GSoC 2016 Participation

Павел Мовчан movchan.pv at
Fri Mar 18 22:03:50 UTC 2016

Hello all,

I want to work with RTEMS and do some work for it.
I find SMP and "Condition Variables"(status?) is very interesting for me. I
can do some work to improve smp locks and synchronization primitives.
"Merge Leon" project also seems interesting.
Maybe community can aim me to right direction..
I hope it is not too late to participate in GSoC. Anyway I want make some
contribution and get some new expirience in open source.

about me:
I am student (candidate for a Master's degree) of Siberian Aerospace
University (Russia). I want to find opportunity to improve my programming
skills (rtos, embedded systems) and I decide that work on RTEMS is it.
I have some experience in other rtos (tnkernel), but it's only application
software. With rtems I wrote small framework to test SpaceWire network,
that use concept of temporary tasks for parallel receive&transmit packets.
In my university I have access to some specific hardware like gr rasta
platform with Leon3FT.

p.s. Sorry for bad english

Movchan Pavel
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