[PATCH] PR ada/81070 * s-interr-hwint.adb: Reinstate. * gcc-interface/Makefile.in (RTEMS): Use it again.

Joel Sherrill joel at rtems.org
Mon Jun 12 12:23:49 UTC 2017

What happened to this code?

Is the BSP install handlers method still being invoked for exceptions?

On Jun 12, 2017 6:22 AM, "Sebastian Huber" <
sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de> wrote:

> From: ebotcazou <ebotcazou at 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>
> git-svn-id: svn+ssh://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/branches/gcc-7-branch@249116
> 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
> ---
>  gcc/ada/ChangeLog                 |    6 +
>  gcc/ada/gcc-interface/Makefile.in |    2 +-
>  gcc/ada/s-interr-hwint.adb        | 1110 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> +++++++
>  3 files changed, 1117 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>  create mode 100644 gcc/ada/s-interr-hwint.adb
> diff --git a/gcc/ada/gcc-interface/Makefile.in b/gcc/ada/gcc-interface/
> Makefile.in
> index 2dff5ab36e6..95221cdbe73 100644
> --- a/gcc/ada/gcc-interface/Makefile.in
> +++ b/gcc/ada/gcc-interface/Makefile.in
> @@ -1736,7 +1736,7 @@ ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out rtems%,$(target_os))),)
>    s-taspri.ads<s-taspri-posix.ads \
>    s-tpopsp.adb<s-tpopsp-tls.adb \
>    s-stchop.adb<s-stchop-rtems.adb \
> -  s-interr.adb<s-interr-vxworks.adb
> +  s-interr.adb<s-interr-hwint.adb
>  endif
>  # PikeOS
> diff --git a/gcc/ada/s-interr-hwint.adb b/gcc/ada/s-interr-hwint.adb
> new file mode 100644
> index 00000000000..8e2950f30fb
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/gcc/ada/s-interr-hwint.adb
> @@ -0,0 +1,1110 @@
> +-----------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------
> +--
>   --
>    --
> +--
>   --
> +--                     S Y S T E M . I N T E R R U P T S
>   --
> +--
>   --
> +--                                  B o d y
>    --
> +--
>   --
> +--         Copyright (C) 1992-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>   --
> +--
>   --
> +-- GNARL is free software; you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it
> under --
> +-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free
> Soft- --
> +-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later
> ver- --
> +-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
> WITH- --
> +-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of
>    --
> +--
>   --
> +-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are
> granted --
> +-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library
> Exception,   --
> +-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
>    --
> +--
>   --
> +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
>   --
> +-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
>    --
> +-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
>   --
> +-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
>     --
> +--
>   --
> +-- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University.
>    --
> +-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc.
>    --
> +--
>   --
> +-----------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------
> +
> +--  Invariants:
> +
> +--  All user-handlable signals are masked at all times in all
> tasks/threads
> +--  except possibly for the Interrupt_Manager task.
> +
> +--  When a user task wants to have the effect of masking/unmasking an
> signal,
> +--  it must call Block_Interrupt/Unblock_Interrupt, which will have the
> effect
> +--  of unmasking/masking the signal in the Interrupt_Manager task. These
> +--  comments do not apply to vectored hardware interrupts, which may be
> masked
> +--  or unmasked using routined interfaced to the relevant embedded RTOS
> system
> +--  calls.
> +
> +--  Once we associate a Signal_Server_Task with an signal, the task never
> goes
> +--  away, and we never remove the association. On the other hand, it is
> more
> +--  convenient to terminate an associated Interrupt_Server_Task for a
> vectored
> +--  hardware interrupt (since we use a binary semaphore for
> synchronization
> +--  with the umbrella handler).
> +
> +--  There is no more than one signal per Signal_Server_Task and no more
> than
> +--  one Signal_Server_Task per signal. The same relation holds for
> hardware
> +--  interrupts and Interrupt_Server_Task's at any given time. That is,
> only
> +--  one non-terminated Interrupt_Server_Task exists for a give interrupt
> at
> +--  any time.
> +
> +--  Within this package, the lock L is used to protect the various status
> +--  tables. If there is a Server_Task associated with a signal or
> interrupt,
> +--  we use the per-task lock of the Server_Task instead so that we
> protect the
> +--  status between Interrupt_Manager and Server_Task. Protection among
> service
> +--  requests are ensured via user calls to the Interrupt_Manager entries.
> +
> +--  This is reasonably generic version of this package, supporting
> vectored
> +--  hardware interrupts using non-RTOS specific adapter routines which
> should
> +--  easily implemented on any RTOS capable of supporting GNAT.
> +
> +with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
> +with Ada.Task_Identification;
> +
> +with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
> +with System.OS_Interface; use System.OS_Interface;
> +with System.Interrupt_Management;
> +with System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
> +with System.Storage_Elements;
> +with System.Tasking.Utilities;
> +
> +with System.Tasking.Rendezvous;
> +pragma Elaborate_All (System.Tasking.Rendezvous);
> +
> +package body System.Interrupts is
> +
> +   use Tasking;
> +
> +   package POP renames System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
> +
> +   function To_Ada is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
> +     (System.Tasking.Task_Id, Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id);
> +
> +   function To_System is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
> +     (Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id, Task_Id);
> +
> +   -----------------
> +   -- Local Tasks --
> +   -----------------
> +
> +   --  WARNING: System.Tasking.Stages performs calls to this task with
> low-
> +   --  level constructs. Do not change this spec without synchronizing it.
