[PATCH 6/7] benchmarks/linpack: Import

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de
Tue Mar 28 12:56:01 UTC 2017

Import linpack sources from:

 testsuites/benchmarks/linpack/linpack-pc.c | 1333 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1333 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 testsuites/benchmarks/linpack/linpack-pc.c

diff --git a/testsuites/benchmarks/linpack/linpack-pc.c b/testsuites/benchmarks/linpack/linpack-pc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5e6869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuites/benchmarks/linpack/linpack-pc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1333 @@
+ *          Linpack 100x100 Benchmark In C/C++ For PCs
+ *
+ ********************************************************************
+ *
+ *                 Original Source from NETLIB
+ *
+ *  Translated to C by Bonnie Toy 5/88 (modified on 2/25/94  to fix
+ *  a problem with daxpy for unequal increments or equal increments
+ *  not equal to 1. Jack Dongarra)
+ *
+ *  To obtain rolled source BLAS, add -DROLL to the command lines.
+ *  To obtain unrolled source BLAS, add -DUNROLL to the command lines.
+ *
+ *  You must specify one of -DSP or -DDP to compile correctly.
+ *
+ *  You must specify one of -DROLL or -DUNROLL to compile correctly.
+ *
+ ********************************************************************
+ *
+ *                   Changes in this version
+ *
+ *  1. Function prototypes are declared and function headers have
+ *     embedded parameter types to produce code for C and C++
+ *
+ *  2. Arrays aa and a are declared as [200*200] and [200*201] to
+ *     allow compilation with prototypes.
+ *
+ *  3. Function second changed (compiler dependent).
+ *
+ *  4. Timing method changed due to inaccuracy of PC clock (see below).
+ *
+ *  5. Additional date function included (compiler dependent).
+ *
+ *  6. Additional code used as a standard for a series of benchmarks:-
+ *       Automatic run time calibration rather than fixed parameters
+ *       Initial calibration with display to show linearity
+ *       Results displayed at reasonable rate for viewing (5 seconds)
+ *       Facilities for typing in details of system used etc.
+ *       Compiler details in code in case .exe files used elsewhere
+ *       Results appended to a text file (Linpack.txt)
+ *
+ *  Roy Longbottom  101323.2241 at compuserve.com    14 September 1996
+ * 
+ ************************************************************************
+ *
+ *                             Timing
+ *
+ *  The PC timer is updated at about 18 times per second or resolution of
+ *  0.05 to 0.06 seconds which is similar to the time taken by the main
+ *  time consuming function dgefa on a 100 MHz Pentium. Thus there is no
+ *  point in running the dgefa/dges1 combination three times as in the
+ *  original version. Main timing for the latter, in the loop run NTIMES,
+ *  executes matgen/dgefa, summing the time taken by matgen within the
+ *  loop for later deduction from the total time. On a modern PC this sum
+ *  can be based on a random selection of 0 or 0.05/0.06. This version
+ *  executes the single pass once and the main timing loop five times,
+ *  calculating the matgen overhead separately.
+ *
+ *************************************************************************
+ *
+ *                    Example of Output
+ *
+ * Rolled Double Precision Linpack Benchmark - PC Version in 'C/C++'
+ *
+ * Compiler     Watcom C/C++ 10.5 Win 386
+ * Optimisation -zp4 -otexan -fp5 -5r -dDP -dROLL
+ *
+ *
+ * norm resid      resid           machep         x[0]-1          x[n-1]-1
+ *  0.4   7.41628980e-014  1.00000000e-015 -1.49880108e-014 -1.89848137e-014
+ *
+ *
+ * Times are reported for matrices of order          100
+ * 1 pass times for array with leading dimension of  201
+ *
+ *     dgefa      dgesl      total     Mflops       unit      ratio
+ *   0.06000    0.00000    0.06000      11.44     0.1748     1.0714
+ *
+ *
+ * Calculating matgen overhead
+ *
+ *       10 times   0.11 seconds
+ *       20 times   0.22 seconds
+ *       40 times   0.44 seconds
+ *       80 times   0.87 seconds
+ *      160 times   1.76 seconds
+ *      320 times   3.52 seconds
+ *      640 times   7.03 seconds
+ *
+ * Overhead for 1 matgen      0.01098 seconds
+ *
+ *
+ * Calculating matgen/dgefa passes for 5 seconds
+ *
+ *       10 times   0.71 seconds
+ *       20 times   1.38 seconds
+ *       40 times   2.80 seconds
+ *       80 times   5.66 seconds      
+ *
+ *      Passes used         70 
+ *
+ *  This is followed by output of the normal data for dgefa, dges1,
+ *  total, Mflops, unit and ratio with five sets of results for each.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************
+ *
+ *                Example from output file Linpack.txt
+ *
+ * LINPACK BENCHMARK FOR PCs 'C/C++'    n @ 100
+ *
+ * Month run         9/1996
+ * PC model          Escom
+ * CPU               Pentium
+ * Clock MHz         100
+ * Cache             256K
+ * Options           Neptune chipset
+ * OS/DOS            Windows 95
+ * Compiler          Watcom C/C++ 10.5 Win 386
+ * OptLevel          -zp4 -otexan -fp5 -5r -dDP -dROLL
+ * Run by            Roy Longbottom
+ * From              UK
+ * Mail              101323.2241 at compuserve.com 
+ *
