Task variables increase the context switch time to and from the tasks that
- * own them so it is desirable to minimize the number of task variables. One
- * efficient method is to have a single task variable that is a pointer to a
- * dynamically allocated structure containing the task's private "global" data.
- *
- * A critical point with per-task variables is that each task must separately
- * request that the same global variable is per-task private.
- *
- * @b {WARNING}: Per-task variables are fundamentally incorrect in SMP
- *               systems and should not be used in SMP applications. They
- *               are disabled.
- *
  * @section ClassicTasksSecBuildingTaskAttributeSet Building a Task Attribute Set
  * In general, an attribute set is built by a bitwise OR of the desired
diff --git a/cpukit/rtems/src/tasks.c b/cpukit/rtems/src/tasks.c
index 832228e..09e1243 100644
--- a/cpukit/rtems/src/tasks.c
+++ b/cpukit/rtems/src/tasks.c
@@ -91,87 +91,18 @@ static void _RTEMS_tasks_Delete_extension(
   _ASR_Destroy( &api->Signal );
-static void _RTEMS_tasks_Terminate_extension(
-  Thread_Control *executing
-  /*
-   *  Free per task variable memory
-   *
-   *  Per Task Variables are only enabled in uniprocessor configurations.
-   */
-  #if !defined(RTEMS_SMP)
-    /*
-     * We know this is deprecated and don't want a warning on every BSP built.
-     */
-    #pragma GCC diagnostic push
-    #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
-    do { 
-      rtems_task_variable_t *tvp, *next;
-      tvp = executing->task_variables;
-      executing->task_variables = NULL;
-      while (tvp) {
-	next = (rtems_task_variable_t *)tvp->next;
-	_RTEMS_Tasks_Invoke_task_variable_dtor( executing, tvp );
-	tvp = next;
-      }
-    } while (0);
-    #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
-  #endif
-#if !defined(RTEMS_SMP)
- *  _RTEMS_tasks_Switch_extension
- *
- *  This extension routine is invoked at each context switch.
- *
- *  @note Since this only needs to address per-task variables, it is
- *        disabled entirely for SMP configurations.
- */
-static void _RTEMS_tasks_Switch_extension(
-  Thread_Control *executing,
-  Thread_Control *heir
-  rtems_task_variable_t *tvp;
-  /*
-   *  Per Task Variables are only enabled in uniprocessor configurations
-   */
-  tvp = executing->task_variables;
-  while (tvp) {
-    tvp->tval = *tvp->ptr;
-    *tvp->ptr = tvp->gval;
-    tvp = (rtems_task_variable_t *)tvp->next;
-  }
-  tvp = heir->task_variables;
-  while (tvp) {
-    tvp->gval = *tvp->ptr;
-    *tvp->ptr = tvp->tval;
-    tvp = (rtems_task_variable_t *)tvp->next;
-  }
-#define RTEMS_TASKS_SWITCH_EXTENSION _RTEMS_tasks_Switch_extension
 User_extensions_Control _RTEMS_tasks_User_extensions = {
   { NULL, NULL },
+  { { NULL, NULL }, NULL },
   { _RTEMS_tasks_Create_extension,            /* create */
     _RTEMS_tasks_Start_extension,             /* start */
     _RTEMS_tasks_Start_extension,             /* restart */
     _RTEMS_tasks_Delete_extension,            /* delete */
-    RTEMS_TASKS_SWITCH_EXTENSION,             /* switch */
+    NULL,                                     /* switch */
     NULL,                                     /* begin */
     NULL,                                     /* exitted */
     NULL,                                     /* fatal */
-    _RTEMS_tasks_Terminate_extension          /* terminate */
+    NULL                                      /* terminate */
diff --git a/cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariable_invoke_dtor.c b/cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariable_invoke_dtor.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b9213f2..0000000
--- a/cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariable_invoke_dtor.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- *  @file
- *
- *  @brief RTEMS Tasks Invoke Task Variable Destructor
- *  @ingroup ClassicTasks
- */
- *  COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2014.
