RISC-V interrupts

Hesham Almatary heshamelmatary at gmail.com
Tue Jun 6 16:58:28 UTC 2017

Hi Denis,

In riscv_generic, only context switching is supported. It was supposed
to only run hello world (console) and ticker (tickless timer), both
don't need interrupts. I assume you can do the same for HiFive1, which
is the simplest. Then we can discuss about the timer and interrupt

Originally RTEMS had a one big linkcmd for each platform, which
defines linker symbols (used in C code) and required sections. This
has been improved with current BSPs (like ARM-based ones), by
splitting up shared linkcmd parts (linkcmd base) and BSP specific ones
that include the shared one. riscv_generic, given that it's old,
follows the old way of having a single big linkcmd. You can change
this for your new BSP.


On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 11:55 PM, Denis Obrezkov <denisobrezkov at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Hesham,
> I am trying to figure out, what should be done in order to run the simplest
> BSP on HiFive1 boards. So, I have some questions:
> What is already done in risc-v generic - clocks, interrupts handling,
> context
> switching?
> How local and global interrupts relate to each other? How should the be
> implemented in RTEMS?
> Why RTEMS' linkcmd for riscv-generic so big?
> --
> Regards, Denis Obrezkov


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