> +
> +   task Interrupt_Manager is
> +      entry Detach_Interrupt_Entries (T : Task_Id);
> +
> +      entry Attach_Handler
> +        (New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
> +         Interrupt   : Interrupt_ID;
> +         Static      : Boolean;
> +         Restoration : Boolean := False);
> +
> +      entry Exchange_Handler
> +        (Old_Handler : out Parameterless_Handler;
> +         New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
> +         Interrupt   : Interrupt_ID;
> +         Static      : Boolean);
> +
> +      entry Detach_Handler
> +        (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
> +         Static    : Boolean);
> +
> +      entry Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry
> +        (T         : Task_Id;
> +         E         : Task_Entry_Index;
> +         Interrupt : Interrupt_ID);
> +
> +      pragma Interrupt_Priority (System.Interrupt_Priority'First);
> +   end Interrupt_Manager;
> +
> +   task type Interrupt_Server_Task
> +     (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
> +      Int_Sema  : Binary_Semaphore_Id)
> +   is
> +      --  Server task for vectored hardware interrupt handling
> +
> +      pragma Interrupt_Priority (System.Interrupt_Priority'First + 2);
> +   end Interrupt_Server_Task;
> +
> +   type Interrupt_Task_Access is access Interrupt_Server_Task;
> +
> +   -------------------------------
> +   -- Local Types and Variables --
> +   -------------------------------
> +
> +   type Entry_Assoc is record
> +      T : Task_Id;
> +      E : Task_Entry_Index;
> +   end record;
> +
> +   type Handler_Assoc is record
> +      H      : Parameterless_Handler;
> +      Static : Boolean;   --  Indicates static binding;
> +   end record;
> +
> +   User_Handler : array (Interrupt_ID) of Handler_Assoc :=
> +     (others => (null, Static => False));
> +   pragma Volatile_Components (User_Handler);
> +   --  Holds the protected procedure handler (if any) and its Static
> +   --  information for each interrupt or signal. A handler is static iff
> it
> +   --  is specified through the pragma Attach_Handler.
> +
> +   User_Entry : array (Interrupt_ID) of Entry_Assoc :=
> +                  (others => (T => Null_Task, E => Null_Task_Entry));
> +   pragma Volatile_Components (User_Entry);
> +   --  Holds the task and entry index (if any) for each interrupt / signal
> +
> +   --  Type and Head, Tail of the list containing Registered Interrupt
> +   --  Handlers. These definitions are used to register the handlers
> +   --  specified by the pragma Interrupt_Handler.
> +
> +   type Registered_Handler;
> +   type R_Link is access all Registered_Handler;
> +
> +   type Registered_Handler is record
> +      H    : System.Address := System.Null_Address;
> +      Next : R_Link := null;
> +   end record;
> +
> +   Registered_Handler_Head : R_Link := null;
> +   Registered_Handler_Tail : R_Link := null;
> +
> +   Server_ID : array (Interrupt_ID) of System.Tasking.Task_Id :=
> +                 (others => System.Tasking.Null_Task);
> +   pragma Atomic_Components (Server_ID);
> +   --  Holds the Task_Id of the Server_Task for each interrupt / signal.
> +   --  Task_Id is needed to accomplish locking per interrupt base. Also
> +   --  is needed to determine whether to create a new Server_Task.
> +
> +   Semaphore_ID_Map : array
> +     (Interrupt_ID range 0 .. System.OS_Interface.Max_HW_Interrupt) of
> +        Binary_Semaphore_Id := (others => 0);
> +   --  Array of binary semaphores associated with vectored interrupts.
> Note
> +   --  that the last bound should be Max_HW_Interrupt, but this will raise
> +   --  Storage_Error if Num_HW_Interrupts is null so use extra 4 bytes
> instead.
> +
> +   Interrupt_Access_Hold : Interrupt_Task_Access;
> +   --  Variable for allocating an Interrupt_Server_Task
> +
> +   Handler_Installed : array (HW_Interrupt) of Boolean := (others =>
> False);
> +   --  True if Notify_Interrupt was connected to the interrupt. Handlers
> can
> +   --  be connected but disconnection is not possible on VxWorks.
> Therefore
> +   --  we ensure Notify_Installed is connected at most once.
> +
> +   -----------------------
> +   -- Local Subprograms --
> +   -----------------------
> +
> +   procedure Check_Reserved_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID);
> +   --  Check if Id is a reserved interrupt, and if so raise Program_Error
> +   --  with an appropriate message, otherwise return.
> +
> +   procedure Finalize_Interrupt_Servers;
> +   --  Unbind the handlers for hardware interrupt server tasks at program
> +   --  termination.
> +
> +   function Is_Registered (Handler : Parameterless_Handler) return
> Boolean;
> +   --  See if Handler has been "pragma"ed using Interrupt_Handler.
