PWM driver tested in RTEMS with RGB

punit vara punitvara at
Thu May 12 06:37:17 UTC 2016

On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 5:22 PM, Chris Johns <chrisj at> wrote:
> On 6/05/2016 9:47 PM, punit vara wrote:
>> Official TI wiki page.
>> leads me to same repo.
>> If you are saying here we need to be careful than I would like to have
>> a suggestion from my mentors that from where should I copy the code ?
>> I think few days back Martin and Marcos both discussed licence issue
>> with Gedare. I hope they can help me regarding this.
> This is what I was after. The link is on a TI domain and as you indicate
> it does point to the SF site.
> Thanks for providing this. The code looks fine to me.
> Chris
Hi all!

I have successfully added original Ti Starter Ware code to RTEMS.
RTEMS build is also successful with this code.
Well patch is quite big needed moderator approval but I will reduce
size as community suggests.

Licence is added to .c file
Coding style preserved to original TI SW.
Full header file added from TI SW as it will be helpful for other BSP
development for BBB.

Please review code and let me know the issue.

Please consider following code as reference original code.

I have forked from sourceforge repo that I have already discussed.

This is my first patch after getting selected in GSOC'16. Any
suggestions are most welcome.

Thank you,
Punit Vara

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