[PATCH] sb: Back port changes to support mailing list posting.

Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Thu Feb 1 23:59:21 UTC 2018

Close #3287
 rtems/config/4.10/rtems-autotools.bset |   5 +
 source-builder/sb/macros.py            |   3 +
 source-builder/sb/reports.py           | 283 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 source-builder/sb/setbuilder.py        | 138 ++++++++++++----
 4 files changed, 307 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rtems/config/4.10/rtems-autotools.bset b/rtems/config/4.10/rtems-autotools.bset
index f7f1929..a15aa1b 100644
--- a/rtems/config/4.10/rtems-autotools.bset
+++ b/rtems/config/4.10/rtems-autotools.bset
@@ -18,5 +18,10 @@
 %define _internal_autotools_path %{_tmppath}/sb-%{_uid}/${SB_PREFIX_CLEAN}
+# Disable emailing reports of this building for RTEMS.
+%define mail_disable
diff --git a/source-builder/sb/macros.py b/source-builder/sb/macros.py
index 2af8d36..28a52b2 100644
--- a/source-builder/sb/macros.py
+++ b/source-builder/sb/macros.py
@@ -447,6 +447,9 @@ class macros:
             if key in self.macros[map]:
                 del self.macros[map][key]
+    def defined(self, key, globals = True, maps = None):
+        return self.get(key, globals, maps) is not None
     def expand(self, _str):
         """Simple basic expander of config file macros."""
         expanded = True
diff --git a/source-builder/sb/reports.py b/source-builder/sb/reports.py
index 5eb8bb8..9d3a342 100644
--- a/source-builder/sb/reports.py
+++ b/source-builder/sb/reports.py
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
+import base64
 import copy
 import datetime
 import os
@@ -63,6 +64,18 @@ def _make_path(p, *args):
         p = path.join(p, arg)
     return os.path.abspath(path.host(p))
+def platform(mode = 'all'):
+    import platform
+    if mode == 'system':
+        return platform.system()
+    compact = platform.platform(aliased = True)
+    if mode == 'compact':
+        return compact
+    extended = ' '.join(platform.uname())
+    if mode == 'extended':
+        return extended
+    return '%s (%s)' % (short, extended)
 class formatter(object):
     def __init__(self):
         self.content = ''
@@ -139,127 +152,212 @@ class formatter(object):
     def post_process(self):
         return self.content
-class asciidoc_formatter(formatter):
+class markdown_formatter(formatter):
     def __init__(self):
-        super(asciidoc_formatter, self).__init__()
+        super(markdown_formatter, self).__init__()
+        self.level_current = 1
+        self.level_path = '0.'
+        self.levels = { '0.': 0 }
+        self.cols = [20, 55]
+    def _heading(self, heading, level):
+        return '%s %s' % ('#' * level, heading)
+    def _strong(self, s):
+        return '__' + s + '__'
+    def _bold(self, s):
+        return '__' + s + '__'
+    def _italic(self, s):
+        return '_' + s + '_'
+    def _table_line(self):
+        l = '|'
+        for c in self.cols:
+            l += '-' * c + '|'
+        return l
+    def _table_row(self, cols):
+        if len(cols) != len(self.cols):
+            raise error.general('invalid table column count')
+        l = '|'
+        for c in range(0, len(cols)):
+            l += '%-*s|' % (self.cols[c], cols[c])
+        return l
+    def _btext(self, level, text):
+        return '> ' * (level - 1) + text
+    def _bline(self, level, text):
+        self.line(self._btext(level, text))
+    def _level(self, nest_level):
+        if nest_level > self.level_current:
+            self.level_path += '%d.' % (self.levels[self.level_path])
+        if nest_level < self.level_current:
+            self.level_path = self.level_path[:-2]
+        if self.level_path not in self.levels:
+            self.levels[self.level_path] = 0
+        self.level_current = nest_level
+        self.levels[self.level_path] += 1
+        return '%s%d.' % (self.level_path[2:], self.levels[self.level_path])
     def format(self):
-        return 'asciidoc'
+        return 'markdown'
     def ext(self):
-        return '.txt'
+        return '.md'
     def introduction(self, name, now, intro_text):
-        h = 'RTEMS Source Builder Report'
-        self.line(h)
-        self.line('=' * len(h))
-        self.line(':doctype: book')
-        self.line(':toc2:')