> +   --  Always consider a null handler as registered.
> +
> +   procedure Notify_Interrupt (Param : System.Address);
> +   pragma Convention (C, Notify_Interrupt);
> +   --  Umbrella handler for vectored interrupts (not signals)
> +
> +   procedure Install_Umbrella_Handler
> +     (Interrupt : HW_Interrupt;
> +      Handler   : System.OS_Interface.Interrupt_Handler);
> +   --  Install the runtime umbrella handler for a vectored hardware
> +   --  interrupt
> +
> +   procedure Unimplemented (Feature : String);
> +   pragma No_Return (Unimplemented);
> +   --  Used to mark a call to an unimplemented function. Raises
> Program_Error
> +   --  with an appropriate message noting that Feature is unimplemented.
> +
> +   --------------------
> +   -- Attach_Handler --
> +   --------------------
> +
> +   --  Calling this procedure with New_Handler = null and Static = True
> +   --  means we want to detach the current handler regardless of the
> previous
> +   --  handler's binding status (i.e. do not care if it is a dynamic or
> static
> +   --  handler).
> +
> +   --  This option is needed so that during the finalization of a PO, we
> can
> +   --  detach handlers attached through pragma Attach_Handler.
> +
> +   procedure Attach_Handler
> +     (New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
> +      Interrupt   : Interrupt_ID;
> +      Static      : Boolean := False) is
> +   begin
> +      Check_Reserved_Interrupt (Interrupt);
> +      Interrupt_Manager.Attach_Handler (New_Handler, Interrupt, Static);
> +   end Attach_Handler;
> +
> +   -----------------------------
> +   -- Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry --
> +   -----------------------------
> +
> +   --  This procedure raises a Program_Error if it tries to
> +   --  bind an interrupt to which an Entry or a Procedure is
> +   --  already bound.
> +
> +   procedure Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry
> +     (T       : Task_Id;
> +      E       : Task_Entry_Index;
> +      Int_Ref : System.Address)
> +   is
> +      Interrupt : constant Interrupt_ID :=
> +                    Interrupt_ID (Storage_Elements.To_Integer (Int_Ref));
> +   begin
> +      Check_Reserved_Interrupt (Interrupt);
> +      Interrupt_Manager.Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry (T, E, Interrupt);
> +   end Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry;
> +
> +   ---------------------
> +   -- Block_Interrupt --
> +   ---------------------
> +
> +   procedure Block_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
> +   begin
> +      Unimplemented ("Block_Interrupt");
> +   end Block_Interrupt;
> +
> +   ------------------------------
> +   -- Check_Reserved_Interrupt --
> +   ------------------------------
> +
> +   procedure Check_Reserved_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
> +   begin
> +      if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
> +         raise Program_Error with
> +           "interrupt" & Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved";
> +      else
> +         return;
> +      end if;
> +   end Check_Reserved_Interrupt;
> +
> +   ---------------------
> +   -- Current_Handler --
> +   ---------------------
> +
> +   function Current_Handler
> +     (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Parameterless_Handler
> +   is
> +   begin
> +      Check_Reserved_Interrupt (Interrupt);
> +
> +      --  ??? Since Parameterless_Handler is not Atomic, the current
> +      --  implementation is wrong. We need a new service in
> Interrupt_Manager
> +      --  to ensure atomicity.
> +
> +      return User_Handler (Interrupt).H;
> +   end Current_Handler;
> +
> +   --------------------
> +   -- Detach_Handler --
> +   --------------------
> +
> +   --  Calling this procedure with Static = True means we want to Detach
> the
> +   --  current handler regardless of the previous handler's binding status
> +   --  (i.e. do not care if it is a dynamic or static handler).
> +
> +   --  This option is needed so that during the finalization of a PO, we
> can
> +   --  detach handlers attached through pragma Attach_Handler.
> +
> +   procedure Detach_Handler
> +     (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
> +      Static    : Boolean := False)
> +   is
> +   begin
> +      Check_Reserved_Interrupt (Interrupt);
> +      Interrupt_Manager.Detach_Handler (Interrupt, Static);
> +   end Detach_Handler;
> +
> +   ------------------------------
> +   -- Detach_Interrupt_Entries --
> +   ------------------------------
> +
> +   procedure Detach_Interrupt_Entries (T : Task_Id) is
> +   begin
> +      Interrupt_Manager.Detach_Interrupt_Entries (T);
> +   end Detach_Interrupt_Entries;
> +
> +   ----------------------
> +   -- Exchange_Handler --
> +   ----------------------
> +
> +   --  Calling this procedure with New_Handler = null and Static = True
> +   --  means we want to detach the current handler regardless of the
> previous
> +   --  handler's binding status (i.e. we do not care if it is a dynamic or
> +   --  static handler).
> +
> +   --  This option is needed so that during the finalization of a PO, we
> can
> +   --  detach handlers attached through pragma Attach_Handler.
