A virtio front-end driver for RTEMS

Jinhyun jinhyun at konkuk.ac.kr
Tue Mar 8 10:43:12 UTC 2016

I am a graduate student of System Software Lab at Konkuk University
We are implementing a virtio front-end network driver for RTEMS and have 
published some preliminary results in ACM SIGBED Review
The current version of our implementation runs quite stably with RTEMS-pc386
over KVM hypervisor (linux 3.18.0). 
Now we are trying to make it work over VirtualBox. 

If the RTEMS community is interested in our work, we’d like to open the 
source codes and contribute to RTEMS. However, currently, we are not sure 
whether our virtio driver is better to be incorporated in an RTEMS 
source branch or to be managed separately through our own GitHub for
example. Please give your advice. 

with best regards, 

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