Porting Rock on RTEMS

Joel Sherrill joel at rtems.org
Thu Mar 3 16:59:56 UTC 2016

On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 10:06 AM, Sambeet Panigrahi <sambeet161616 at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am interested in working on porting Rock to RTEMS for GSoC-2016.I have
> been trying to understand the Rock libraries and previous work undertaken
> regarding this project. I just wanted to know if this can be taken up as a
> GSoC project for this year? I have been getting mixed opinions about this
> in IRC and emails.Can you please provide some clarity to this?

There is no reason it can't be if there is someone from Rock who will
co-mentor. None of
the RTEMS core developers have experience with Rock.

There is also ROS which does not have an RTEMS port yet. That is desirable
also and
I am pretty sure we can get a ROS mentor.

I am assuming you want to work in robotics. :)


> Regards
> Sambeet
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