suggested changes and bug fixes for RTEMS

Pham, Phong phamp at
Fri May 12 00:02:36 UTC 2017

Hi Gedare,

Enclosed are your requests for items 1-3.  I logged a ticket for item 4 but feel free to postpone or close the ticket.  Just curious, in general when will the committed changes (after sending you the patch like above) be available for someone to git clone the latest rtems tree?


-----Original Message-----
From: gedare at [mailto:gedare at] On Behalf Of Gedare Bloom
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2017 12:26 PM
To: Pham, Phong
Cc: devel at
Subject: Re: suggested changes and bug fixes for RTEMS

On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 12:16 PM, Pham, Phong <phamp at> wrote:
> Hi RTEMS Maintainers,
> Pls. let me know which of these item # changes below (or delta within
> a given item #) you do not wish to accommodate in the main line so
> that I will provide it as part of my BSP.  I am porting RTEMS to IBM
> PowerPC 750 chip; very similar to MPC750 but there are minute differences.
> 1)      Bug: In
> rtems\c\src\lib\libbsp\shared\src\irq-generic.c:bsp_interrupt_allocate_handler_index().
> See attachment irq-generic.c vs. irq-generic.c.orig
Please open a ticket on our Trac and attach a git-commit patch there or here, with "Close #xxxx." in the commit message. You can see the git-log for examples of how to format the commit message.

> 2)      Enhancement: Add support for IBM PowerPC 750 chip in
> rtems\c\src\lib\libcpu\powerpc\shared\include\cpuIdent.[c,h] and
> rtems\c\src\lib\libcpu\powerpc\new-exceptions\bspsupport\ppc_exc_categ
> ories.c
Should be fine.

> 3)      Bug: Missing a couple registers when DLAB is 1 in
> rtems\c\src\libchip\serial\ns16550_p.h.  Also add a #ifndef ASM around
> libchip/serial.h inclusion.
Ditto on Trac.

> 4)      Suggestion: In pci.h, there are references to BSP_pci_configuration
> data structure which is in pci.c.  However, in this file, there are
> also references to detect_host_bridge () in detect_raven_bridge.c.
> For folks that are just interested in pci_read_config_dword() + its
> brothers, all they need is to include pci.h and content for where
> BSP_pci_configuration is defined.  The rest of the stuff in pci.c
> should be separate.  Or in another word, data structures and #defines
> involving with BSP_pci_configuration needs to be in separate files
> rather all stuffed in pci.c
Refactoring pci.c is acceptable.

> 5)      rtems\c\src\lib\libcpu\powerpc\mpc6xx\mmu\pte121.c:triv121PgTblMap()
> implementation only map virtual address to be the same as physical
> address for a given address range (start + numPages).  It also assume
> an increment of page size for a given address range.  I suggest that
> an argument of
> triv121PgTblMap() is needed to specify the physical address to be
> mapped to for a given range of addresses.  Also another parameter is
> whether or not to increment PhysAddr for each page.  Enclosed in
> pte121.c is an implementation of triv121PgTblMapPhysAddr() where a
> physical address is provided and it is hard coded not to increase the physical address for a given address range.
> So APIs are needed for these requests.  Don’t know if and how much you
> want to support me.  If not, I’ll just add whatever you’re not
> supporting in my BSP.
RTEMS does not have support for a non-identity mapping of virtual-physical memory. It is not clear that a non-identity mapping will work correctly, although I see no reason why it would not. You are welcome to suggest/implement improvements in this space. We have investigated some efforts to create BSP level memory management, see the ARM bsps for some ideas, and there are previous attempts to create APIs for memory management/protection, but nothing that has been mergeable.

> Thanks,
> Phong.
> PS: There are a couple more items but the first five should get things
> rolling.
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