[PATCH] eng/coding-doxygen: Convert wiki page to Rest

Marçal Comajoan Cara mcomajoancara at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 17:29:55 UTC 2018

Converted https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/Doxygen
to Rest, and TBDs and wiki TODOs into comments. Also added formattings, updated
links to Header File Examples and updated the Script Example to include
https://devel.rtems.org/newticket instead of http://www.rtems.org/bugzilla,
which is the old RTEMS Ticket System which may generate confusion.

Added a label at the beginning of eng/coding-file-hdr.rst to be able to
link the page from eng/coding-doxygen.rst.

This work was part of GCI 2018.
 eng/coding-doxygen.rst  | 475 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 eng/coding-file-hdr.rst |   1 +
 2 files changed, 474 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/eng/coding-doxygen.rst b/eng/coding-doxygen.rst
index 5aafde0..6f98eed 100644
--- a/eng/coding-doxygen.rst
+++ b/eng/coding-doxygen.rst
@@ -6,5 +6,476 @@
 General Doxygen Recommentations
-TBD - Convert the following to Rest and insert into this file
-TBD - https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/Doxygen
+.. COMMENT: TBD - Convert the following to Rest and insert into this file
+.. COMMENT: TBD - https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/Doxygen
+Doxygen Best Practices
+* Do not use ``@a``. Instead use ``@param`` to document function parameters.
+* Do not use ``@return``. Instead use ``@retval`` to document return status
+  codes.
+* Do not write documentation for trivial functions.
+* Do not repeat documentation, use ``@see`` for example.
+* Do not use ``@note``.
+* Use groups and arrange them in a hierarchy. Put every file into at least
+  one group.
+* Use dot comments for state diagrams.
+* Use one whitespace character after an asterisk. 
+Special Notes for Google Code-in Students
+Follow the directions given by the `Google Code-in
+<https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GCI>`_ task and this should take
+care of itself if in doubt ask a mentor and/or tell a mentor the decision you
+Header File Example
+<https://git.rtems.org/rtems/tree/cpukit/include/rtems/score/thread.h>`_ and
+should be a good example of how a header file shouldbe written. The following
+gives details in bits and pieces.
+Header blocks
+Header files should contain the similar comment blocks as other source files,
+described at :ref:`coding-file-hdr`.
+.. code-block:: c
+  /**
+  * @file
+  *
+  * @ingroup FlipFlop
+  *
+  * @brief Flip-Flop API
+  */
+  /*
+  * Copyright (c) YYYY Author.
+  *
+  * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
+  * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
+  * http://www.rtems.com/license/LICENSE.
+  */
+Header guard
+After the comment blocks, use a header guard that assembles at least the
+include path of the file. For example, if ``flipflop.h`` is in
+``<rtems/lib/flipflop.h>`` then
+.. code-block:: c
+Then add your include files before protecting C declarations from C++.
+.. code-block:: c
+  #include <rtems.h>
+  #ifdef __cplusplus
+  extern "C" {
+  #endif /* __cplusplus */
+Using @defgroup for group definitions
+Add any group definitions surrounding the function declarations that belong
+in that group. Rarely, a header may define more than one group. Here we use
+a dot diagram. 
+.. code-block:: c
+  /**
+  * @defgroup FlipFlop Flip-Flop
+  *
+  * @brief Simple Flip-Flop state machine.
+  *
+  * @dot
+  *   digraph {
+  *     start [label="START"];
+  *     flip [label="FLIP"];
+  *     flop [label="FLOP"];
+  *     flip -> flop [label="flop()", URL="\ref flop"];
+  *     flop -> flip [label="flip()", URL="\ref flip"];
+  *     start -> flip
+  *       [label="flip_flop_initialize(FLIP)", URL="\ref flip_flop_initialize"];
+  *     start -> flop
+  *       [label="flip_flop_initialize(FLOP)", URL="\ref flip_flop_initialize"];
+  *     flip -> start
+  *       [label="flip_flop_restart()", URL="\ref flip_flop_restart"];
+  *   }
+  * @enddot
+  *
+  * @{
+  */
+enum and struct
+Provide documentation for declarations of enumerated types and structs.
+Use typedefs for structs, and do not use ``_t`` as a typename suffix.
+.. code-block:: c
+  /**
+  * @brief The set of possible flip-flop states.
+  *
+  * Enumerated type to define the set of states for a flip-flop.
+  */
+  typedef enum {
+    START = 0,
+    FLIP,
+    FLOP