- *  On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
- *
- *  The license and distribution terms for this file may be
- *  found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
- *  http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#if !defined(RTEMS_SMP)
-#include <rtems/rtems/tasksimpl.h>
-#include <rtems/score/threadimpl.h>
-#include <rtems/score/wkspace.h>
- * We know this is deprecated and don't want a warning on every BSP built.
- */
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
-void _RTEMS_Tasks_Invoke_task_variable_dtor(
-  Thread_Control        *the_thread,
-  rtems_task_variable_t *tvp
-  void (*dtor)(void *);
-  void *value;
-  dtor = tvp->dtor;
-  if (_Thread_Get_executing() == the_thread) {
-    value = *tvp->ptr;
-    *tvp->ptr = tvp->gval;
-  } else {
-    value = tvp->tval;
-  }
-  if ( dtor )
-    (*dtor)(value);
-  _Workspace_Free(tvp);
diff --git a/cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariableadd.c b/cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariableadd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fea945..0000000
--- a/cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariableadd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- *  @file
- *
- *  @brief RTEMS Add Task Variable
- *  @ingroup ClassicTasks
- */
- *  COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2014.
- *  On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
- *
- *  The license and distribution terms for this file may be
- *  found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
- *  http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#if !defined(RTEMS_SMP)
-#include <rtems/rtems/tasks.h>
-#include <rtems/score/threadimpl.h>
-#include <rtems/score/wkspace.h>
-#include <rtems/config.h>
- * We know this is deprecated and don't want a warning on every BSP built.
- */
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
-rtems_status_code rtems_task_variable_add(
-  rtems_id tid,
-  void **ptr,
-  void (*dtor)(void *)
-  Thread_Control        *the_thread;
-  Objects_Locations      location;
-  rtems_task_variable_t *tvp, *new;
-#if defined( RTEMS_SMP )
-  if ( rtems_configuration_is_smp_enabled() ) {
-  }
-  if ( !ptr )
-  the_thread = _Thread_Get (tid, &location);
-  switch (location) {
-    case OBJECTS_LOCAL:
-      /*
-       *  Figure out if the variable is already in this task's list.
-       */
-      tvp = the_thread->task_variables;
-      while (tvp) {
-        if (tvp->ptr == ptr) {
-          tvp->dtor = dtor;
-          _Objects_Put( &the_thread->Object );
-          return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL;
-        }
-        tvp = (rtems_task_variable_t *)tvp->next;
-      }
-      /*
-       *  Now allocate memory for this task variable.
-       */
-      new = (rtems_task_variable_t *)
-         _Workspace_Allocate(sizeof(rtems_task_variable_t));
-      if (new == NULL) {
-        _Objects_Put( &the_thread->Object );
-        return RTEMS_NO_MEMORY;
-      }
-      new->gval = *ptr;
-      new->ptr = ptr;
-      new->dtor = dtor;
-      new->next = (struct rtems_task_variable_tt *)the_thread->task_variables;
-      the_thread->task_variables = new;
-      _Objects_Put( &the_thread->Object );
-      return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL;
-      _Thread_Dispatch();
-    case OBJECTS_ERROR:
-      break;
-  }
diff --git a/cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariabledelete.c b/cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariabledelete.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f7f84e..0000000
--- a/cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariabledelete.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- *  @file
- *
- *  @brief RTEMS Delete Task Variable
- *  @ingroup ClassicTasks
- */
- *  COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2014.
- *  On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
- *
- *  The license and distribution terms for this file may be
- *  found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
- *  http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#if !defined(RTEMS_SMP)
-#include <rtems/rtems/tasksimpl.h>
-#include <rtems/score/threadimpl.h>
-#include <rtems/score/wkspace.h>
-#include <rtems/config.h>
- * We know this is deprecated and don't want a warning on every BSP built.