> +
> +   procedure Exchange_Handler
> +     (Old_Handler : out Parameterless_Handler;
> +      New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
> +      Interrupt   : Interrupt_ID;
> +      Static      : Boolean := False)
> +   is
> +   begin
> +      Check_Reserved_Interrupt (Interrupt);
> +      Interrupt_Manager.Exchange_Handler
> +        (Old_Handler, New_Handler, Interrupt, Static);
> +   end Exchange_Handler;
> +
> +   --------------
> +   -- Finalize --
> +   --------------
> +
> +   procedure Finalize (Object : in out Static_Interrupt_Protection) is
> +   begin
> +      --  ??? loop to be executed only when we're not doing library level
> +      --  finalization, since in this case all interrupt / signal tasks
> are
> +      --  gone.
> +
> +      if not Interrupt_Manager'Terminated then
> +         for N in reverse Object.Previous_Handlers'Range loop
> +            Interrupt_Manager.Attach_Handler
> +              (New_Handler => Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Handler,
> +               Interrupt   => Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Interrupt,
> +               Static      => Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Static,
> +               Restoration => True);
> +         end loop;
> +      end if;
> +
> +      Tasking.Protected_Objects.Entries.Finalize
> +        (Tasking.Protected_Objects.Entries.Protection_Entries (Object));
> +   end Finalize;
> +
> +   --------------------------------
> +   -- Finalize_Interrupt_Servers --
> +   --------------------------------
> +
> +   --  Restore default handlers for interrupt servers
> +
> +   --  This is called by the Interrupt_Manager task when it receives the
> abort
> +   --  signal during program finalization.
> +
> +   procedure Finalize_Interrupt_Servers is
> +      HW_Interrupts : constant Boolean := HW_Interrupt'Last >= 0;
> +   begin
> +      if HW_Interrupts then
> +         for Int in HW_Interrupt loop
> +            if Server_ID (Interrupt_ID (Int)) /= null
> +              and then
> +                not Ada.Task_Identification.Is_Terminated
> +                 (To_Ada (Server_ID (Interrupt_ID (Int))))
> +            then
> +               Interrupt_Manager.Attach_Handler
> +                 (New_Handler => null,
> +                  Interrupt   => Interrupt_ID (Int),
> +                  Static      => True,
> +                  Restoration => True);
> +            end if;
> +         end loop;
> +      end if;
> +   end Finalize_Interrupt_Servers;
> +
> +   -------------------------------------
> +   -- Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler --
> +   -------------------------------------
> +
> +   function Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler
> +     (Object : access Dynamic_Interrupt_Protection)
> +      return   Boolean
> +   is
> +      pragma Unreferenced (Object);
> +   begin
> +      return True;
> +   end Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler;
> +
> +   function Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler
> +     (Object : access Static_Interrupt_Protection)
> +      return   Boolean
> +   is
> +      pragma Unreferenced (Object);
> +   begin
> +      return True;
> +   end Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler;
> +
> +   ----------------------
> +   -- Ignore_Interrupt --
> +   ----------------------
> +
> +   procedure Ignore_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
> +   begin
> +      Unimplemented ("Ignore_Interrupt");
> +   end Ignore_Interrupt;
> +
> +   ----------------------
> +   -- Install_Handlers --
> +   ----------------------
> +
> +   procedure Install_Handlers
> +     (Object       : access Static_Interrupt_Protection;
> +      New_Handlers : New_Handler_Array)
> +   is
> +   begin
> +      for N in New_Handlers'Range loop
> +
> +         --  We need a lock around this ???
> +
> +         Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Interrupt := New_Handlers
> (N).Interrupt;
> +         Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Static    := User_Handler
> +           (New_Handlers (N).Interrupt).Static;
> +
> +         --  We call Exchange_Handler and not directly Interrupt_Manager.
> +         --  Exchange_Handler so we get the Is_Reserved check.
> +
> +         Exchange_Handler
> +           (Old_Handler => Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Handler,
> +            New_Handler => New_Handlers (N).Handler,
> +            Interrupt   => New_Handlers (N).Interrupt,
> +            Static      => True);
> +      end loop;
> +   end Install_Handlers;
> +
> +   ---------------------------------
> +   -- Install_Restricted_Handlers --
> +   ---------------------------------
> +
> +   procedure Install_Restricted_Handlers
> +      (Prio     : Any_Priority;
> +       Handlers : New_Handler_Array)
> +   is
> +      pragma Unreferenced (Prio);
> +   begin
> +      for N in Handlers'Range loop
> +         Attach_Handler (Handlers (N).Handler, Handlers (N).Interrupt,
> True);
> +      end loop;
> +   end Install_Restricted_Handlers;
> +
> +   ------------------------------
> +   -- Install_Umbrella_Handler --
> +   ------------------------------
> +
> +   procedure Install_Umbrella_Handler
> +     (Interrupt : HW_Interrupt;
> +      Handler   : System.OS_Interface.Interrupt_Handler)
> +   is
> +      Vec : constant Interrupt_Vector :=
> +              Interrupt_Number_To_Vector (int (Interrupt));
> +
> +      Status : int;
> +
> +   begin
> +      --  Only install umbrella handler when no Ada handler has already
> been
> +      --  installed. Note that the interrupt number is passed as a
> parameter
> +      --  when an interrupt occurs, so the umbrella handler has a
> different
> +      --  wrapper generated by intConnect for each interrupt number.