+  } flip_flop_state;
+  /**
+  * @brief Object containing multiple flip-flops.
+  *
+  * Encapsulates multiple flip-flops.
+  */
+  typedef struct {
+    /**
+    * @brief Primary flip-flop.
+    */
+    flip_flop_state primary;
+    /**
+    * @brief Secondary flip-flop.
+    */
+    flip_flop_state secondary;
+  } flip_flop_multiple;
+Using @name for organization
+Complicated groups can be given additional organization by using ``@name``, or
+by declaring additional groups within the hierarchy of the header file's
+top-level group.
+.. code-block:: c
+  /**
+  * @name Flip-Flop Maintenance
+  *
+  * @{
+  */
+Declaring functions
+Function declarations should have an @brief that states what the function does
+in a single topic sentence starting with a descriptive verb in the present
+.. code-block:: c
+  /**
+  * @brief Initializes the flip-flop state.
+  *
+  * @param[in] state The initial state to set the flip-flop.
+  *
+  * @retval RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL Successfully initialized.
+  * @retval RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE Flip-flop state is not valid.
+  */
+  rtems_status_code flip_flop_initialize(flip_flop_state state);
+  /**
+  * @brief Restarts the flip-flop.
+  *
+  * @retval RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL Successfully restarted.
+  * @retval RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE Flip-flop not in flip state.
+  */
+  rtems_status_code flip_flop_restart(void);
+Do not document trivial functions, such as getter/setter methods.
+.. code-block:: c
+  flip_flop_state flip_flop_current_state(void);
+Close the documentation name definition and open a new name definition. 
+.. code-block:: c
+  /** @} */
+  /**
+  * @name Flip-Flop Usage
+  *
+  * @{
+  */
+  /**
+  * @brief Flip operation.
+  *
+  * @retval RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL Flipped successfully.
+  * @retval RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE Incorrect state for flip operation.
+  */
+  rtems_status_code flip( void );
+  /**
+  * @brief Flop operation.
+  *
+  * @retval RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL Flopped successfully.
+  * @retval RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE Incorrect state for flop operation.
+  */
+  rtems_status_code flop( void );
+  /** @} */
+Ending the file
+Close the documentation group definition, then the extern C declarations,
+then the header guard.
+.. code-block:: c
+  /** @} */
+  #ifdef __cplusplus
+  }
+  #endif /* __cplusplus */
+  #endif /* RTEMS_LIB_FLIP_FLOP_H */
+ No newline at the end of the file.
+Source File Example
+.. code-block:: c
+  /**
+  * @file
+  *
+  * @ingroup FlipFlop
+  *
+  * @brief Flip-Flop implementation.
+  */
+  /*
+  * Copyright (c) YYYY Author.
+  *
+  * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
+  * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
+  * http://www.rtems.com/license/LICENSE.
+  */
+  #include <rtems/lib/flipflop.h>
+  static flip_flop_state current_state;
+  rtems_status_code flip_flop_initialize(flip_flop_state state)
+  {
+    if (current_state == START) {
+      current_state = state;
+      return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL;
+    } else {
+    }
+  }
+  rtems_status_code flip_flop_restart(void)
+  {
+    if (current_state == FLIP) {
+      current_state = START;
+      return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL;
+    } else {
+    }
+  }
+  flip_flop_state flip_flop_current_state(void)
+  {
+    return current_state;
+  }
+  rtems_status_code flip(void)
+  {
+    if (current_state == FLOP) {
+      current_state = FLIP;
+      return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL;
+    } else {
+    }
+  }
+  rtems_status_code flop(void)
+  {
+    if (current_state == FLIP) {
+      current_state = FLOP;
+      return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL;
+    } else {
+    }
+  }
+Document files with the ``@file`` directive omitting the optional filename
+argument. Doxygen will infer the filename from the actual name of the file.
+Within one Doxygen run all files are unique and specified by the current
+Doxyfile. We can define how the generated output of path and filenames looks
+like in the Doxyfile via the ``FULL_PATH_NAMES``, ``STRIP_FROM_PATH`` and
+``STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH`` options.