- */
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
-rtems_status_code rtems_task_variable_delete(
-  rtems_id  tid,
-  void    **ptr
-  Thread_Control        *the_thread;
-  Objects_Locations      location;
-  rtems_task_variable_t *tvp, *prev;
-#if defined( RTEMS_SMP )
-  if ( rtems_configuration_is_smp_enabled() ) {
-  }
-  if ( !ptr )
-  prev = NULL;
-  the_thread = _Thread_Get (tid, &location);
-  switch (location) {
-    case OBJECTS_LOCAL:
-      tvp = the_thread->task_variables;
-      while (tvp) {
-        if (tvp->ptr == ptr) {
-          if (prev)
-            prev->next = tvp->next;
-          else
-            the_thread->task_variables = (rtems_task_variable_t *)tvp->next;
-          _RTEMS_Tasks_Invoke_task_variable_dtor( the_thread, tvp );
-          _Objects_Put( &the_thread->Object );
-          return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL;
-        }
-        prev = tvp;
-        tvp = (rtems_task_variable_t *)tvp->next;
-      }
-      _Objects_Put( &the_thread->Object );
-      _Thread_Dispatch();
-    case OBJECTS_ERROR:
-        break;
-  }
diff --git a/cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariableget.c b/cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariableget.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b9cd25..0000000
--- a/cpukit/rtems/src/taskvariableget.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- *
- * @brief Get a per-task variable
- * @ingroup ClassicTasks Tasks
- */
- *  COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2014.
- *  On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
- *
- *  The license and distribution terms for this file may be
- *  found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
- *  http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#if !defined(RTEMS_SMP)
-#include <rtems/rtems/tasksimpl.h>
-#include <rtems/score/threadimpl.h>
-#include <rtems/score/wkspace.h>
-#include <rtems/config.h>
- * We know this is deprecated and don't want a warning on every BSP built.
- */
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
-rtems_status_code rtems_task_variable_get(
-  rtems_id tid,
-  void **ptr,
-  void **result
-  Thread_Control        *the_thread;
-  Objects_Locations      location;
-  rtems_task_variable_t *tvp;
-#if defined( RTEMS_SMP )
-  if ( rtems_configuration_is_smp_enabled() ) {
-  }
-  if ( !ptr )
-  if ( !result )
-  the_thread = _Thread_Get (tid, &location);
-  switch (location) {
-    case OBJECTS_LOCAL:
-      /*
-       *  Figure out if the variable is in this task's list.
-       */
-      tvp = the_thread->task_variables;
-      while (tvp) {
-        if (tvp->ptr == ptr) {
-	  /*
-	   * Should this return the current (i.e not the
-	   * saved) value if `tid' is the current task?
-	   */
-          *result = tvp->tval;
-          _Objects_Put( &the_thread->Object );
-          return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL;
-        }
-        tvp = (rtems_task_variable_t *)tvp->next;
-      }
-      _Objects_Put( &the_thread->Object );
-      _Thread_Dispatch();
-    case OBJECTS_ERROR:
-      break;
-  }
diff --git a/cpukit/sapi/include/confdefs.h b/cpukit/sapi/include/confdefs.h
index ee2558c..8afe9a0 100644
--- a/cpukit/sapi/include/confdefs.h
+++ b/cpukit/sapi/include/confdefs.h
@@ -2067,42 +2067,6 @@ extern rtems_initialization_tasks_table Initialization_tasks[];
   #define CONFIGURE_TASKS \
-  /**
-   * This macro calculates the memory required for task variables.
-   *
-   * @deprecated Task variables are deprecated.
-   *
-   * Each task variable is individually allocated from the Workspace.
-   * Hence, we do the multiplication on the configured size.
-   *
-   * @note Per-task variables are disabled for SMP configurations.
-   */
-  #if defined(RTEMS_SMP)
-      #warning "Per-Task Variables are deprecated and will be removed."
-      #error "Per-Task Variables are not safe for SMP systems and disabled."
