[PATCH v3] User Manual: Added rtems-tester in the docs

Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Thu Jun 1 01:40:01 UTC 2017

Thanks for patch. Comments in the email.

Note, I seem to have broken the section headings and will fix soon.

On 31/05/2017 23:33, Tanu Hari Dixit wrote:
> Adds as part of Tools
> ---
>  user/tools/index.rst        |   1 +
>  user/tools/rtems-tester.rst | 636 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  2 files changed, 637 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 user/tools/rtems-tester.rst
> diff --git a/user/tools/index.rst b/user/tools/index.rst
> index d77a7ca..9e2ca89 100644
> --- a/user/tools/index.rst
> +++ b/user/tools/index.rst
> @@ -21,3 +21,4 @@ executables.
>  .. include:: exeinfo.rst
>  .. include:: trace-linker.rst
>  .. include:: bsp-builder.rst
> +.. include:: rtems-tester.rst

Please call the file 'tester.rst'. This makes the naming consistent with the
other commands (hint: git mv ...).

> diff --git a/user/tools/rtems-tester.rst b/user/tools/rtems-tester.rst
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..425a1fb
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/user/tools/rtems-tester.rst
> @@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
> +.. comment SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
> +
> +.. comment: Copyright (c) 2017 Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org>
> +.. comment: All rights reserved.
> +
> +RTEMS Tester
> +============
> +
> +.. index:: Tools, rtems-tester
> +
> +The RTEMS Tester is a test framework. It includes a command line interface to
> +run tests on supported targets. The framework provides back-end support for
> +common simulators and debuggers. The board support package (BSP) configurations
> +for RTEMS are provided and can be used to run all the tests provided with
> +RTEMS. The framework is not specific to RTEMS and can be configured to run any
> +suitable application.
> +
> +RTEMS is an embedded operating system and is cross-compiled on a range of host
> +machines. The executables run on the target hardware and this can vary widely
> +from open source simulators, commercial simulators, debuggers with simulators,
> +to debuggers with hardware specific pods and devices. Testing RTEMS requires
> +the cross-compiled test executable is transferred to the target hardware,
> +executed and the output returned to the host where it is analyzed to determine
> +the test result. The RTEMS Tester provides a framework to do this.
> +
> +Running all the RTEMS tests on your target is very important. It provides you
> +with a traceable record showing that your RTEMS version and its tools are
> +working at the level the RTEMS development team expect when releasing
> +RTEMS. Being able to easily run the tests and verify the results is critical in
> +maintaining a high standard.
> +
> +The RTEMS Tester contains:
> +
> +* Command line tool (``rtems-test``)

Please use ":program:`rtems-test`". There are other places that need updating.

> +* BSP Configuration scripts
> +* Back-end Configuration scripts
> +* Back-end Python classes
> +* Python based framework
> +
> +This document is for users of the RTEMS Tester as well as those wanting to
> +develop, extend and investigate the RTEMS Tester.

I think "The RTEMS Tester contains:" ... here can be removed.

> +
> +License
> +-------
> +
> +The RTEMS Tester is part of the RTEMS Tools Project. The code is released under
> +the OSI approved "The BSD 2-Clause License". It is free to use and we encourage
> +this, including on operating systems other than RTEMS.
> +
> +The code and command line tools must retain the same names and always reference
> +the RTEMS Tools Project.
> +

This section can be removed.