+For documentation of function arguments there are basically to ways:
+The first one uses ``@param``:
+.. code-block:: c
+  /**
+  * @brief Copies from a source to a destination memory area.
+  *
+  * The source and destination areas may not overlap.
+  * 
+  * @param[out] dest The destination memory area to copy to.
+  * @param[in] src The source memory area to copy from.
+  * @param[in] n The number of bytes to copy.
+  */
+The second is to use ``@a`` param in descriptive text, for example:
+.. code-block:: c
+  /**
+  * Copies @a n bytes from a source memory area @a src to a destination memory
+  * area @a dest, where both areas may not overlap.
+  */
+The ``@a`` indicates that the next word is a function argument and deserves
+some kind of highlighting. However, we feel that ``@a`` buries the usage of
+function arguments within description text. In RTEMS sources, we prefer to
+use ``@param`` instead of ``@a``. 
+.. COMMENT: TBD - Add Doxyfile Hints
+Header Files
+It is an RTEMS build feature that header files need to be installed in order to
+be useful. One workaround to generate documentation which allows automatic
+link generation is to use the installed header files as documentation input.
+Assume that we have the RTEMS sources in the rtems directory and the build of
+our BSP in build/powerpc-rtems5/mybsp relative to a common top-level directory.
+Then you can configure Doxygen like:
+.. code-block::
+  INPUT           = rtems/bsps/powerpc/mybsp \
+                    rtems/c/src/lib/libcpu/powerpc/mycpu \
+                    rtems/make/custom/mybsp.cfg \
+                    build/powerpc-rtems5/mybsp/lib/include/myincludes
+  RECURSIVE       = YES
+  EXCLUDE         = rtems/bsps/powerpc/mybsp/include \
+                    rtems/c/src/lib/libcpu/powerpc/mycpu/include
+  STRIP_FROM_PATH = build/powerpc-rtems5/mybsp/lib/include \
+                    rtems
+Script and Assembly Files
+Doxygen cannot cope with script (= files with #-like comments) or assembly files.
+But you can add filter programs for them
+.. COMMENT: TBD - Add source code for filter programs somewhere
+.. code-block::
+  FILTER_PATTERNS = *.S=c-comments-only \
+                    *.s=c-comments-only \
+                    *.cfg=script-comments-only \
+                    *.am=script-comments-only \
+                    *.ac=script-comments-only
+Assembly Example
+.. code-block:: c
+  /**
+  * @fn void mpc55xx_fmpll_reset_config()
+  *
+  * @brief Configure FMPLL after reset.
+  *
+  * Sets the system clock from 12 MHz in two steps up to 128 MHz.
+  */
+  GLOBAL_FUNCTION mpc55xx_fmpll_reset_config
+      /* Save link register */
+      mflr r3
+      LA r4, FMPLL_SYNCR
+You have to put a declaration of this function somewhere in a header file.
+Script Example
+.. code-block:: python
+  ##
+  #
+  # @file
+  #
+  # @ingroup mpc55xx_config
+  #
+  # @brief Configure script of LibBSP for the MPC55xx evaluation boards.
+  #
+  AC_PREREQ([2.69])
+  AC_INIT([rtems-c-src-lib-libbsp-powerpc-mpc55xxevb],[_RTEMS_VERSION],[https://devel.rtems.org/newticket])
+GCC Attributes
+The Doxygen C/C++ parser cannot cope with the GCC ``attribute((something))`` stuff.
+But you can discard such features with pre-defined preprocessor macros
+.. code-block:: none
+  PREDEFINED           = __attribute__(x)=
+RTEMS is much older than `Doxygen <http://www.doxygen.org/>`_ and the
+documentation in the .h and .inl files was obviously not written with
+`Doxygen markup <http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual.html>`_. In
+2007, Joel Sherrill undertook to convert the documentation in the .h and .inl
+files in the RTEMS SuperCore to Doxygen format. As a result of this effort,
+the Doxygen for the development version of the RTEMS SuperCore is now built automatically
+multiple times per day and made available on the RTEMS Website. In April 2008,
+Joel Sherrill began to update the Classic API (e.g. cpukit/rtems) .h and .inl
+files to include Doxygen markup.
diff --git a/eng/coding-file-hdr.rst b/eng/coding-file-hdr.rst
index 1ff16b8..f273e03 100644
--- a/eng/coding-file-hdr.rst
+++ b/eng/coding-file-hdr.rst
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 .. COMMENT:TBD  - Convert the following to Rest and insert into this file
 .. COMMENT:TBD - https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/Boilerplate_File_Header
+.. _coding-file-hdr:
 Boilerplate File Header

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