Quitting the GSoC program

Tanu Hari Dixit tokencolour at gmail.com
Sat Jun 24 04:53:44 UTC 2017

Hello all,

I am writing to inform that I will be quitting the Google Summer of
Code program. This is because I feel I am unable to do justice to the
work and also because in the quest for justice, I am hurting my
health. It is really difficult for me to take this decision and I hope
you understand.
I want to thank the RTEMS community for making me feel welcomed all
along and answering my stupid questions since a long time. I will not
leave RTEMS and will be back to contributing. Thank you all for
instilling in me the open-source values of helping and collaborating
Here is the status of my project:
The format for the ini files that explain the configuration macros
required for different bsps in
rtems-tools.git/tester/rtems/testing/bsps is decided and is documented
I had started to include the functionality of reading the INI files
and the necessary changes are in the read_ini branch in my fork of
rtems-tools (https://github.com/tokencolour/rtems-tools/tree/read_ini).
There are a few issues here, I'll work on them if I get the time and
if somebody else is interested can contact me. I will be happy to
explain where this gets stuck.
Thank you and I hope I'll be able to make it up to RTEMS in the future.


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