-    #endif
-    #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TASK_VARIABLES                     0
-    #define CONFIGURE_MEMORY_FOR_TASK_VARIABLES(_task_variables) 0
-  #else
-      /** This macro specifies the maximum number of task variables. */
-      #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TASK_VARIABLES                     0
-      /**
-       * This macro is calculated to specify the memory required for task
-       * variables.
-       *
-       * This is an internal parameter.
-       */
-      #define CONFIGURE_MEMORY_FOR_TASK_VARIABLES(_task_variables) 0
-    #else
-      #warning "Per-Task Variables are deprecated and will be removed."
-      #define CONFIGURE_MEMORY_FOR_TASK_VARIABLES(_task_variables) \
-	(_task_variables) * \
-	   _Configure_From_workspace(sizeof(rtems_task_variable_t))
-    #endif
-  #endif
     /** This specifies the maximum number of Classic API timers. */
     #define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TIMERS             0
@@ -2805,9 +2769,6 @@ extern rtems_initialization_tasks_table Initialization_tasks[];
@@ -2832,9 +2793,6 @@ extern rtems_initialization_tasks_table Initialization_tasks[];
   /** This specifies the maximum number of Go co-routines. */
-  /** This specifies the maximum number of Go per-task variables required. */
   /** This specifies the maximum number of Go channels required. */
@@ -3054,9 +3012,7 @@ extern rtems_initialization_tasks_table Initialization_tasks[];
  * Classic API as configured.
@@ -3553,7 +3509,6 @@ extern rtems_initialization_tasks_table Initialization_tasks[];
     /* Classic API Pieces */
     uint32_t CLASSIC_TASKS;
-    uint32_t TASK_VARIABLES;
     uint32_t TIMERS;
     uint32_t SEMAPHORES;
     uint32_t MESSAGE_QUEUES;
@@ -3606,9 +3561,6 @@ extern rtems_initialization_tasks_table Initialization_tasks[];
     /* Classic API Pieces */
diff --git a/cpukit/score/include/rtems/score/thread.h b/cpukit/score/include/rtems/score/thread.h
index 69caef1..04293bb 100644
--- a/cpukit/score/include/rtems/score/thread.h
+++ b/cpukit/score/include/rtems/score/thread.h
@@ -178,35 +178,6 @@ typedef enum {
 typedef void (*Thread_CPU_budget_algorithm_callout )( Thread_Control * );
-#if !defined(RTEMS_SMP)
- *  @brief Forward reference to the per task variable structure..
- *
- *  Forward reference to the per task variable structure.
- */
-struct rtems_task_variable_tt;
- *  @brief Internal structure used to manager per task variables.
- *
- *  This is the internal structure used to manager per Task Variables.
- */
-typedef struct {
-  /** This field points to the next per task variable for this task. */
-  struct rtems_task_variable_tt  *next;
-  /** This field points to the physical memory location of this per
-   *  task variable.
-   */
-  void                          **ptr;
-  /** This field is to the global value for this per task variable. */
-  void                           *gval;
-  /** This field is to this thread's value for this per task variable. */
-  void                           *tval;
-  /** This field points to the destructor for this per task variable. */
-  void                          (*dtor)(void *);
-} rtems_task_variable_t;
  *  The following structure contains the information which defines
  *  the starting state of a thread.
