Some problem in dlopen on Raspberry Pi (ARMv6)

Pavel Pisa ppisa4lists at
Thu May 19 13:05:20 UTC 2016

Hello Chris,

update. If I disable cache completely then I find code
relocated right at the given address

On Thursday 19 of May 2016 14:50:55 Pavel Pisa wrote:
> All seem to be right to this place but when I disassemble target
> function I get
>    0x1cb018:	push	{r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr}
>    0x1cb01c:	mov	r7, r0
>    0x1cb020:	mov	r6, r1
>    0x1cb024:	ldr	r0, [pc, #64]	; 0x1cb06c
>    0x1cb028:	ldr	r1, [r1]
>    0x1cb02c:	bl	0x1cb02c
>                         !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>    0x1cb030:	cmp	r7, #1
>    0x1cb034:	ble	0x1cb064
>    0x1cb038:	mov	r5, r6
>    0x1cb03c:	mov	r4, #1
> It seem that call to printf function is not updated.

   0x1cb018:	push	{r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr}
   0x1cb01c:	mov	r7, r0
   0x1cb020:	mov	r6, r1
   0x1cb024:	ldr	r0, [pc, #64]	; 0x1cb06c
   0x1cb028:	ldr	r1, [r1]
   0x1cb02c:	bl	0x73058 <printf>
   0x1cb030:	cmp	r7, #1
   0x1cb034:	ble	0x1cb064
   0x1cb038:	mov	r5, r6
   0x1cb03c:	mov	r4, #1

So it seems that update does not get into instruction
cache if cache is enabled and because I read not updated
code even by debugger I expect that it is lost even from
data cache. It seems like there is missing clear cache
operation before cache invalidate and cache invalidate
does not apply only to instructions but even to the data one.
Or there is missing drain data buffer.

Best wishes,


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