+ * Rolling            Rolled 
+ * Precision          Double 
+ * norm. resid                     0.4
+ * resid               7.41628980e-014
+ * machep              1.00000000e-015             (8.88178420e-016 NON OPT)
+ * x[0]-1             -1.49880108e-014
+ * x[n-1]-1           -1.89848137e-014
+ * matgen 1 seconds            0.01051
+ * matgen 2 seconds            0.01050
+ * Repetitions                      70
+ * Leading dimension               201
+ *                               dgefa     dgesl     total    Mflops
+ * 1 pass seconds              0.06000   0.00000   0.06000
+ * Repeat seconds              0.06092   0.00157   0.06249     10.99
+ * Repeat seconds              0.06077   0.00157   0.06234     11.01
+ * Repeat seconds              0.06092   0.00157   0.06249     10.99
+ * Repeat seconds              0.06092   0.00157   0.06249     10.99
+ * Repeat seconds              0.06092   0.00157   0.06249     10.99
+ * Average                                                     10.99
+ * Leading dimension               200
+ * Repeat seconds              0.05936   0.00157   0.06093     11.27
+ * Repeat seconds              0.05936   0.00157   0.06093     11.27
+ * Repeat seconds              0.05864   0.00157   0.06021     11.40
+ * Repeat seconds              0.05936   0.00157   0.06093     11.27
+ * Repeat seconds              0.05864   0.00157   0.06021     11.40
+ * Average                                                     11.32
+ *
+ ************************************************************************
+ *
+ *                     Examples of Results
+ *
+ *  Precompiled codes were produced via a Watcom C/C++ 10.5 compiler. 
+ *  Versions are available for DOS, Windows 3/95 and NT/Win 95. Both
+ *  non-optimised and optimised programs are available. The latter has
+ *  options as in the above example. Although these options can place
+ *  functions in-line, in this case, daxpy is not in-lined. Optimisation
+ *  reduces 18 instructions in the loop in this function to the following:
+ *
+ *               L85         fld     st(0)
+ *                           fmul    qword ptr [edx]
+ *                           add     eax,00000008H
+ *                           add     edx,00000008H
+ *                           fadd    qword ptr -8H[eax]
+ *                           inc     ebx
+ *                           fstp    qword ptr -8H[eax]
+ *                           cmp     ebx,esi
+ *                           jl      L85
+ *
+ *  Results produced are not consistent between runs but produce similar
+ *  speeds when executing at a particular dimension (see above). An example
+ *  of other results is 11.4/10.5 Mflops. Most typical double precision
+ *  rolled results are:
+ *
+ *                               Opt   No Opt                        Version/
+ *               MHz    Cache  Mflops  Mflops  Make/Options            Via
+ *
+ *   AM80386DX    40     128K    0.53    0.36  Clone                  Win/W95
+ *   80486DX2     66     128K    2.5     1.9   Escom SIS chipset      Win/W95
+ *   80486DX2     66     128K    2.3     1.9   Escom SIS chipset       NT/W95
+ *   80486DX2     66     128K    2.8     2.0   Escom SIS chipset      Dos/Dos
+ *   Pentium     100     256K    11      4.2   Escom Neptune chipset  Win/W95
+ *   Pentium     100     256K    11      5.5   Escom Neptune chipset   NT/W95 
+ *   Pentium     100     256K    12      4.4   Escom Neptune chipset  Dos/Dos
+ *   Pentium Pro 200     256K    48     19     Dell XPS Pro200n        NT/NT
+ *
+ *  The results are as produced when compiled as Linpack.cpp. Compiling as
+ *  Linpack.c gives similar speeds but the code is a little different.
+ * 
+ ***************************************************************************
+#ifdef SP
+#define REAL float
+#define ZERO 0.0
+#define ONE 1.0
+#define PREC "Single "
+#ifdef DP
+#define REAL double
+#define ZERO 0.0e0
+#define ONE 1.0e0
+#define PREC "Double "
+#ifdef ROLL
+#define ROLLING "Rolled "
+#ifdef UNROLL
+#define ROLLING "Unrolled "
+#define NTIMES 10
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <conio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+static REAL atime[9][15];
+static char this_month;
+static int this_year;
+void print_time (int row);
+void matgen (REAL a[], int lda, int n, REAL b[], REAL *norma);
+void dgefa (REAL a[], int lda, int n, int ipvt[], int *info);
+void dgesl (REAL a[],int lda,int n,int ipvt[],REAL b[],int job);
+void dmxpy (int n1, REAL y[], int n2, int ldm, REAL x[], REAL m[]);
+void daxpy (int n, REAL da, REAL dx[], int incx, REAL dy[], int incy);
+REAL epslon (REAL x);
+int idamax (int n, REAL dx[], int incx);
+void dscal (int n, REAL da, REAL dx[], int incx);
+REAL ddot (int n, REAL dx[], int incx, REAL dy[], int incy);
+   #include <time.h>  /* for following time functions only */
+   REAL second()
+     {        
+        REAL secs;
+        clock_t Time;
+        Time = clock();
+        secs = (REAL)Time / (REAL)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+        return secs ;
+     }
+   #include <dos.h>   /* for following date functions only */
+   void what_date()
+     {
+         /*   Watcom   */         
+         struct dosdate_t adate;
+         _dos_getdate( &adate );
+         this_month = adate.month;
+         this_year = adate.year;