@@ -829,11 +800,6 @@ struct _Thread_Control {
   /** This array contains the API extension area pointers. */
   void                                 *API_Extensions[ THREAD_API_LAST + 1 ];
-#if !defined(RTEMS_SMP)
-  /** This field points to the set of per task variables. */
-  rtems_task_variable_t                *task_variables;
    * This is the thread key value chain's control, which is used
    * to track all key value for specific thread, and when thread
diff --git a/testsuites/psxtests/psxconfig01/init.c b/testsuites/psxtests/psxconfig01/init.c
index b4c555e..6fdb709 100644
--- a/testsuites/psxtests/psxconfig01/init.c
+++ b/testsuites/psxtests/psxconfig01/init.c
@@ -57,9 +57,6 @@ const char rtems_test_name[] = "PSXCONFIG 1";
-#if !defined(RTEMS_SMP)
@@ -203,10 +200,6 @@ typedef struct {
 static char posix_name [NAME_MAX];
-#if !defined(RTEMS_SMP)
-  static void *task_var;
 static char *get_posix_name(char a, char b, char c, int i)
   posix_name [NAME_MAX - 5] = a;
@@ -217,13 +210,6 @@ static char *get_posix_name(char a, char b, char c, int i)
   return posix_name;
-#if !defined(RTEMS_SMP)
-static void task_var_dtor(void *var RTEMS_UNUSED)
-  /* Do nothing */
 static void *posix_thread(void *arg RTEMS_UNUSED)
@@ -436,21 +422,6 @@ static rtems_task Init(rtems_task_argument argument)
-#if !defined(RTEMS_SMP)
-  /*
-   * We know this is deprecated and don't want a warning on every BSP built.
-   */
-  #pragma GCC diagnostic push
-  #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
-    for (i = 0; i < CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TASK_VARIABLES; ++i) {
-      sc = rtems_task_variable_add(RTEMS_SELF, &task_var, task_var_dtor);
-      directive_failed(sc, "rtems_task_variable_add");
-    }
-  #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
   for (i = 0; i < CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TIMERS; ++i) {
     sc = rtems_timer_create(name, &id);
diff --git a/testsuites/psxtests/psxconfig01/psxconfig01.scn b/testsuites/psxtests/psxconfig01/psxconfig01.scn
index c2aeee5..ff5d0cc 100644
--- a/testsuites/psxtests/psxconfig01/psxconfig01.scn
+++ b/testsuites/psxtests/psxconfig01/psxconfig01.scn
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-used blocks = 61, largest used block = 8264, used space = 78792
-free blocks = 1, largest free block = 115944, free space = 115944
+used blocks = 52, largest used block = 16024, used space = 76888
+free blocks = 1, largest free block = 92984, free space = 92984
 object creation done
-used blocks = 280, largest used block = 8264, used space = 193704
-free blocks = 1, largest free block = 1032, free space = 1032
+used blocks = 136, largest used block = 16024, used space = 169696
+free blocks = 1, largest free block = 176, free space = 176
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sp28/Makefile.am b/testsuites/sptests/sp28/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index d02ff97..0000000
--- a/testsuites/sptests/sp28/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-rtems_tests_PROGRAMS = sp28
-sp28_SOURCES = init.c
-dist_rtems_tests_DATA = sp28.scn
-dist_rtems_tests_DATA += sp28.doc
-include $(RTEMS_ROOT)/make/custom/@RTEMS_BSP at .cfg
-include $(top_srcdir)/../automake/compile.am
-include $(top_srcdir)/../automake/leaf.am
-AM_CPPFLAGS += -I$(top_srcdir)/../support/include
-sp28$(EXEEXT): $(sp28_OBJECTS) $(sp28_DEPENDENCIES)
-	@rm -f sp28$(EXEEXT)
-	$(make-exe)
-include $(top_srcdir)/../automake/local.am
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sp28/init.c b/testsuites/sptests/sp28/init.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4798bff..0000000
--- a/testsuites/sptests/sp28/init.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
- *  COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2012.