> +Quick Start
> +-----------
> +
> +The quick start will show you how to run the test suite for a BSP. It will
> +explain how to get the RTEMS Tester, set it up and run the tests for the erc32
> +BSP. It assumes you have a valid SPARC tool chain and have built the erc32 BSP
> +version of RTEMS 4.12.
> +
> +Setup
> +-----
> +
> +Set up a development work space:
> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    $ cd
> +    $ mkdir -p development/rtems/test
> +    $ cd development/rtems/test
> +
> +First fetch the RTEMS tester from the RTEMS Tools repository:
> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    $ git clone git://git.rtems.org/rtems-tools.git rtems-tools.git
> +    $ cd rtems-tools.git/tester
> +

This section is not needed anymore. The User Manual should have covered this

> +Available BSP testers
> +---------------------
> +
> +You can list the available BSP testers with:
> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    $ ./rtems-test --list-bsps

       $ rtems-test --list-bsps

> +    arm920
> +    beagleboardxm
> +    jmr3904-run
> +    jmr3904
> +    mcf5235
> +    psim-run
> +    psim
> +    realview_pbx_a9_qemu
> +    sis-run
> +    sis
> +    xilinx_zynq_a9_qemu
> +    xilinx_zynq_a9_qemu_smp
> +    xilinx_zynq_zc706
> +    xilinx_zynq_zc706_qemu
> +
> +.. note:: The list is growing all the time and if your BSP is not supported we 
> +          encourage you to add it and submit the configuration back to the project.

Over 80 columns. Please make sure all text is wraps at 80 columns.

.. note:: The list is growing all the time and if your BSP is not supported we
          encourage you to add it and submit the configuration back to the

> +
> +Some of the BSPs may appear more than once in the list. These are aliased BSP
> +configurations that may use a different back-end. An example is the SPARC
> +Instruction Simulator (SIS) BSP. There is the 'sis' tester which uses the GDB
> +back-end and the 'sis-run' tester which uses the command line version of the SIS
> +simulator. We will show how to use ``rtems-test`` command with the SIS BSP
> +because it is easy to build an use.
> +
> +Adding support for a BSP to the tester
> +--------------------------------------
> +
> +To add support for a BSP, one should add a configuration file in 
> +``rtems-tools.git/tester/rtems/testing/bsps``. The configuration files 
> +should be specified in an INI file. The configuration files provide a 
> +means to the backend of `rtems-tester` to automate the running of tests.
> +There is the ``<bsp>`` tester which uses the GDB back-end and the ``<bsp>-run`` 
> +tester which uses the command line version of the respective simulator.
> +The general format for specifying an INI configuration file is as follows:
> +
> +<bsp>.ini:

Should this be ``<bsp>.ini``: ?

> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    [<bsp_name>]
> +    bsp = '<bsp_name>'
> +    gdb = '%{_rtscripts}/gdb.cfg'
> +    arch = '<arch_name>'
> +
> +    [gdb_script]
> +    gdb_script ='<bsp>_gdb_script'
> +    <bsp>_gdb_script =   '<Instructions for gdb
> +	    ...
> +	    ...>'
> +
> +<bsp>-run.ini:


> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    [<bsp_name>]
> +    bsp = '<bsp_name>'
> +
> +    [run]
> +    run = '%{_rtscripts}/run.cfg'
> +    arch = '<arch_name>'
> +    bsp_run_cmd = '%{rtems_tools}/%{bsp_arch}-rtems%{rtems_version}-run'
> +    bsp_run_opts = '<options>'
> +
> +Here is an example:
> +
> +arm7tdmi.ini:

And again?

> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    [arm7tdmi]
> +    bsp = 'arm7tdmi'
> +    gdb = '%{_rtscripts}/gdb.cfg'
> +    arch = 'arm'
> +
> +    [gdb_script]
> +    gdb_script ='arm7tdmi_gdb_script'
> +    arm7tdmi_gdb_script =   'target sim
> +        load
> +        run'
> +
> +arm7tdmi-run.ini:
> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    [arm7tdmi]
> +    bsp = 'arm7tdmi'
> +
> +    [run]
> +    run = '%{_rtscripts}/run.cfg'
> +    arch = 'arm'
> +    bsp_run_cmd = '%{rtems_tools}/%{bsp_arch}-rtems%{rtems_version}-run'
> +    bsp_run_opts = '-a -nouartrx'
> +
> +If the tester should run the tests on qemu for a bsp, the given pattern can 
> +be followed:
> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    [<bsp_name>]
> +    bsp = '<bsp_name>'
> +
> +    [qemu-script]
> +    run = '%{_rtscripts}/qemu.cfg'
> +    arch = '<arch_name>'
> +    opts = '%{qemu_opts_base} %{qemu_opts_no_net} -m 32M'
> +
> +For instance,
> +
> +generic_or1k.ini:
> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    [generic_or1k]
> +    bsp = 'generic_or1k'
> +
> +    [qemu-script]
> +    run = '%{_rtscripts}/qemu.cfg'
> +    arch = 'or32'
> +    opts = '%{qemu_opts_base} %{qemu_opts_no_net} -m 32M'
> +
> +User can also provide a "settings.ini" file in case a configuration file needs 
> +a path to, for instance, a first stage bootloader (fsbl) that is placed 
> +somewhere in the host machine. The settings.ini file can be passed with 
> +``rtems-test --with-settings = /path/to/settings/file`` option. The 
> +<bsp_name>.ini can contain defaults and the settings file can contain the 
> +user-specified configuration.
> +
> +
> +xilinx_zynq_zc706.ini:
> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    [<xilinx_zynq_zc706>]

Is the <> needed here?

> +    bsp =  'xilinx_zynq_zc706'

Is the extra whitespace needed ater the '=' ?

> +    jobs = '1'
> +
> +    [gdb-script]
> +    gdb =  '%{_rtscripts}/gdb.cfg'
> +    arch =  'arm'
> +    bsp_tty_dev =  ${settings:bsp_tty_dev}
> +    gdb_script =  'xilinx_zynq_zc706_gdb_script'
> +    xilinx_zynq_zc706_gdb_script =  'target remote kaka:3333
> +    mon load_image ${settings:path_to_fsbl} 0 elf
> +        mon resume 0
> +        mon sleep 4000
> +        mon halt
> +        load
> +        b bsp_reset
> +        continue'
> +
> +settings.ini:
> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    [settings]
> +    bsp_tty_dev = '/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART'
> +    path_to_fsbl = '/home/chris/development/si/work/hydra/boot/xilinx-zynq-fsbl/build/arm-rtems4.11-xilinx_zynq_zc706/hydra-fsbl.elf'

Please remove this. We should not document the hard coded paths. This can be
added later once we have figure this out.

> +
> +Building RTEMS Tests
> +--------------------
> +
> +Build RTEMS with a configuration command line something similar to:
> +
> +.. note:: The following assumes a Unix-type host and that the tools have been 
> +          built with a prefix of ``$HOME/development/rtems/4.12``.
> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    $ cd
> +    $ export PATH=$HOME/development/rtems/4.12/bin:$PATH
> +    $ mkdir -p development/rtems/kernel
> +    $ cd development/rtems/kernel
> +    $ git clone git://git.rtems.org/rtems.git rtems.git
> +    $ cd rtems.git
> +    $ ./bootstrap -c && ./bootstrap -p && ./bootstrap
> +    $ cd ..
> +    $ mkdir -p builds/erc32
> +    $ cd builds/erc32
> +    $ ../../rtems.git/configure --target=sparc-rtems4.12 \
> +                        --enable-tests --enable-rtemsbsp=erc32
> +    $ make 
> +
> +Add the -j option to the make command with the number of cores to run the 
> +build parallel where it can.

I think this can he made simpler by reducing it to documenting the
``--enable-tests`` option. A reference to the kernel building sections of this
manual would help.