+         /*   Borland
+         struct date adate;
+         getdate( &adate );
+         this_month = adate.da_mon;
+         this_year = adate.da_year;
+         */         
+         return;
+     }
+main ()
+        static REAL aa[200*200],a[200*201],b[200],x[200];       
+        REAL cray,ops,total,norma,normx;
+        REAL resid,residn,eps,t1,tm2,epsn,x1,x2;
+        REAL mflops;
+        static int ipvt[200],n,i,j,ntimes,info,lda,ldaa;
+        int Endit, pass, loop;
+        REAL overhead1, overhead2, time1, time2;
+        FILE    *outfile;
+        char *compiler, *options, general[9][80] = {" "}; 
+        outfile = fopen("Linpack.txt","a+");
+        if (outfile == NULL)
+        {
+            printf ("Cannot open results file \n\n");
+            printf("Press any key\n");
+            Endit = getch();
+            exit (0);
+        }
+ *           Enter details of compiler and options used                 *
+ ************************************************************************/
+                  /*----------------- --------- --------- ---------*/
+        compiler = "INSERT COMPILER NAME HERE";
+                  /* Include -dDP or -dSP and -dROLL or -dUNROLL */
+        lda = 201;
+        ldaa = 200;
+        cray = .056; 
+        n = 100;
+        fprintf(stdout,ROLLING);fprintf(stdout,PREC);
+        fprintf(stdout,"Precision Linpack Benchmark - PC Version in 'C/C++'\n\n");
+        fprintf(stdout,"Compiler     %s\n",compiler);
+        fprintf(stdout,"Optimisation %s\n\n",options);
+        ops = (2.0e0*(n*n*n))/3.0 + 2.0*(n*n);
+        matgen(a,lda,n,b,&norma);
+        t1 = second();
+        dgefa(a,lda,n,ipvt,&info);
+        atime[0][0] = second() - t1;
+        t1 = second();
+        dgesl(a,lda,n,ipvt,b,0);
+        atime[1][0] = second() - t1;
+        total = atime[0][0] + atime[1][0];
+/*     compute a residual to verify results.  */ 
+        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+                x[i] = b[i];
+        }
+        matgen(a,lda,n,b,&norma);
+        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+                b[i] = -b[i];
+        }
+        dmxpy(n,b,n,lda,x,a);
+        resid = 0.0;
+        normx = 0.0;
+        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+                resid = (resid > fabs((double)b[i])) 
+                        ? resid : fabs((double)b[i]);
+                normx = (normx > fabs((double)x[i])) 
+                        ? normx : fabs((double)x[i]);
+        }
+        eps = epslon(ONE);
+        residn = resid/( n*norma*normx*eps );
+        epsn = eps;
+        x1 = x[0] - 1;
+        x2 = x[n-1] - 1;
+        printf("norm resid      resid           machep");
+        printf("         x[0]-1          x[n-1]-1\n");
+        printf("%6.1f %17.8e%17.8e%17.8e%17.8e\n\n",
+               (double)residn, (double)resid, (double)epsn, 
+               (double)x1, (double)x2);
+        fprintf(stderr,"Times are reported for matrices of order        %5d\n",n);
+        fprintf(stderr,"1 pass times for array with leading dimension of%5d\n\n",lda);
+        fprintf(stderr,"      dgefa      dgesl      total     Mflops       unit");
+        fprintf(stderr,"      ratio\n");
+        atime[2][0] = total;
+        if (total > 0.0)
+        {
+            atime[3][0] = ops/(1.0e6*total);
+            atime[4][0] = 2.0/atime[3][0];
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            atime[3][0] = 0.0;
+            atime[4][0] = 0.0;
+        }
+        atime[5][0] = total/cray;
+        print_time(0);
+ *       Calculate overhead of executing matgen procedure              *
+ ************************************************************************/
+        fprintf (stderr,"\nCalculating matgen overhead\n");
+        pass = -20;
+        loop = NTIMES;
+        do
+        {
+            time1 = second();
+            pass = pass + 1;        
+            for ( i = 0 ; i < loop ; i++)
+            {
+                 matgen(a,lda,n,b,&norma);
+            }
+            time2 = second();
+            overhead1 = (time2 - time1);
+            fprintf (stderr,"%10d times %6.2f seconds\n", loop, overhead1);
+            if (overhead1 > 5.0)
+            {
+                pass = 0;
+            }
+            if (pass < 0)
+            {
+                if (overhead1 < 0.1)
+                {
+                    loop = loop * 10;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    loop = loop * 2;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        while (pass < 0);
+        overhead1 = overhead1 / (double)loop;
+        fprintf (stderr,"Overhead for 1 matgen %12.5f seconds\n\n", overhead1);
+ *           Calculate matgen/dgefa passes for 5 seconds                *
+ ************************************************************************/
+        fprintf (stderr,"Calculating matgen/dgefa passes for 5 seconds\n");
+        pass = -20;
+        ntimes = NTIMES;
+        do
+        {
+            time1 = second();
+            pass = pass + 1;        
+            for ( i = 0 ; i < ntimes ; i++)
+            {
+                matgen(a,lda,n,b,&norma);
+                dgefa(a,lda,n,ipvt,&info );
+            }
+            time2 = second() - time1;
+            fprintf (stderr,"%10d times %6.2f seconds\n", ntimes, time2);