- *  On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
- *
- *  The license and distribution terms for this file may be
- *  found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
- *  http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <tmacros.h>
-#include <bsp.h>
-#include <rtems/error.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-const char rtems_test_name[] = "SP 28";
-/* forward declarations to avoid warnings */
-rtems_task Init(rtems_task_argument argument);
-rtems_task subtask(rtems_task_argument arg);
-rtems_task Task_variable_deleter(rtems_task_argument ignored);
-void starttask(int arg);
-void test_errors(void);
-void test_dtor(void *pointer);
-void test_multiple_taskvars(void);
-void test_out_of_memory(void);
-rtems_task Other_Task(rtems_task_argument ignored);
-void test_delete_from_other_task(void);
-void test_delete_as_side_effect(void);
-volatile void *taskvar;
-volatile int nRunning;
-volatile int nDeleted;
-subtask (rtems_task_argument arg)
-  uintptr_t         localvar = arg;
-  int               i;
-  rtems_status_code sc;
-  nRunning++;
-  while (nRunning != 3)
-    rtems_task_wake_after (0);
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_add(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar, NULL);
-  directive_failed( sc, "task variable add" );
-  taskvar = (void *)localvar;
-  while (localvar < 1000) {
-    localvar++;
-    rtems_task_wake_after (0);
-    taskvar = (void *)((uintptr_t)taskvar + 1);
-    rtems_task_wake_after (0);
-    if ((uintptr_t)taskvar != localvar) {
-      printf(
-        "Task:%" PRIdrtems_task_argument " taskvar:%" PRIuPTR
-          " localvar:%" PRIuPTR "\n",
-        arg,
-        (uintptr_t)taskvar,
-        localvar
-      );
-      rtems_task_suspend (RTEMS_SELF);
-    }
-  }
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_delete(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar);
-  nDeleted++;
-  directive_failed( sc, "task variable delete" );
-  if ((uintptr_t)taskvar == localvar) {
-    printf(
-      "Task:%" PRIdrtems_task_argument " deleted taskvar:%" PRIuPTR
-        " localvar:%" PRIuPTR "\n",
-      arg,
-      (uintptr_t)taskvar,
-      localvar
-    );
-    nRunning--;
-    rtems_task_suspend (RTEMS_SELF);
-  }
-  while (nDeleted != 3)
-    rtems_task_wake_after (0);
-  for (i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i++) {
-    taskvar = (void *)(localvar = 100 * arg);
-    rtems_task_wake_after(0);
-    if (nRunning <= 1)
-      break;
-    if ((uintptr_t)taskvar == localvar) {
-      printf(
-        "Task:%" PRIdrtems_task_argument " taskvar:%" PRIuPTR
-          " localvar:%" PRIuPTR "\n",
-       arg,
-       (uintptr_t)taskvar,
-       localvar
-      );
-      nRunning--;
-      rtems_task_suspend(RTEMS_SELF);
-    }
-  }
-  nRunning--;
-  while (nRunning)
-    rtems_task_wake_after(0);
-  TEST_END();
-  rtems_test_exit(0);
-starttask (int arg)
-  rtems_id tid;
-  rtems_status_code sc;
-  sc = rtems_task_create(rtems_build_name ('S', 'R', 'V', arg + 'A'),
-    &tid
-  );
-  directive_failed( sc, "task create" );
-  sc = rtems_task_start(tid, subtask, arg);
-  directive_failed( sc, "task start" );
-volatile void *taskvar1;
-volatile void *taskvar2;
-volatile void *taskvar3;
-void test_errors(void)
-  rtems_status_code  sc;
-  void              *value;
-  /*
-   *  task variable add error status codes
-   */
-  puts( "task variable add - NULL pointer - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_add(RTEMS_SELF, NULL, NULL );
-  fatal_directive_status( sc, RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS, "add NULL pointer" );
-  /*
-   *  task variable get error status codes
-   */
-  puts( "task variable get - bad Id - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_get(
-    rtems_task_self() + 10,
-    (void **)&taskvar1,
-    &value
-  );
-  fatal_directive_status( sc, RTEMS_INVALID_ID, "bad Id" );
-  puts( "task variable get - NULL pointer - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_get(RTEMS_SELF, NULL, &value );
-  fatal_directive_status( sc, RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS, "get NULL pointer" );
-  puts( "task variable get - bad result - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_get(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar1, NULL);
-  fatal_directive_status( sc, RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS, "get bad result" );
-  puts( "task variable get - bad pointer - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_get(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar1, &value);