> +
> +Building all the tests takes time and it uses more disk so be patient. When
> +finished all the tests will be built and ready to run. Before running all the 
> +tests it is a good idea to run the ``hello`` test. The ``hello`` test is an 
> +RTEMS version of the classic "Hello World" example and running it shows you 
> +have a working tool chain and build of RTEMS ready to run the tests. Using the 
> +run command:
> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    $ sparc-rtems4.12-run sparc-rtems4.12/c/erc32/testsuites/samples/hello/hello.exe
> +
> +    Hello World
> +    *** END OF TEST HELLO WORLD ***
> +
> +The run command is the GDB simulator without the GDB part.
> +
> +Running the example using GDB:
> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    $ sparc-rtems4.12-gdb sparc-rtems4.12/c/erc32/testsuites/samples/hello/hello.exe
> +    GNU gdb (GDB) 7.12
> +    Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> +    License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
> +    This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
> +    There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
> +    and "show warranty" for details.
> +    This GDB was configured as "--host=x86_64-linux-gnu --target=sparc-rtems4.12".
> +    Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
> +    For bug reporting instructions, please see:
> +    <http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/bugs/>.
> +    Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
> +    <http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/documentation/>.
> +    For help, type "help".
> +    Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
> +    Reading symbols from 
> +    sparc-rtems4.12/c/erc32/testsuites/samples/hello/hello.exe...done.
> +    (gdb) target sim
> +    Connected to the simulator.
> +    (gdb) load
> +    (gdb) r
> +    Starting program: sparc-rtems4.12/c/erc32/testsuites/samples/hello/hello.exe 
> +
> +
> +    Hello World
> +    *** END OF TEST HELLO WORLD ***
> +    [Inferior 1 (process 42000) exited normally]
> +    (gdb) q
> +
> +The command r is used to debug set break points before issuing the GDB run 
> +command.

The command ``r`` ... ``run`` ..
> +
> +There are currently close to 500 separate tests and you can run them all with a
> +single RTEMS Tester command.
> +
> +.. note:: Use a recent RSB version to build a SPARC tool chain. A recent patch
> +          fixes issues with the GDB simulator and it improves the test results.
> +          It is also recommended you use a recent RTEMS 4.11 version as the 
> +          tests have been cleaned up to improve the results.

Please remove the note.