+            if (time2 > 5.0)
+            {
+                pass = 0;
+            }
+            if (pass < 0)
+            {
+                if (time2 < 0.1)
+                {
+                    ntimes = ntimes * 10;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    ntimes = ntimes * 2;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        while (pass < 0);
+        ntimes =  5.0 * (double)ntimes / time2;
+        if (ntimes == 0) ntimes = 1;
+        fprintf (stderr,"Passes used %10d \n\n", ntimes);
+        fprintf(stderr,"Times for array with leading dimension of%4d\n\n",lda);
+        fprintf(stderr,"      dgefa      dgesl      total     Mflops       unit");
+        fprintf(stderr,"      ratio\n");        
+ *                              Execute 5 passes                        *
+ ************************************************************************/
+        tm2 = ntimes * overhead1;
+        atime[3][6] = 0;
+        for (j=1 ; j<6 ; j++)
+        {
+            t1 = second();
+            for (i = 0; i < ntimes; i++)
+            {
+                matgen(a,lda,n,b,&norma);
+                dgefa(a,lda,n,ipvt,&info );
+            }
+            atime[0][j] = (second() - t1 - tm2)/ntimes;
+            t1 = second();      
+            for (i = 0; i < ntimes; i++)
+            {
+                dgesl(a,lda,n,ipvt,b,0);
+            }
+            atime[1][j] = (second() - t1)/ntimes;
+            total       = atime[0][j] + atime[1][j];
+            atime[2][j] = total;
+            atime[3][j] = ops/(1.0e6*total);
+            atime[4][j] = 2.0/atime[3][j];
+            atime[5][j] = total/cray;
+            atime[3][6] = atime[3][6] + atime[3][j];
+            print_time(j);
+        }
+        atime[3][6] = atime[3][6] / 5.0;
+        fprintf (stderr,"Average                          %11.2f\n",
+                                               (double)atime[3][6]);        
+        fprintf (stderr,"\nCalculating matgen2 overhead\n");
+ *             Calculate overhead of executing matgen procedure         *
+ ************************************************************************/
+        time1 = second();        
+        for ( i = 0 ; i < loop ; i++)
+        {
+            matgen(aa,ldaa,n,b,&norma);    
+        }
+        time2 = second();
+        overhead2 = (time2 - time1);
+        overhead2 = overhead2 / (double)loop;
+        fprintf (stderr,"Overhead for 1 matgen %12.5f seconds\n\n", overhead2);
+        fprintf(stderr,"Times for array with leading dimension of%4d\n\n",ldaa);
+        fprintf(stderr,"      dgefa      dgesl      total     Mflops       unit");
+        fprintf(stderr,"      ratio\n");
+ *                              Execute 5 passes                        *
+ ************************************************************************/
+        tm2 = ntimes * overhead2;
+        atime[3][12] = 0;
+        for (j=7 ; j<12 ; j++)
+        {
+            t1 = second();
+            for (i = 0; i < ntimes; i++)
+            {
+                matgen(aa,ldaa,n,b,&norma);
+                dgefa(aa,ldaa,n,ipvt,&info  );
+            }
+            atime[0][j] = (second() - t1 - tm2)/ntimes;
+            t1 = second();      
+            for (i = 0; i < ntimes; i++)
+            {
+                dgesl(aa,ldaa,n,ipvt,b,0);
+            }
+            atime[1][j] = (second() - t1)/ntimes;
+            total       = atime[0][j] + atime[1][j];
+            atime[2][j] = total;
+            atime[3][j] = ops/(1.0e6*total);
+            atime[4][j] = 2.0/atime[3][j];
+            atime[5][j] = total/cray;
+            atime[3][12] = atime[3][12] + atime[3][j];
+            print_time(j);
+        }
+        atime[3][12] = atime[3][12] / 5.0; 
+        fprintf (stderr,"Average                          %11.2f\n",
+                                              (double)atime[3][12]);  
+ *           Use minimum average as overall Mflops rating               *
+ ************************************************************************/
+        mflops = atime[3][6];
+        if (atime[3][12] < mflops) mflops = atime[3][12];
+        fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+        fprintf(stderr,ROLLING);fprintf(stderr,PREC);
+        fprintf(stderr," Precision %11.2f Mflops \n\n",mflops);
+        what_date();
+ *             Type details of hardware, software etc.                  *
+ ************************************************************************/
+    printf ("Enter the following data which will be "
+                                "appended to file Linpack.txt \n\n");
+    printf ("PC Supplier/model ?\n                    ");
+    scanf ("%[^\n]", general[1]);
+    fflush (stdin);
+    printf ("CPU               ?\n                    ");
+    scanf ("%[^\n]", general[2]);
+    fflush (stdin);
+    printf ("Clock MHz         ?\n                    ");
+    scanf ("%[^\n]", general[3]);
+    fflush (stdin);
+    printf ("Cache             ?\n                    ");
+    scanf ("%[^\n]", general[4]);
+    fflush (stdin);
+    printf ("Chipset/options   ?\n                    ");
+    scanf ("%[^\n]", general[5]);
+    fflush (stdin);
+    printf ("OS/DOS version    ?\n                    ");
+    scanf ("%[^\n]", general[6]);
+    fflush (stdin);