> +
> +      if not Handler_Installed (Interrupt) then
> +         Status :=
> +            Interrupt_Connect (Vec, Handler, System.Address (Interrupt));
> +         pragma Assert (Status = 0);
> +
> +         Handler_Installed (Interrupt) := True;
> +      end if;
> +   end Install_Umbrella_Handler;
> +
> +   ----------------
> +   -- Is_Blocked --
> +   ----------------
> +
> +   function Is_Blocked (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Boolean is
> +   begin
> +      Unimplemented ("Is_Blocked");
> +      return False;
> +   end Is_Blocked;
> +
> +   -----------------------
> +   -- Is_Entry_Attached --
> +   -----------------------
> +
> +   function Is_Entry_Attached (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Boolean is
> +   begin
> +      Check_Reserved_Interrupt (Interrupt);
> +      return User_Entry (Interrupt).T /= Null_Task;
> +   end Is_Entry_Attached;
> +
> +   -------------------------
> +   -- Is_Handler_Attached --
> +   -------------------------
> +
> +   function Is_Handler_Attached (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Boolean
> is
> +   begin
> +      Check_Reserved_Interrupt (Interrupt);
> +      return User_Handler (Interrupt).H /= null;
> +   end Is_Handler_Attached;
> +
> +   ----------------
> +   -- Is_Ignored --
> +   ----------------
> +
> +   function Is_Ignored (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Boolean is
> +   begin
> +      Unimplemented ("Is_Ignored");
> +      return False;
> +   end Is_Ignored;
> +
> +   -------------------
> +   -- Is_Registered --
> +   -------------------
> +
> +   function Is_Registered (Handler : Parameterless_Handler) return
> Boolean is
> +      type Fat_Ptr is record
> +         Object_Addr  : System.Address;
> +         Handler_Addr : System.Address;
> +      end record;
> +
> +      function To_Fat_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
> +        (Parameterless_Handler, Fat_Ptr);
> +
> +      Ptr : R_Link;
> +      Fat : Fat_Ptr;
> +
> +   begin
> +      if Handler = null then
> +         return True;
> +      end if;
> +
> +      Fat := To_Fat_Ptr (Handler);
> +
> +      Ptr := Registered_Handler_Head;
> +      while Ptr /= null loop
> +         if Ptr.H = Fat.Handler_Addr then
> +            return True;
> +         end if;
> +
> +         Ptr := Ptr.Next;
> +      end loop;
> +
> +      return False;
> +   end Is_Registered;
> +
> +   -----------------
> +   -- Is_Reserved --
> +   -----------------
> +
> +   function Is_Reserved (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Boolean is
> +      use System.Interrupt_Management;
> +   begin
> +      return Reserve (System.Interrupt_Management.Interrupt_ID
> (Interrupt));
> +   end Is_Reserved;
> +
> +   ----------------------
> +   -- Notify_Interrupt --
> +   ----------------------
> +
> +   --  Umbrella handler for vectored hardware interrupts (as opposed to
> signals
> +   --  and exceptions). As opposed to the signal implementation, this
> handler
> +   --  is installed in the vector table when the first Ada handler is
> attached
> +   --  to the interrupt. However because VxWorks don't support
> disconnecting
> +   --  handlers, this subprogram always test whether or not an Ada
> handler is
> +   --  effectively attached.
> +
> +   --  Otherwise, the handler that existed prior to program startup is in
> the
> +   --  vector table. This ensures that handlers installed by the BSP are
> active
> +   --  unless explicitly replaced in the program text.
> +
> +   --  Each Interrupt_Server_Task has an associated binary semaphore on
> which
> +   --  it pends once it's been started. This routine determines The
> appropriate
> +   --  semaphore and issues a semGive call, waking the server task. When
> +   --  a handler is unbound, System.Interrupts.Unbind_Handler issues a
> +   --  Binary_Semaphore_Flush, and the server task deletes its semaphore
> +   --  and terminates.
> +
> +   procedure Notify_Interrupt (Param : System.Address) is
> +      Interrupt : constant Interrupt_ID := Interrupt_ID (Param);
> +      Id        : constant Binary_Semaphore_Id := Semaphore_ID_Map
> (Interrupt);
> +      Status    : int;
> +   begin
> +      if Id /= 0 then
> +         Status := Binary_Semaphore_Release (Id);
> +         pragma Assert (Status = 0);
> +      end if;
> +   end Notify_Interrupt;
> +
> +   ---------------
> +   -- Reference --
> +   ---------------
> +
> +   function Reference (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return System.Address is
> +   begin
> +      Check_Reserved_Interrupt (Interrupt);
> +      return Storage_Elements.To_Address
> +               (Storage_Elements.Integer_Address (Interrupt));
> +   end Reference;
> +
> +   --------------------------------
> +   -- Register_Interrupt_Handler --
> +   --------------------------------
> +
> +   procedure Register_Interrupt_Handler (Handler_Addr : System.Address) is
> +      New_Node_Ptr : R_Link;
> +
> +   begin
> +      --  This routine registers a handler as usable for dynamic interrupt
> +      --  handler association. Routines attaching and detaching handlers
> +      --  dynamically should determine whether the handler is registered.