-        self.line(':toclevels: 5')
-        self.line(':icons:')
-        self.line(':numbered:')
-        self.line(':data-uri:')
+        self.line('- - -')
+        self.line(self._heading('RTEMS Source Builder Report', 1))
+        self.line(self._strong(_title))
-        self.line(_title)
-        self.line(now)
-        self.line('')
-        image = _make_path(self.sbpath, options.basepath, 'images', 'rtemswhitebg.jpg')
-        self.line('image:%s["RTEMS",width="20%%"]' % (image))
+        self.line(self._bold('Generated: ' + now))
         if intro_text:
             self.line('%s' % ('\n'.join(intro_text)))
+            self.line('')
+        self.line('')
+        self.line('- - -')
+        self.line(self._heading('Table Of Contents', 2))
+        self.line('')
+        self.line('[TOC]')
+        self.line('')
     def release_status(self, release_string):
-        self.line("'''")
+        self.line(self._heading(_release_status_text, 2))
-        self.line('.%s' % (_release_status_text))
         self.line('*Version*: %s;;' % (release_string))
-        self.line("'''")
-        self.line('')
     def git_status(self, valid, dirty, head, remotes):
-        self.line("'''")
-        self.line('')
-        self.line('.%s' % (_git_status_text))
+        self.line('- - -')
+        self.line(self._heading(_git_status_text, 2))
         if valid:
-            self.line('*Remotes*:;;')
+            self.line(self._strong('Remotes:'))
+            self.line('')
+            rc = 1
             for r in remotes:
                 if 'url' in remotes[r]:
                     text = remotes[r]['url']
                     text = 'no URL found'
-                text = '%s: %s' % (r, text)
-                self.line('. %s' % (text))
-            self.line('*Status*:;;')
+                self.line('%d. %s: %s' % (rc, r, text))
+                rc += 1
+            self.line('')
+            self.line(self._strong('Status:'))
+            self.line('')
             if dirty:
-                self.line('_Repository is dirty_')
+                self.line('> ' + self._italic('Repository is dirty'))
-                self.line('Clean')
-            self.line('*Head*:;;')
-            self.line('Commit: %s' % (head))
+                self.line('> Clean')
+            self.line('>')
+            self.line('> ' + self._bold('Head: ') + head)
-            self.line('_Not a valid GIT repository_')
-        self.line('')
-        self.line("'''")
+            self.line('> ' + self._italic('Not a valid GIT repository'))
     def config(self, nest_level, name, _config):
-        self.line('*Package*: _%s_ +' % (name))
-        self.line('*Config*: %s' % (_config.file_name()))
-        self.line('')
+        self._bline(nest_level, self._bold('Package:'))
+        self._bline(nest_level, '')
+        self._bline(nest_level + 1, self._table_row([self._bold('Item'),
+                                                     self._bold('Description')]))
+        self._bline(nest_level + 1, self._table_line())
+        self._bline(nest_level + 1, self._table_row(['Package', name]))
+        self._bline(nest_level + 1, self._table_row(['Config',
+                                                     _config.file_name()]))
     def config_end(self, nest_level, name):
-        self.line('')
-        self.line("'''")
-        self.line('')
+        self._bline(nest_level + 1, '')
     def buildset_start(self, nest_level, name):
-        h = '%s' % (name)
-        self.line('=%s %s' % ('=' * int(nest_level), h))
+        if nest_level == 1:
+            self.line('- - -')
+            self._bline(nest_level,
+                        self._heading('RTEMS Source Builder Packages', 2))
+        self._bline(nest_level,
+                    self._heading('%s Build %s' % (self._level(nest_level), name), 3))
     def info(self, nest_level, name, info, separated):
-        end = ''
-        if separated:
-            self.line('*%s:*::' % (name))
-            self.line('')
-        else:
-            self.line('*%s:* ' % (name))
-            end = ' +'
-        spaces = ''
-        for l in info:
-            self.line('%s%s%s' % (spaces, l, end))
-        if separated:
-            self.line('')
+        self._bline(nest_level + 1,