+    printf ("Your name         ?\n                    ");
+    scanf ("%[^\n]", general[7]);
+    fflush (stdin);
+    printf ("Where from        ?\n                    ");
+    scanf ("%[^\n]", general[8]);
+    fflush (stdin);
+    printf ("Mail address      ?\n                    ");
+    scanf ("%[^\n]", general[0]);
+    fflush (stdin);
+ *              Add results to output file LLloops.txt                  *
+ ************************************************************************/
+    fprintf (outfile, "----------------- ----------------- --------- "
+                      "--------- ---------\n");
+    fprintf (outfile, "LINPACK BENCHMARK FOR PCs 'C/C++'    n @ 100\n\n");
+    fprintf (outfile, "Month run         %d/%d\n", this_month, this_year);
+    fprintf (outfile, "PC model          %s\n", general[1]);
+    fprintf (outfile, "CPU               %s\n", general[2]);
+    fprintf (outfile, "Clock MHz         %s\n", general[3]);
+    fprintf (outfile, "Cache             %s\n", general[4]);
+    fprintf (outfile, "Options           %s\n", general[5]);
+    fprintf (outfile, "OS/DOS            %s\n", general[6]);
+    fprintf (outfile, "Compiler          %s\n", compiler);
+    fprintf (outfile, "OptLevel          %s\n", options);
+    fprintf (outfile, "Run by            %s\n", general[7]);
+    fprintf (outfile, "From              %s\n", general[8]);
+    fprintf (outfile, "Mail              %s\n\n", general[0]);
+    fprintf(outfile, "Rolling            %s\n",ROLLING);
+    fprintf(outfile, "Precision          %s\n",PREC); 
+    fprintf(outfile, "norm. resid        %16.1f\n",(double)residn);
+    fprintf(outfile, "resid              %16.8e\n",(double)resid);
+    fprintf(outfile, "machep             %16.8e\n",(double)epsn);
+    fprintf(outfile, "x[0]-1             %16.8e\n",(double)x1);
+    fprintf(outfile, "x[n-1]-1           %16.8e\n",(double)x2);
+    fprintf(outfile, "matgen 1 seconds   %16.5f\n",overhead1);
+    fprintf(outfile, "matgen 2 seconds   %16.5f\n",overhead2); 
+    fprintf(outfile, "Repetitions        %16d\n",ntimes);
+    fprintf(outfile, "Leading dimension  %16d\n",lda);  
+    fprintf(outfile, "                              dgefa     dgesl "
+                     "    total    Mflops\n");
+    fprintf(outfile, "1 pass seconds     %16.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n",
+                      atime[0][0], atime[1][0], atime[2][0]);
+    for (i=1 ; i<6 ; i++)
+    {                 
+        fprintf(outfile, "Repeat seconds     %16.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.2f\n",                
+                       atime[0][i], atime[1][i], atime[2][i], atime[3][i]);
+    }
+    fprintf(outfile, "Average            %46.2f\n",atime[3][6]);
+    fprintf(outfile, "Leading dimension  %16d\n",ldaa);
+    for (i=7 ; i<12 ; i++)
+    {                 
+        fprintf(outfile, "Repeat seconds     %16.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.2f\n",                
+                       atime[0][i], atime[1][i], atime[2][i], atime[3][i]);
+    }
+    fprintf(outfile, "Average            %46.2f\n\n",atime[3][12]); 
+    fclose (outfile);
+    printf("\nPress any key\n");
+    Endit = getch();
+void print_time (int row)
+fprintf(stderr,"%11.5f%11.5f%11.5f%11.2f%11.4f%11.4f\n",   (double)atime[0][row],
+       (double)atime[1][row], (double)atime[2][row], (double)atime[3][row], 
+       (double)atime[4][row], (double)atime[5][row]);
+       return;
+void matgen (REAL a[], int lda, int n, REAL b[], REAL *norma)
+/* We would like to declare a[][lda], but c does not allow it.  In this
+function, references to a[i][j] are written a[lda*i+j].  */
+        int init, i, j;
+        init = 1325;
+        *norma = 0.0;
+        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+                for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+                        init = 3125*init % 65536;
+                        a[lda*j+i] = (init - 32768.0)/16384.0;                        
+                        *norma = (a[lda*j+i] > *norma) ? a[lda*j+i] : *norma;
+                        /* alternative for some compilers
+                        if (fabs(a[lda*j+i]) > *norma) *norma = fabs(a[lda*j+i]);
+                        */
+                }
+        }
+        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+          b[i] = 0.0;
+        }
+        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+                for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+                        b[i] = b[i] + a[lda*j+i];
+                }
+        }
+        return;
+void dgefa(REAL a[], int lda, int n, int ipvt[], int *info)
+/* We would like to declare a[][lda], but c does not allow it.  In this
+function, references to a[i][j] are written a[lda*i+j].  */
+     dgefa factors a double precision matrix by gaussian elimination.
+     dgefa is usually called by dgeco, but it can be called
+     directly with a saving in time if  rcond  is not needed.
+     (time for dgeco) = (1 + 9/n)*(time for dgefa) .
+     on entry
+        a       REAL precision[n][lda]
+                the matrix to be factored.
+        lda     integer
+                the leading dimension of the array  a .
+        n       integer
+                the order of the matrix  a .