> +      --  Program_Error should be raised if it is not registered.
> +
> +      --  Pragma Interrupt_Handler can only appear in a library level PO
> +      --  definition and instantiation. Therefore, we do not need to
> implement
> +      --  an unregister operation. Nor do we need to protect the queue
> +      --  structure with a lock.
> +
> +      pragma Assert (Handler_Addr /= System.Null_Address);
> +
> +      New_Node_Ptr := new Registered_Handler;
> +      New_Node_Ptr.H := Handler_Addr;
> +
> +      if Registered_Handler_Head = null then
> +         Registered_Handler_Head := New_Node_Ptr;
> +         Registered_Handler_Tail := New_Node_Ptr;
> +      else
> +         Registered_Handler_Tail.Next := New_Node_Ptr;
> +         Registered_Handler_Tail := New_Node_Ptr;
> +      end if;
> +   end Register_Interrupt_Handler;
> +
> +   -----------------------
> +   -- Unblock_Interrupt --
> +   -----------------------
> +
> +   procedure Unblock_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
> +   begin
> +      Unimplemented ("Unblock_Interrupt");
> +   end Unblock_Interrupt;
> +
> +   ------------------
> +   -- Unblocked_By --
> +   ------------------
> +
> +   function Unblocked_By
> +     (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return System.Tasking.Task_Id
> +   is
> +   begin
> +      Unimplemented ("Unblocked_By");
> +      return Null_Task;
> +   end Unblocked_By;
> +
> +   ------------------------
> +   -- Unignore_Interrupt --
> +   ------------------------
> +
> +   procedure Unignore_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
> +   begin
> +      Unimplemented ("Unignore_Interrupt");
> +   end Unignore_Interrupt;
> +
> +   -------------------
> +   -- Unimplemented --
> +   -------------------
> +
> +   procedure Unimplemented (Feature : String) is
> +   begin
> +      raise Program_Error with Feature & " not implemented on VxWorks";
> +   end Unimplemented;
> +
> +   -----------------------
> +   -- Interrupt_Manager --
> +   -----------------------
> +
> +   task body Interrupt_Manager is
> +      --  By making this task independent of any master, when the process
> goes
> +      --  away, the Interrupt_Manager will terminate gracefully.
> +
> +      Ignore : constant Boolean := System.Tasking.Utilities.Make_
> Independent;
> +      pragma Unreferenced (Ignore);
> +
> +      --------------------
> +      -- Local Routines --
> +      --------------------
> +
> +      procedure Bind_Handler (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID);
> +      --  This procedure does not do anything if a signal is blocked.
> +      --  Otherwise, we have to interrupt Server_Task for status change
> +      --  through a wakeup signal.
> +
> +      procedure Unbind_Handler (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID);
> +      --  This procedure does not do anything if a signal is blocked.
> +      --  Otherwise, we have to interrupt Server_Task for status change
> +      --  through an abort signal.
> +
> +      procedure Unprotected_Exchange_Handler
> +        (Old_Handler : out Parameterless_Handler;
> +         New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
> +         Interrupt   : Interrupt_ID;
> +         Static      : Boolean;
> +         Restoration : Boolean := False);
> +
> +      procedure Unprotected_Detach_Handler
> +        (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
> +         Static    : Boolean);
> +
> +      ------------------
> +      -- Bind_Handler --
> +      ------------------
> +
> +      procedure Bind_Handler (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
> +      begin
> +         Install_Umbrella_Handler
> +           (HW_Interrupt (Interrupt), Notify_Interrupt'Access);
> +      end Bind_Handler;
> +
> +      --------------------
> +      -- Unbind_Handler --
> +      --------------------
> +
> +      procedure Unbind_Handler (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
> +         Status : int;
> +
> +      begin
> +         --  Flush server task off semaphore, allowing it to terminate
> +
> +         Status := Binary_Semaphore_Flush (Semaphore_ID_Map (Interrupt));
> +         pragma Assert (Status = 0);
> +      end Unbind_Handler;
> +
> +      --------------------------------
> +      -- Unprotected_Detach_Handler --
> +      --------------------------------
> +
> +      procedure Unprotected_Detach_Handler
> +        (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
> +         Static    : Boolean)
> +      is
> +         Old_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
> +      begin
> +         if User_Entry (Interrupt).T /= Null_Task then
> +
> +            --  If an interrupt entry is installed raise Program_Error
> +            --  (propagate it to the caller).
> +
> +            raise Program_Error with
> +              "an interrupt entry is already installed";
> +         end if;
> +
> +         --  Note : Static = True will pass the following check. This is
> the
> +         --  case when we want to detach a handler regardless of the
> static
> +         --  status of the Current_Handler.
> +
> +         if not Static and then User_Handler (Interrupt).Static then
> +
> +            --  Trying to detach a static Interrupt Handler, raise
> +            --  Program_Error.
