[PATCH] pc386: Add virtio network driver

Pavel Pisa pisa at cmp.felk.cvut.cz
Mon May 30 13:57:18 UTC 2016

Hello Jin-Hyun and Sebastian,

On Monday 30 of May 2016 15:06:40 Sebastian Huber wrote:
> Wouldn't it make sense to use the libbsd for this network interface driver?

my feeling is that from long run perspective is libBSD.

But I think that virtio netwok included in basic RTEMS stack is very
important which is based on assumption that there are more people
who use and are familiar with RTEMS integrated stack than who
started to use libBSD.

So I personally like idea to include this option to the standard sources.
I would like a little more if x86 specific part of virtio ends
in c/src/lib/libbsp/i386/pc386/virtio, but common part which can
be reused for other architectures and network driver specific part
is placed in rtems/c/src/lib/libbsp/shared and rtems/c/src/libchip/network.

It would worth to add x86 virtio to libBSD and even to lwIP
to have option to test all these stacks under quite spread KVM
based virtualization/test environment.

But generally, I would like if the code can be accepted to mainline.

Best wishes,


> On 30/05/16 13:08, Jinhyun wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > This is resubmitting of the virtio network driver.
> > We got delayed again to write ifdef'ed version of the driver.
> > We ifdef'ed RTEMS specific things of sources by RTEMS_VIRTIO_NET, and
> > wrote HOWTOUSE for
> > explaining how to use the virtio network driver and version of the
> > FreeBSD we used is there, too.
> > Let us know if there is any problem.
> >
> > I'm sorry to send these texts by reply.
> > I missed these things when I sent the original mail.

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