-  fatal_directive_status( sc, RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS, "get bad pointer" );
-  /*
-   *  task variable delete error status codes
-   */
-  puts( "task variable delete - bad Id - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_delete( rtems_task_self() + 10, (void **)&taskvar1 );
-  fatal_directive_status( sc, RTEMS_INVALID_ID, "bad Id" );
-  puts( "task variable delete - NULL pointer - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_delete(RTEMS_SELF, NULL);
-  fatal_directive_status( sc, RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS, "delete NULL pointer" );
-  puts( "task variable delete - bad pointer - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_delete(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar1);
-  fatal_directive_status( sc, RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS, "delete bad pointer" );
-volatile uint32_t test_dtor_ran;
-void test_dtor(void *pointer)
-  test_dtor_ran++;
-void test_multiple_taskvars(void)
-  rtems_status_code  sc;
-  void              *value;
-  test_dtor_ran = 0;
-  /*
-   *  Add multiple task variables and add each twice to
-   *  verify that behavior is OK
-   */
-  puts( "task variable add - bad Id - RTEMS_INVALID_ID" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_add(
-    rtems_task_self() + 10,
-    (void **)&taskvar1,
-    NULL
-  );
-  fatal_directive_status( sc, RTEMS_INVALID_ID, "bad Id" );
-  puts( "Adding multiple task variables" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_add(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar1, NULL);
-  directive_failed( sc, "add multiple #1" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_add(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar1, test_dtor);
-  directive_failed( sc, "add multiple #2" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_add(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar2, test_dtor);
-  directive_failed( sc, "add multiple #3" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_add(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar2, NULL);
-  directive_failed( sc, "add multiple #4" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_add(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar3, NULL);
-  directive_failed( sc, "add multiple #5" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_add(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar3, test_dtor);
-  directive_failed( sc, "add multiple #6" );
-  /*
-   *  Obtain task variables in various spots on the chain
-   */
-  puts( "Obtaining multiple task variables" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_get( RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar3, &value );
-  directive_failed( sc, "get multiple #1" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_get( RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar2, &value );
-  directive_failed( sc, "get multiple #2" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_get( RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar1, &value );
-  directive_failed( sc, "get multiple #2" );
-  /*
-   *  Delete task variables in various spots on the chain
-   */
-  /* to trip the destructors */
-  taskvar1 = (void *)1;
-  taskvar2 = (void *)2;
-  taskvar3 = (void *)3;
-  puts( "Deleting multiple task variables" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_delete(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar2);
-  directive_failed( sc, "delete multiple #1" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_delete(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar3);
-  directive_failed( sc, "delete multiple #2" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_delete(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar1);
-  directive_failed( sc, "delete multiple #3" );
-  if ( test_dtor_ran != 2 ) {
-    printf(
-      "Test dtor ran %" PRIu32 " times not 2 times as expected\n",
-       test_dtor_ran
-    );
-    rtems_test_exit(0);
-  }
-#define MAX_VARS 4096
-void *Pointers[MAX_VARS];
-void test_out_of_memory(void)
-  int                 i;
-  int                 max;
-  rtems_status_code   sc;
-  int                 ran_out = 0;
-  void              **base;
-  base = Pointers;
-  for (i=0 ; i<MAX_VARS ; i++ ) {
-    sc = rtems_task_variable_add(RTEMS_SELF, &base[i], NULL);
-    if ( sc == RTEMS_NO_MEMORY ) {
-      puts( "task_variable_add - returns NO_MEMORY" );
-      max = i;
-      ran_out = 1;
-      break;
-    }
-    directive_failed( sc, "add loop until out of memory" );
-  }
-  if ( !ran_out ) {