> +
> +            raise Program_Error with
> +              "trying to detach a static Interrupt Handler";
> +         end if;
> +
> +         Old_Handler := User_Handler (Interrupt).H;
> +
> +         --  The new handler
> +
> +         User_Handler (Interrupt).H := null;
> +         User_Handler (Interrupt).Static := False;
> +
> +         if Old_Handler /= null then
> +            Unbind_Handler (Interrupt);
> +         end if;
> +      end Unprotected_Detach_Handler;
> +
> +      ----------------------------------
> +      -- Unprotected_Exchange_Handler --
> +      ----------------------------------
> +
> +      procedure Unprotected_Exchange_Handler
> +        (Old_Handler : out Parameterless_Handler;
> +         New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
> +         Interrupt   : Interrupt_ID;
> +         Static      : Boolean;
> +         Restoration : Boolean := False)
> +      is
> +      begin
> +         if User_Entry (Interrupt).T /= Null_Task then
> +
> +            --  If an interrupt entry is already installed, raise
> +            --  Program_Error (propagate it to the caller).
> +
> +            raise Program_Error with "an interrupt is already installed";
> +         end if;
> +
> +         --  Note : A null handler with Static = True will pass the
> following
> +         --  check. This is the case when we want to detach a handler
> +         --  regardless of the Static status of Current_Handler.
> +
> +         --  We don't check anything if Restoration is True, since we may
> be
> +         --  detaching a static handler to restore a dynamic one.
> +
> +         if not Restoration and then not Static
> +           and then (User_Handler (Interrupt).Static
> +
> +            --  Trying to overwrite a static Interrupt Handler with a
> dynamic
> +            --  Handler
> +
> +            --  The new handler is not specified as an Interrupt Handler
> by a
> +            --  pragma.
> +
> +           or else not Is_Registered (New_Handler))
> +         then
> +            raise Program_Error with
> +               "trying to overwrite a static interrupt handler with a "
> +               & "dynamic handler";
> +         end if;
> +
> +         --  Save the old handler
> +
> +         Old_Handler := User_Handler (Interrupt).H;
> +
> +         --  The new handler
> +
> +         User_Handler (Interrupt).H := New_Handler;
> +
> +         if New_Handler = null then
> +
> +            --  The null handler means we are detaching the handler
> +
> +            User_Handler (Interrupt).Static := False;
> +
> +         else
> +            User_Handler (Interrupt).Static := Static;
> +         end if;
> +
> +         --  Invoke a corresponding Server_Task if not yet created. Place
> +         --  Task_Id info in Server_ID array.
> +
> +         if New_Handler /= null
> +           and then
> +            (Server_ID (Interrupt) = Null_Task
> +              or else
> +                Ada.Task_Identification.Is_Terminated
> +                  (To_Ada (Server_ID (Interrupt))))
> +         then
> +            Interrupt_Access_Hold :=
> +              new Interrupt_Server_Task (Interrupt,
> Binary_Semaphore_Create);
> +            Server_ID (Interrupt) :=
> +              To_System (Interrupt_Access_Hold.all'Identity);
> +         end if;
> +
> +         if (New_Handler = null) and then Old_Handler /= null then
> +
> +            --  Restore default handler
> +
> +            Unbind_Handler (Interrupt);
> +
> +         elsif Old_Handler = null then
> +
> +            --  Save default handler
> +
> +            Bind_Handler (Interrupt);
> +         end if;
> +      end Unprotected_Exchange_Handler;
> +
> +   --  Start of processing for Interrupt_Manager
> +
> +   begin
> +      loop
> +         --  A block is needed to absorb Program_Error exception
> +
> +         declare
> +            Old_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
> +
> +         begin
> +            select
> +               accept Attach_Handler
> +                 (New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
> +                  Interrupt   : Interrupt_ID;
> +                  Static      : Boolean;
> +                  Restoration : Boolean := False)
> +               do
> +                  Unprotected_Exchange_Handler
> +                    (Old_Handler, New_Handler, Interrupt, Static,
> Restoration);
> +               end Attach_Handler;
> +
> +            or
> +               accept Exchange_Handler
> +                 (Old_Handler : out Parameterless_Handler;
> +                  New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
> +                  Interrupt   : Interrupt_ID;
> +                  Static      : Boolean)
> +               do
> +                  Unprotected_Exchange_Handler
> +                    (Old_Handler, New_Handler, Interrupt, Static);
> +               end Exchange_Handler;
> +
> +            or
> +               accept Detach_Handler
> +                  (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
> +                   Static    : Boolean)
> +               do
> +                  Unprotected_Detach_Handler (Interrupt, Static);
> +               end Detach_Handler;
> +
> +            or
> +               accept Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry
> +                 (T         : Task_Id;
> +                  E         : Task_Entry_Index;
> +                  Interrupt : Interrupt_ID)
> +               do
> +                  --  If there is a binding already (either a procedure
> or an
> +                  --  entry), raise Program_Error (propagate it to the
> caller).