> +
> +Running the Tests
> +-----------------
> +
> +The ``rtems-test`` command line accepts a range of options. These are discussed
> +later in the manual. Any command line argument without a `--` prefix is a test
> +executable. You can pass more than one executable on the command line. If the
> +executable is a path to a directory the directories under that path are
> +searched for any file with a ``.exe`` extension. This is the default extension
> +for RTEMS executables built within RTEMS.
> +
> +To run the erc32 tests enter the following command from the top of the erc32 BSP
> +build tree:
> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    $ ~/development/rtems/test/rtems-tools.git/tester/rtems-test \
> +             --log=log_erc32_run \
> +             --rtems-bsp=erc32-run \
> +             --rtems-tools=$HOME/development/rtems/4.12 \
> +                 sparc-rtems4.12/c/erc32/testsuites/samples 
> +    RTEMS Testing - Tester, 4.12.not_released
> +    [ 1/13] p:0  f:0  u:0  e:0  I:0  B:0  t:0  i:0  | sparc/erc32: base_sp.exe
> +    [ 2/13] p:0  f:0  u:0  e:0  I:0  B:0  t:0  i:0  | sparc/erc32: capture.exe
> +    [ 3/13] p:0  f:0  u:0  e:0  I:0  B:0  t:0  i:0  | sparc/erc32: cdtest.exe
> +    [ 4/13] p:0  f:0  u:0  e:0  I:0  B:0  t:0  i:0  | sparc/erc32: fileio.exe
> +    [ 5/13] p:2  f:0  u:0  e:0  I:0  B:0  t:0  i:0  | sparc/erc32: hello.exe
> +    [ 6/13] p:2  f:0  u:0  e:0  I:0  B:0  t:0  i:0  | sparc/erc32: cxx_iostream.exe
> +    [ 8/13] p:2  f:0  u:0  e:0  I:0  B:0  t:2  i:0  | sparc/erc32: minimum.exe
> +    [ 7/13] p:2  f:0  u:0  e:0  I:0  B:0  t:2  i:0  | sparc/erc32: loopback.exe
> +    [ 9/13] p:3  f:0  u:0  e:0  I:0  B:0  t:3  i:0  | sparc/erc32: nsecs.exe
> +    [10/13] p:3  f:0  u:0  e:0  I:0  B:0  t:3  i:0  | sparc/erc32: paranoia.exe
> +    [11/13] p:4  f:0  u:0  e:0  I:0  B:0  t:3  i:0  | sparc/erc32: pppd.exe
> +    [12/13] p:6  f:0  u:0  e:0  I:0  B:0  t:3  i:0  | sparc/erc32: ticker.exe
> +    [13/13] p:6  f:0  u:0  e:0  I:0  B:0  t:3  i:0  | sparc/erc32: unlimited.exe
> +    Passed:         7
> +    Failed:         0
> +    User Input:     0
> +    Expected Fail:  0
> +    Indeterminate:  0
> +    Benchmark:      0
> +    Timeout:        5
> +    Invalid:        1
> +    Total:         13
> +    Average test time: 0:00:27.963000
> +    Testing time     : 0:06:03.519012
> +
> +
> +
> +* The RTEMS Tester's test command. In this example we are using an absolute
> +  path.
> +* The ``--log`` option sends the output to a log file. By default only failed
> +  tests log the complete output.
> +* Select the erc32 BSP and use GDB.
> +* Path to the RTEMS tools so GDB can be found.
> +* Path to the erc32 BSP built with all tests to run. If you add subdirectories
> +  to the path specific tests can be run.
> +* The output has been shortened so it fits nicely here.
> +* The test results shows passes, fails, timeouts, and invalid results. In
> +  this run 13 tests passed and 5 tests timed out and 1 is invalid. The 
> +  timeouts are probably due to the tests not having enough execute time to 
> +  complete. The default timeout is 180 seconds and some of the interrupt tests 
> +  need longer. The amount of time depends on the performance of your host CPU 
> +  running the simulations.
> +* The output shows the average time per test and the total time taken to run 
> +  all the tests.
> +* If the path to the testsuites was put to 
> +  ``sparc-rtems4.12/c/erc32/testsuites`` instead of 
> +  ``sparc-rtems4.12/c/erc32/testsuites/samples`` then all the executables 
> +  would have been tested and not just those in samples.
> +
> +This BSP requires the ``--rtems-tools`` option because the SPARC GDB is the
> +``sparc-rtems4.11-gdb`` command that is part of the RTEMS tools. Not every BSP
> +will require this option so you will need to check the specifics of the BSP
> +configuration to determine if it is needed.
> +
> +The output you see is each test starting to run. The ``rtems-test`` command by
> +default runs multiple tests in parallel so you will see a number start quickly
> +and then new tests start as others finish. The output shown here is from an
> +8 core processor so the first 8 are started in parallel and the status shows
> +the order in which they actually started, which is not 1 to 8.
> +
> +The test start line shows the current status of the tests. The status reported
> +is when the test starts and not the result of that test. A fail, timeout or
> +invalid count changing means a test running before this test started failed,
> +not the starting test. The status here has 7 tests passed, no failures, 5
> +timeouts and 1 invalid test.
> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    [ 5/13] p:2  f:0  u:0  e:0  I:0  B:0  t:0  i:0  | sparc/erc32: hello.exe
> +
> +* [ 5/13] indicates the test number, in this case test 5 of 13 tests.
> +* p is the passed test count (2 in this case)

* ``p`` is the ...

and for the others below ..

> +* f is the failed test count (0 in this case)
> +* u is the count for test marked as "user-input" as they expect input from user
> +* e is the expected-fail count (tests that are expected to fail)
> +* I is the count for tests the results of which are indeterminate
> +* B is the count for benchmarked tests
> +* t is the timeout test count 
> +* i is the invalid test count.
> +* sparc/erc32 is the architecture and BSP names.

``sparc/erc32`` ..

> +* hello.exe is the executable name.

``hello.exe`` ...

