rtems-test runtime errors qemu.cfg

Cillian O'Donnell cpodonnell8 at gmail.com
Tue May 30 19:12:42 UTC 2017


I'm trying to run rtems-test for pc386 with the added --coverage tag for
couverture-qemu. All tests default to dry-run because of errors in qemu.cfg

error: qemu.cfg:81: execute failed: qemu-system-i386 -m 128 -boot b -hda
-no-reboot -serial null -serial mon:stdio -nographic -append
"--console=com1;boot;" -kernel
-exec-trace coverage/unlimited.exe.cov: exit-code:2
warning: switched to dry run due to errors

The exit code I believe refers to 'no such file or directory'. In qemu.cfg
the line is:

%execute %{qemu_cmd} %{qemu_opts} -kernel %{test_executable} %{coverage_arg}

It's a bit tricky to trace those macros back to different files and see
what they have. Is there any way to just print those out when it runs so I
can take a look at them.

I tried %print %{qemu_cmd} and  %echo %{qemu_cmd}. Is there any way to do
this in a config file?


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