> +
> +                  if User_Handler (Interrupt).H /= null
> +                    or else User_Entry (Interrupt).T /= Null_Task
> +                  then
> +                     raise Program_Error with
> +                       "a binding for this interrupt is already present";
> +                  end if;
> +
> +                  User_Entry (Interrupt) := Entry_Assoc'(T => T, E => E);
> +
> +                  --  Indicate the attachment of interrupt entry in the
> +                  --  This is needed so when an interrupt entry task
> terminates
> +                  --  the binding can be cleaned. The call to unbinding
> must be
> +                  --  make by the task before it terminates.
> +
> +                  T.Interrupt_Entry := True;
> +
> +                  --  Invoke a corresponding Server_Task if not yet
> created.
> +                  --  Place Task_Id info in Server_ID array.
> +
> +                  if Server_ID (Interrupt) = Null_Task
> +                    or else
> +                      Ada.Task_Identification.Is_Terminated
> +                        (To_Ada (Server_ID (Interrupt)))
> +                  then
> +                     Interrupt_Access_Hold := new Interrupt_Server_Task
> +                       (Interrupt, Binary_Semaphore_Create);
> +                     Server_ID (Interrupt) :=
> +                       To_System (Interrupt_Access_Hold.all'Identity);
> +                  end if;
> +
> +                  Bind_Handler (Interrupt);
> +               end Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry;
> +
> +            or
> +               accept Detach_Interrupt_Entries (T : Task_Id) do
> +                  for Int in Interrupt_ID'Range loop
> +                     if not Is_Reserved (Int) then
> +                        if User_Entry (Int).T = T then
> +                           User_Entry (Int) :=
> +                             Entry_Assoc'
> +                               (T => Null_Task, E => Null_Task_Entry);
> +                           Unbind_Handler (Int);
> +                        end if;
> +                     end if;
> +                  end loop;
> +
> +                  --  Indicate in ATCB that no interrupt entries are
> attached
> +
> +                  T.Interrupt_Entry := False;
> +               end Detach_Interrupt_Entries;
> +            end select;
> +
> +         exception
> +            --  If there is a Program_Error we just want to propagate it
> to
> +            --  the caller and do not want to stop this task.
> +
> +            when Program_Error =>
> +               null;
> +
> +            when others =>
> +               pragma Assert (False);
> +               null;
> +         end;
> +      end loop;
> +
> +   exception
> +      when Standard'Abort_Signal =>
> +
> +         --  Flush interrupt server semaphores, so they can terminate
> +
> +         Finalize_Interrupt_Servers;
> +         raise;
> +   end Interrupt_Manager;
> +
> +   ---------------------------
> +   -- Interrupt_Server_Task --
> +   ---------------------------
> +
> +   --  Server task for vectored hardware interrupt handling
> +
> +   task body Interrupt_Server_Task is
> +      Ignore : constant Boolean := System.Tasking.Utilities.Make_
> Independent;
> +
> +      Self_Id         : constant Task_Id := Self;
> +      Tmp_Handler     : Parameterless_Handler;
> +      Tmp_ID          : Task_Id;
> +      Tmp_Entry_Index : Task_Entry_Index;
> +      Status          : int;
> +
> +   begin
> +      Semaphore_ID_Map (Interrupt) := Int_Sema;
> +
> +      loop
> +         --  Pend on semaphore that will be triggered by the umbrella
> handler
> +         --  when the associated interrupt comes in.
> +
> +         Status := Binary_Semaphore_Obtain (Int_Sema);
> +         pragma Assert (Status = 0);
> +
> +         if User_Handler (Interrupt).H /= null then
> +
> +            --  Protected procedure handler
> +
> +            Tmp_Handler := User_Handler (Interrupt).H;
> +            Tmp_Handler.all;
> +
> +         elsif User_Entry (Interrupt).T /= Null_Task then
> +
> +            --  Interrupt entry handler
> +
> +            Tmp_ID := User_Entry (Interrupt).T;
> +            Tmp_Entry_Index := User_Entry (Interrupt).E;
> +            System.Tasking.Rendezvous.Call_Simple
> +              (Tmp_ID, Tmp_Entry_Index, System.Null_Address);
> +
> +         else
> +            --  Semaphore has been flushed by an unbind operation in the
> +            --  Interrupt_Manager. Terminate the server task.
> +
> +            --  Wait for the Interrupt_Manager to complete its work
> +
> +            POP.Write_Lock (Self_Id);
> +
> +            --  Unassociate the interrupt handler
> +
> +            Semaphore_ID_Map (Interrupt) := 0;
> +
> +            --  Delete the associated semaphore
> +
> +            Status := Binary_Semaphore_Delete (Int_Sema);
> +
> +            pragma Assert (Status = 0);
> +
> +            --  Set status for the Interrupt_Manager
> +
> +            Server_ID (Interrupt) := Null_Task;
> +            POP.Unlock (Self_Id);
> +
> +            exit;
> +         end if;
> +      end loop;
> +   end Interrupt_Server_Task;
> +
> +begin
> +   --  Get Interrupt_Manager's ID so that Abort_Interrupt can be sent
> +
> +   Interrupt_Manager_ID := To_System (Interrupt_Manager'Identity);
> +end System.Interrupts;
> --
> 2.12.3
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