+     on return
+        a       an upper triangular matrix and the multipliers
+                which were used to obtain it.
+                the factorization can be written  a = l*u  where
+                l  is a product of permutation and unit lower
+                triangular matrices and  u  is upper triangular.
+        ipvt    integer[n]
+                an integer vector of pivot indices.
+        info    integer
+                = 0  normal value.
+                = k  if  u[k][k] .eq. 0.0 .  this is not an error
+                     condition for this subroutine, but it does
+                     indicate that dgesl or dgedi will divide by zero
+                     if called.  use  rcond  in dgeco for a reliable
+                     indication of singularity.
+     linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 .
+     cleve moler, university of new mexico, argonne national lab.
+     functions
+     blas daxpy,dscal,idamax
+/*     internal variables       */
+REAL t;
+int j,k,kp1,l,nm1;
+/*     gaussian elimination with partial pivoting       */
+        *info = 0;
+        nm1 = n - 1;
+        if (nm1 >=  0) {
+                for (k = 0; k < nm1; k++) {
+                        kp1 = k + 1;
+                        /* find l = pivot index */
+                        l = idamax(n-k,&a[lda*k+k],1) + k;
+                        ipvt[k] = l;
+                        /* zero pivot implies this column already 
+                           triangularized */
+                        if (a[lda*k+l] != ZERO) {
+                                /* interchange if necessary */
+                                if (l != k) {
+                                        t = a[lda*k+l];
+                                        a[lda*k+l] = a[lda*k+k];
+                                        a[lda*k+k] = t; 
+                                }
+                                /* compute multipliers */
+                                t = -ONE/a[lda*k+k];
+                                dscal(n-(k+1),t,&a[lda*k+k+1],1);
+                                /* row elimination with column indexing */
+                                for (j = kp1; j < n; j++) {
+                                        t = a[lda*j+l];
+                                        if (l != k) {
+                                                a[lda*j+l] = a[lda*j+k];
+                                                a[lda*j+k] = t;
+                                        }
+                                        daxpy(n-(k+1),t,&a[lda*k+k+1],1,
+                                              &a[lda*j+k+1],1);
+                                } 
+                        }
+                        else { 
+                                *info = k;
+                        }
+                } 
+        }
+        ipvt[n-1] = n-1;
+        if (a[lda*(n-1)+(n-1)] == ZERO) *info = n-1;
+        return;
+void dgesl(REAL a[],int lda,int n,int ipvt[],REAL b[],int job )
+/* We would like to declare a[][lda], but c does not allow it.  In this
+function, references to a[i][j] are written a[lda*i+j].  */
+     dgesl solves the double precision system
+     a * x = b  or  trans(a) * x = b
+     using the factors computed by dgeco or dgefa.
+     on entry
+        a       double precision[n][lda]
+                the output from dgeco or dgefa.
+        lda     integer
+                the leading dimension of the array  a .
+        n       integer
+                the order of the matrix  a .
+        ipvt    integer[n]
+                the pivot vector from dgeco or dgefa.
+        b       double precision[n]
+                the right hand side vector.
+        job     integer
+                = 0         to solve  a*x = b ,
+                = nonzero   to solve  trans(a)*x = b  where
+                            trans(a)  is the transpose.
+    on return
+        b       the solution vector  x .
+     error condition
+        a division by zero will occur if the input factor contains a
+        zero on the diagonal.  technically this indicates singularity
+        but it is often caused by improper arguments or improper
+        setting of lda .  it will not occur if the subroutines are
+        called correctly and if dgeco has set rcond .gt. 0.0
+        or dgefa has set info .eq. 0 .
+     to compute  inverse(a) * c  where  c  is a matrix
+     with  p  columns
+           dgeco(a,lda,n,ipvt,rcond,z)
+           if (!rcond is too small){
+                for (j=0,j<p,j++)
+                        dgesl(a,lda,n,ipvt,c[j][0],0);
+           }
+     linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 .
+     cleve moler, university of new mexico, argonne national lab.
+     functions
+     blas daxpy,ddot
+/*     internal variables       */
+        REAL t;
+        int k,kb,l,nm1;
+        nm1 = n - 1;
+        if (job == 0) {
+                /* job = 0 , solve  a * x = b
+                   first solve  l*y = b         */
+                if (nm1 >= 1) {
+                        for (k = 0; k < nm1; k++) {
+                                l = ipvt[k];
+                                t = b[l];
+                                if (l != k){ 
+                                        b[l] = b[k];
+                                        b[k] = t;
+                                }       
+                                daxpy(n-(k+1),t,&a[lda*k+k+1],1,&b[k+1],1 );
+                        }
+                } 
+                /* now solve  u*x = y */
+                for (kb = 0; kb < n; kb++) {
+                    k = n - (kb + 1);
+                    b[k] = b[k]/a[lda*k+k];
+                    t = -b[k];
+                    daxpy(k,t,&a[lda*k+0],1,&b[0],1 );
+                }
+        }
+        else { 
+                /* job = nonzero, solve  trans(a) * x = b
+                   first solve  trans(u)*y = b                  */
+                for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+                        t = ddot(k,&a[lda*k+0],1,&b[0],1);
+                        b[k] = (b[k] - t)/a[lda*k+k];
+                }
+                /* now solve trans(l)*x = y     */
+                if (nm1 >= 1) {
+                        for (kb = 1; kb < nm1; kb++) {
+                                k = n - (kb+1);
+                                b[k] = b[k] + ddot(n-(k+1),&a[lda*k+k+1],1,&b[k+1],1);
+                                l = ipvt[k];
+                                if (l != k) {
+                                        t = b[l];
+                                        b[l] = b[k];
+                                        b[k] = t;
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        return;
+void daxpy(int n, REAL da, REAL dx[], int incx, REAL dy[], int incy)
+     constant times a vector plus a vector.