> +
> +The test log records all the tests and results. The reporting mode by default
> +only provides the output history if a test fails, times out, or is invalid. The
> +time taken by each test is also recorded.
> +
> +The tests must complete in a specified time or the test is marked as timed
> +out. The default timeout is 3 minutes and can be globally changed using the
> +``--timeout`` command line option. The time required to complete a test can
> +vary. When simulators are run in parallel the time taken depends on the
> +specifics of the host machine being used. A test per core is the most stable
> +method even though more tests can be run than available cores. If your machine
> +needs longer or you are using a VM you may need to lengthen the timeout.
> +
> +Test Status
> +-----------
> +
> +Tests can be marked with one of the following:
> +
> +* Pass
> +* Fail
> +* Timeout
> +* Invalid

This needs updating.

> +
> +The RTEMS console or stdout output from the test is needed to determine the

... ``staout`` ...

> +result of the test.
> +
> +Pass
> +^^^^
> +A test passes if the start and end markers are seen in the test output. The
> +start marker is ``***`` and the end mark is ``*** END OF TEST``. All tests in 
> +the RTEMS test suite have these markers.
> +
> +Fail
> +^^^^
> +A test fails if the start marker is seen and there is no end marker.
> +
> +Timeout
> +^^^^^^^
> +If the test does not complete within the timeout setting the test is marked as
> +having timed out.
> +
> +Invalid
> +^^^^^^^
> +If no start marker is seen the test is marked as invalid. If you are testing on
> +real target hardware things can sometimes go wrong and the target may not
> +initialize or respond to the debugger in an expected way.
> +
> +Reporting
> +---------
> +
> +The report written to the log has the following modes:
> +
> +* All (``all``)
> +* Failures (``failures``)
> +* None (``none``)
> +
> +The mode is controlled using the command line option ``--report-mode`` using
> +the values listed above.
> +
> +All
> +^^^
> +The output of all tests is written to the log.
> +
> +Failures
> +^^^^^^^^
> +The output of the all tests that do not pass is written to the log.
> +
> +None
> +^^^^
> +No output is written to the log.
> +
> +The output is tagged so you can determine where it comes from. The following is
> +the complete output for the In Memory File System test ``imfs_fslink.exe``
> +running on a Coldfire MCF5235 using GDB and a BDM pod:
> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    [ 11/472] p:9   f:0   t:0   i:1   | m68k/mcf5235: imfs_fslink.exe
> +    > gdb: ..../bin/m68k-rtems4.11-gdb -i=mi --nx --quiet ..../imfs_fslink.exe 
> +    > Reading symbols from ..../fstests/imfs_fslink/imfs_fslink.exe...
> +    > done.
> +    > target remote | m68k-bdm-gdbserver pipe 003-005
> +    > Remote debugging using | m68k-bdm-gdbserver pipe 003-005
> +    > m68k-bdm: debug module version 0
> +    > m68k-bdm: detected MCF5235
> +    > m68k-bdm: architecture CF5235 connected to 003-005
> +    > m68k-bdm: Coldfire debug module version is 0 (5206(e)/5235/5272/5282)
> +    > Process 003-005 created; pid = 0
> +    > 0x00006200 in ?? ()
> +    > thb *0xffe254c0
> +    > Hardware assisted breakpoint 1 at 0xffe254c0
> +    > continue
> +    > Continuing.
> +    ] 
> +    ]
> +    ] External Reset
> +    ]
> +    ] ColdFire MCF5235 on the BCC
> +    ] Firmware v3b.1a.1a (Built on Jul 21 2004 17:31:28)
> +    ] Copyright 1995-2004 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
> +    ]
> +    ] Enter 'help' for help.
> +    ]
> +    > Temporary breakpoint
> +    > 1, 0xffe254c0 in ?? ()
> +    > load
> +    > Loading section .text, size 0x147e0 lma 0x40000
> +    > Loading section .data, size 0x5d0 lma 0x547e0
> +    > Start address 0x40414, load size 85424
> +    > Transfer rate: 10 KB/sec, 1898 bytes/write.
> +    > b bsp_reset
> +    > Breakpoint 2 at 0x41274: file ..../shared/bspreset_loop.c, line 14.
> +    > continue
> +    > Continuing.
> +    ] dBUG>
> +    ]
> +    ] *** FILE SYSTEM TEST ( IMFS ) *** 
