GSOC 2018

Salil Sirotia salil.sirotia at
Thu Feb 22 02:35:03 UTC 2018

Hi all,

My name is Salil Sirotia and I'd like to be a part of RTEMS project for GSoC

As of now, I have gone through 'Getting Started documentation'
available on the and have managed to set up a working
for SPARC/ERC32.The wiki prospective students need to provide a proof
of setting up environemt,  i've sent a snapshot with the modefied Hello
World Test program after I ran it with ' sparc-rtems5-gdb ' as
shown on the wiki page. Please Do let me know if I need to provide
anything else .

I have modified the hello world Sample application and Now I want to
learn more things like Open Projects in RTEMS  Organization.
Would you like to suggest me some Open Projects that match my skills?
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

I would love to work on any open projects.
My skills sets are :-
Begineer in Python,Java
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