+     jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
+        int i,ix,iy,m,mp1;
+        mp1 = 0;
+        m = 0;
+        if(n <= 0) return;
+        if (da == ZERO) return;
+        if(incx != 1 || incy != 1) {
+                /* code for unequal increments or equal increments
+                   not equal to 1                                       */
+                ix = 0;
+                iy = 0;
+                if(incx < 0) ix = (-n+1)*incx;
+                if(incy < 0)iy = (-n+1)*incy;
+                for (i = 0;i < n; i++) {
+                        dy[iy] = dy[iy] + da*dx[ix];
+                        ix = ix + incx;
+                        iy = iy + incy;
+                }
+                return;
+        }
+        /* code for both increments equal to 1 */
+#ifdef ROLL
+        for (i = 0;i < n; i++) {
+                dy[i] = dy[i] + da*dx[i];
+        }
+#ifdef UNROLL
+        m = n % 4;
+        if ( m != 0) {
+                for (i = 0; i < m; i++) 
+                        dy[i] = dy[i] + da*dx[i];
+                if (n < 4) return;
+        }
+        for (i = m; i < n; i = i + 4) {
+                dy[i] = dy[i] + da*dx[i];
+                dy[i+1] = dy[i+1] + da*dx[i+1];
+                dy[i+2] = dy[i+2] + da*dx[i+2];
+                dy[i+3] = dy[i+3] + da*dx[i+3];
+        }
+REAL ddot(int n, REAL dx[], int incx, REAL dy[], int incy)
+     forms the dot product of two vectors.
+     jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
+        REAL dtemp;
+        int i,ix,iy,m,mp1;
+        mp1 = 0;
+        m = 0;
+        dtemp = ZERO;
+        if(n <= 0) return(ZERO);
+        if(incx != 1 || incy != 1) {
+                /* code for unequal increments or equal increments
+                   not equal to 1                                       */
+                ix = 0;
+                iy = 0;
+                if (incx < 0) ix = (-n+1)*incx;
+                if (incy < 0) iy = (-n+1)*incy;
+                for (i = 0;i < n; i++) {
+                        dtemp = dtemp + dx[ix]*dy[iy];
+                        ix = ix + incx;
+                        iy = iy + incy;
+                }
+                return(dtemp);
+        }
+        /* code for both increments equal to 1 */
+#ifdef ROLL
+        for (i=0;i < n; i++)
+                dtemp = dtemp + dx[i]*dy[i];
+        return(dtemp);
+#ifdef UNROLL
+        m = n % 5;
+        if (m != 0) {
+                for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
+                        dtemp = dtemp + dx[i]*dy[i];
+                if (n < 5) return(dtemp);
+        }
+        for (i = m; i < n; i = i + 5) {
+                dtemp = dtemp + dx[i]*dy[i] +
+                dx[i+1]*dy[i+1] + dx[i+2]*dy[i+2] +
+                dx[i+3]*dy[i+3] + dx[i+4]*dy[i+4];
+        }
+        return(dtemp);
+void dscal(int n, REAL da, REAL dx[], int incx)
+/*     scales a vector by a constant.
+      jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
+        int i,m,mp1,nincx;
+        mp1 = 0;
+        m = 0;
+        if(n <= 0)return;
+        if(incx != 1) {
+                /* code for increment not equal to 1 */
+                nincx = n*incx;
+                for (i = 0; i < nincx; i = i + incx)
+                        dx[i] = da*dx[i];
+                return;
+        }
+        /* code for increment equal to 1 */
+#ifdef ROLL
+        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+                dx[i] = da*dx[i];
+#ifdef UNROLL
+        m = n % 5;
+        if (m != 0) {
+                for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
+                        dx[i] = da*dx[i];
+                if (n < 5) return;
+        }
+        for (i = m; i < n; i = i + 5){
+                dx[i] = da*dx[i];
+                dx[i+1] = da*dx[i+1];
+                dx[i+2] = da*dx[i+2];
+                dx[i+3] = da*dx[i+3];
+                dx[i+4] = da*dx[i+4];
+        }
+int idamax(int n, REAL dx[], int incx)
+     finds the index of element having max. absolute value.
+     jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
+        REAL dmax;
+        int i, ix, itemp;
+        if( n < 1 ) return(-1);
+        if(n ==1 ) return(0);
+        if(incx != 1) {
+                /* code for increment not equal to 1 */
+                ix = 1;
+                dmax = fabs((double)dx[0]);
+                ix = ix + incx;
+                for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
+                        if(fabs((double)dx[ix]) > dmax)  {
+                                itemp = i;
+                                dmax = fabs((double)dx[ix]);
+                        }
+                        ix = ix + incx;
+                }
+        }
+        else {
+                /* code for increment equal to 1 */
+                itemp = 0;
+                dmax = fabs((double)dx[0]);
+                for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
+                        if(fabs((double)dx[i]) > dmax) {
+                                itemp = i;
+                                dmax = fabs((double)dx[i]);
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        return (itemp);
+REAL epslon (REAL x)
+     estimate unit roundoff in quantities of size x.