> +    ] Initializing filesystem IMFS
> +    ]
> +    ]
> +    ] *** LINK TEST ***
> +    ] link creates hardlinks
> +    ] test if the stat is the same
> +    ] chmod and chown
> +    ] unlink then stat the file
> +    ] *** END OF LINK TEST ***
> +    ]
> +    ]
> +    ] Shutting down filesystem IMFS
> +    ] *** END OF FILE SYSTEM TEST ( IMFS ) *** 
> +    > Breakpoint
> +    > 2, bsp_reset () at ..../m68k/mcf5235/../../shared/bspreset_loop.c:14
> +    > 14    {
> +    Result: passed     Time: 0:00:10.045447 
> +
> +* GDB command line (Note: paths with \'....' have been shortened)
> +* Lines starting with ``>`` are from GDB's console.
> +* Line starting with ``]`` are from the target's console.
> +* The result with the test time.
> +
> +Running Tests in Parallel
> +-------------------------
> +
> +The RTEMS Tester supports parallel execution of tests by default. This only
> +makes sense if the test back-end can run in parallel without resulting in
> +resource contention. Simulators are an example of back-ends that can run in
> +parallel. A hardware debug tool like a BDM or JTAG pod can manage only a
> +single test at once so the tests need to be run one at a time.
> +
> +The test framework manages the test jobs and orders the output in the report
> +log in test order. Output is held for completed tests until the next test to be
> +reported has finished.
> +
> +Command Line Help
> +-----------------
> +
> +The ``rtems-test`` command line accepts a range of options. You can review the
> +available option by the ``--help`` option:
> +
> +.. code-block:: shell
> +
> +    RTEMS Tools Project (c) 2012-2014 Chris Johns
> +    Options and arguments:
> +    --always-clean               : Always clean the build tree, even with an error
> +    --debug-trace                : Debug trace based on specific flags
> +    --dry-run                    : Do everything but actually run the build
> +    --force                      : Force the build to proceed
> +    --jobs=[0..n,none,half,full] : Run with specified number of jobs, default: num CPUs.
> +    --keep-going                 : Do not stop on an error.
> +    --list-bsps                  : List the supported BSPs
> +    --log file                   : Log file where all build output is written to
> +    --macros file[,file]         : Macro format files to load after the defaults
> +    --no-clean                   : Do not clean up the build tree
> +    --quiet                      : Quiet output (not used)
> +    --report-mode                : Reporting modes, failures (default),all,none
> +    --rtems-bsp                  : The RTEMS BSP to run the test on
> +    --rtems-tools                : The path to the RTEMS tools
> +    --target                     : Set the target triplet
> +    --timeout                    : Set the test timeout in seconds (default 180 seconds)
> +    --trace                      : Trace the execution
> +    --warn-all                   : Generate warnings
> +

This should really be updated to the command formatting for the other commands.
It can wait will we agree it has to be done.

> +Development
> +-----------
> +
> +The RTEMS Tester framework and command line tool is under active
> +development. These are changing, being fixed, broken and generally improved. If
> +you want to help please see the Wiki page for open items.
> +

Remove this section.

> +History
> +-------
> +
> +The RTEMS Tester is based on a refactored base of Python code used in the RTEMS
> +Source Builder. This code provided a working tested base that has been extended
> +and expanded to meet the requirements for the RTEMS Tester. The tester uses the
> +specifics found in the various scripts and configurations in the
> +rtems-testing.git repo that has been accumulated over many years. The shell
> +script implementation is restricted in what it can do and, per BSP script, is a
> +maintenance burden. For example the command lines and options vary between each
> +script.

This section can also go.


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