-    puts( "ERROR!!! did not run out of memory adding task variables!" );
-    rtems_test_exit(0);
-  }
-  for (i=0 ; i<max ; i++ ) {
-    sc = rtems_task_variable_delete(RTEMS_SELF, &base[i]);
-    directive_failed( sc, "delete loop until out of memory" );
-  }
-rtems_id main_task;
-rtems_id other_task;
-rtems_task Other_Task(rtems_task_argument ignored)
-  rtems_status_code sc;
-  puts( "Deleting task variables in another task" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_delete(main_task, (void **)&taskvar1);
-  directive_failed( sc, "delete loop for other task" );
-  (void) rtems_task_delete( RTEMS_SELF );
-void test_delete_from_other_task(void)
-  rtems_status_code sc;
-  test_dtor_ran = 0;
-  sc = rtems_task_ident( RTEMS_SELF, 0, &main_task );
-  directive_failed( sc, "task ident" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_add(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar1, test_dtor);
-  directive_failed( sc, "add for other task case" );
-  sc = rtems_task_create(rtems_build_name ('O', 'T', 'H', 'R'),
-    &other_task
-  );
-  directive_failed( sc, "task create other" );
-  sc = rtems_task_start(other_task, Other_Task, 0);
-  directive_failed( sc, "task start other" );
-  rtems_task_wake_after( 100 );
-  if ( test_dtor_ran != 1 ) {
-    printf(
-      "Test dtor ran %" PRIu32 " times not 1 times as expected\n",
-      test_dtor_ran
-    );
-    rtems_test_exit(0);
-  }
- *  Task which adds task variables just to delete them
- */
-rtems_task Task_variable_deleter(rtems_task_argument ignored)
-  rtems_status_code sc;
-  puts( "Adding multiple task variables to delete implicitly" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_add(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar1, test_dtor);
-  directive_failed( sc, "add multiple for delete #1" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_add(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar2, NULL);
-  directive_failed( sc, "add multiple for delete #2" );
-  sc = rtems_task_variable_add(RTEMS_SELF, (void **)&taskvar3, test_dtor);
-  directive_failed( sc, "add multiple for delete #3" );
-  (void) rtems_task_delete( RTEMS_SELF );
-void test_delete_as_side_effect(void)
-  rtems_status_code sc;
-  rtems_id          deleter_task;
-  test_dtor_ran = 0;
-  sc = rtems_task_create(rtems_build_name ('O', 'T', 'H', 'R'),
-    &deleter_task
-  );
-  directive_failed( sc, "task create deleter" );
-  sc = rtems_task_start(deleter_task, Task_variable_deleter, 0);
-  directive_failed( sc, "task start deleter" );
-  rtems_task_wake_after( 100 );
-  if ( test_dtor_ran != 2 ) {
-    printf(
-      "Test dtor ran %" PRIu32 " times not 2 times as expected\n",
-      test_dtor_ran
-    );
-    rtems_test_exit(0);
-  }
-rtems_task Init (rtems_task_argument ignored)
-  test_errors();
-  test_multiple_taskvars();
-  test_delete_as_side_effect();
-  test_delete_from_other_task();
-  starttask (1);
-  starttask (2);
-  starttask (3);
-  test_out_of_memory();
-  rtems_task_suspend (RTEMS_SELF);
-#define CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_TASKS              4
-#include <rtems/confdefs.h>
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sp28/sp28.doc b/testsuites/sptests/sp28/sp28.doc
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/testsuites/sptests/sp28/sp28.scn b/testsuites/sptests/sp28/sp28.scn
deleted file mode 100644
index 654ae97..0000000
--- a/testsuites/sptests/sp28/sp28.scn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-*** START OF TEST 28 ***
-task variable add - NULL pointer - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
-task variable get - bad Id - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
-task variable get - NULL pointer - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
-task variable get - bad result - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
-task variable get - bad pointer - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
-task variable delete - bad Id - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
-task variable delete - NULL pointer - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
-task variable delete - bad pointer - RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS
-task variable add - bad Id - RTEMS_INVALID_ID
-Adding multiple task variables
-Obtaining multiple task variables
-Deleting multiple task variables
-Adding multiple task variables to delete implicitly
-Deleting task variables in another task
-task_variable_add - returns NO_MEMORY
-*** END OF TEST 28 ***

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