+        REAL a,b,c,eps;
+     this program should function properly on all systems
+     satisfying the following two assumptions,
+        1.  the base used in representing dfloating point
+            numbers is not a power of three.
+        2.  the quantity  a  in statement 10 is represented to 
+            the accuracy used in dfloating point variables
+            that are stored in memory.
+     the statement number 10 and the go to 10 are intended to
+     force optimizing compilers to generate code satisfying 
+     assumption 2.
+     under these assumptions, it should be true that,
+            a  is not exactly equal to four-thirds,
+            b  has a zero for its last bit or digit,
+            c  is not exactly equal to one,
+            eps  measures the separation of 1.0 from
+                 the next larger dfloating point number.
+     the developers of eispack would appreciate being informed
+     about any systems where these assumptions do not hold.
+     *****************************************************************
+     this routine is one of the auxiliary routines used by eispack iii
+     to avoid machine dependencies.
+     *****************************************************************
+     this version dated 4/6/83.
+        a = 4.0e0/3.0e0;
+        eps = ZERO;
+        while (eps == ZERO) {
+                b = a - ONE;
+                c = b + b + b;
+                eps = fabs((double)(c-ONE));
+        }
+        return(eps*fabs((double)x));
+void dmxpy (int n1, REAL y[], int n2, int ldm, REAL x[], REAL m[])
+/* We would like to declare m[][ldm], but c does not allow it.  In this
+function, references to m[i][j] are written m[ldm*i+j].  */
+   purpose:
+     multiply matrix m times vector x and add the result to vector y.
+   parameters:
+     n1 integer, number of elements in vector y, and number of rows in
+         matrix m
+     y double [n1], vector of length n1 to which is added 
+         the product m*x
+     n2 integer, number of elements in vector x, and number of columns
+         in matrix m
+     ldm integer, leading dimension of array m
+     x double [n2], vector of length n2
+     m double [ldm][n2], matrix of n1 rows and n2 columns
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        int j,i,jmin;
+        /* cleanup odd vector */
+        j = n2 % 2;
+        if (j >= 1) {
+                j = j - 1;
+                for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) 
+                        y[i] = (y[i]) + x[j]*m[ldm*j+i];
+        } 
+        /* cleanup odd group of two vectors */
+        j = n2 % 4;
+        if (j >= 2) {
+                j = j - 1;
+                for (i = 0; i < n1; i++)
+                        y[i] = ( (y[i])
+                               + x[j-1]*m[ldm*(j-1)+i]) + x[j]*m[ldm*j+i];
+        } 
+        /* cleanup odd group of four vectors */
+        j = n2 % 8;
+        if (j >= 4) {
+                j = j - 1;
+                for (i = 0; i < n1; i++)
+                        y[i] = ((( (y[i])
+                               + x[j-3]*m[ldm*(j-3)+i]) 
+                               + x[j-2]*m[ldm*(j-2)+i])
+                               + x[j-1]*m[ldm*(j-1)+i]) + x[j]*m[ldm*j+i];
+        } 
+        /* cleanup odd group of eight vectors */
+        j = n2 % 16;
+        if (j >= 8) {
+                j = j - 1;
+                for (i = 0; i < n1; i++)
+                        y[i] = ((((((( (y[i])
+                               + x[j-7]*m[ldm*(j-7)+i]) + x[j-6]*m[ldm*(j-6)+i])
+                               + x[j-5]*m[ldm*(j-5)+i]) + x[j-4]*m[ldm*(j-4)+i])
+                               + x[j-3]*m[ldm*(j-3)+i]) + x[j-2]*m[ldm*(j-2)+i])
+                               + x[j-1]*m[ldm*(j-1)+i]) + x[j]  *m[ldm*j+i];
+        } 
+        /* main loop - groups of sixteen vectors */
+        jmin = (n2%16)+16;
+        for (j = jmin-1; j < n2; j = j + 16) {
+                for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) 
+                        y[i] = ((((((((((((((( (y[i])
+                                + x[j-15]*m[ldm*(j-15)+i]) 
+                                + x[j-14]*m[ldm*(j-14)+i])
+                                + x[j-13]*m[ldm*(j-13)+i]) 
+                                + x[j-12]*m[ldm*(j-12)+i])
+                                + x[j-11]*m[ldm*(j-11)+i]) 
+                                + x[j-10]*m[ldm*(j-10)+i])
+                                + x[j- 9]*m[ldm*(j- 9)+i]) 
+                                + x[j- 8]*m[ldm*(j- 8)+i])
+                                + x[j- 7]*m[ldm*(j- 7)+i]) 
+                                + x[j- 6]*m[ldm*(j- 6)+i])
+                                + x[j- 5]*m[ldm*(j- 5)+i]) 
+                                + x[j- 4]*m[ldm*(j- 4)+i])
+                                + x[j- 3]*m[ldm*(j- 3)+i]) 
+                                + x[j- 2]*m[ldm*(j- 2)+i])
+                                + x[j- 1]*m[ldm*(j- 1)+i]) 
+                                + x[j]   *m[ldm*j+i];
+        }
+        return;

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