+                    self._table_row([name, ' '.join(info)]))
     def directive(self, nest_level, name, data):
-        self.line('')
-        self.line('*%s*:' % (name))
-        self.line('--------------------------------------------')
+        self._bline(nest_level, '')
+        self._bline(nest_level, self._bold(name + ':'))
         for l in data:
-            self.line(l)
-        self.line('--------------------------------------------')
+            self._bline(nest_level + 1, ' ' * 4 + l)
     def files(self, nest_level, singular, plural, _files):
-        self.line('')
-        self.line('*' + plural + ':*::')
+        self._bline(nest_level, '')
+        self._bline(nest_level, self._bold(plural + ':'))
+        self._bline(nest_level, '')
         if len(_files) == 0:
-            self.line('No ' + plural.lower())
+            self._bline(nest_level + 1, 'No ' + plural.lower())
+        fc = 0
         for name in _files:
             for s in _files[name]:
-                self.line('. %s' % (s[0]))
+                fc += 1
                 if s[1] is None:
-                    h = 'No checksum'
+                    h = self._bold('No checksum')
                     hash = s[1].split()
                     h = '%s: %s' % (hash[0], hash[1])
-                self.line('+\n%s\n' % (h))
+                self._bline(nest_level,
+                            '%d. [%s](%s "%s %s")<br/>' % (fc, s[0], s[0],
+                                                           name, singular.lower()))
+                self._bline(nest_level,
+                            '    <span class=checksum>%s</span>' % (h))
-class html_formatter(asciidoc_formatter):
+class html_formatter(markdown_formatter):
     def __init__(self):
         super(html_formatter, self).__init__()
+        self.html_header = '<!DOCTYPE html>' + os.linesep + \
+                           '<html lang="en">' + os.linesep + \
+                           '<head>' + os.linesep + \
+                           '<title>RTEMS RSB - @BUILD@</title>' + os.linesep + \
+                           '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />' + os.linesep + \
+                           '<meta name="created" content="@NOW@" />' + os.linesep + \
+                           '<meta name="description" content="RTEMS RSB Report" />' + os.linesep + \
+                           '<meta name="keywords" content="RTEMS RSB" />' + os.linesep + \
+                           '<meta charset="utf-8">' + os.linesep + \
+                           '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">' + os.linesep + \
+                           '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">' + os.linesep + \
+                           '<style type="text/css">' + os.linesep + \
+                           'body {' + os.linesep + \
+                           ' font-family: arial, helvetica, serif;' + os.linesep + \
+                           ' font-style: normal;' + os.linesep + \
+                           ' font-weight: 400;' + os.linesep + \
+                           '}' + os.linesep + \
+                           'h1, h2 { margin: 10px 5px 10px 5px; }' + os.linesep + \
+                           'h1 { font-size: 28px; }' + os.linesep + \
+                           'h2 { font-size: 22px;}' + os.linesep + \
+                           'h3 { font-size: 18px; }' + os.linesep + \
+                           'p, ol, blockquote, h3, table, pre { margin: 1px 20px 2px 7px; }' + os.linesep + \
+                           'table, th, td, pre { border: 1px solid gray; border-spacing: 0px; }' + os.linesep + \
+                           'table { width: 100%; }' + os.linesep + \
+                           'th, td { padding: 1px; }' + os.linesep + \
+                           'pre { padding: 4px; }' + os.linesep + \
+                           '.checksum { font-size: 12px; }' + os.linesep + \
+                           '</style>' + os.linesep + \
+                           '</head>' + os.linesep + \
+                           '<body>' + os.linesep
+        self.html_footer = '</body>' + os.linesep + \
+                           '</html>' + os.linesep
+    def _logo(self):
+        logo = _make_path(self.sbpath, options.basepath, 'images', 'rtemswhitebg.jpg')
+        try:
+            with open(logo, "rb") as image:
+                b64 = base64.b64encode(image.read())
+        except:
+            raise error.general('installation error: no logo found')
+        logo = '<img alt="RTEMS Project" height="100" src="data:image/png;base64,' + b64 + '" />'
+        return logo
     def format(self):
         return 'html'
@@ -267,24 +365,30 @@ class html_formatter(asciidoc_formatter):
     def ext(self):
         return '.html'
+    def introduction(self, name, now, intro_text):
+        self.name = name
+        self.now = now
+        super(html_formatter, self).introduction(name, now, intro_text)
     def post_process(self):
-        import io
-        infile = io.StringIO(self.content)
-        outfile = io.StringIO()
-            import asciidocapi
+            import markdown
-            raise error.general('installation error: no asciidocapi found')
-        asciidoc_py = _make_path(self.sbpath, options.basepath, 'asciidoc', 'asciidoc.py')
+            raise error.general('installation error: no markdown found')
-            asciidoc = asciidocapi.AsciiDocAPI(asciidoc_py)
+            out = markdown.markdown(self.content,
+                                    output_format = 'html5',
+                                    extensions = ['markdown.extensions.toc',
+                                                  'markdown.extensions.tables',
+                                                  'markdown.extensions.sane_lists',
+                                                  'markdown.extensions.smarty'])
-            raise error.general('application error: asciidocapi failed')
-        asciidoc.execute(infile, outfile)
-        out = outfile.getvalue()
-        infile.close()
-        outfile.close()
-        return out
+            raise
+            raise error.general('application error: markdown failed')
+        header = self.html_header.replace('@BUILD@', self.name).replace('@NOW@', self.now)
+        footer = self.html_footer
+        logo = self._logo()
+        return header + logo + out + footer
 class text_formatter(formatter):
     def __init__(self):
@@ -503,8 +607,8 @@ class report:
         if type(formatter) == str:
             if formatter == 'text':
                 self.formatter = text_formatter()
-            elif formatter == 'asciidoc':
-                self.formatter = asciidoc_formatter()
+            elif formatter == 'markdown':
+                self.formatter = markdown_formatter()
             elif formatter == 'html':
                 self.formatter = html_formatter()
             elif formatter == 'ini':
@@ -736,6 +840,9 @@ class report:
+    def get_output(self):
+        return self.formatter.post_process()
     def write(self, name):
         self.out = self.formatter.post_process()
         if name is not None:
@@ -784,9 +891,9 @@ def run(args):
         optargs = { '--list-bsets':   'List available build sets',
                     '--list-configs': 'List available configurations',
-                    '--format':       'Output format (text, html, asciidoc, ini, xml)',
+                    '--format':       'Output format (text, html, markdown, ini, xml)',
                     '--output':       'File name to output the report' }
-        opts = options.load(args, optargs)
+        opts = options.load(args, optargs, logfile = False)
         if opts.get_arg('--output') and len(opts.params()) > 1:
             raise error.general('--output can only be used with a single config')
         print('RTEMS Source Builder, Reporter, %s' % (version.str()))
@@ -805,8 +912,8 @@ def run(args):
                     raise error.general('invalid format option: %s' % ('='.join(format_opt)))
                 if format_opt[1] == 'text':
-                elif format_opt[1] == 'asciidoc':
-                    formatter = asciidoc_formatter()
+                elif format_opt[1] == 'markdown':
+                    formatter = markdown_formatter()
                 elif format_opt[1] == 'html':
                     formatter = html_formatter()
                 elif format_opt[1] == 'ini':
@@ -824,7 +931,7 @@ def run(args):
                     outname = output
                 config = build.find_config(_config, configs)
                 if config is None:
-                    raise error.general('config file not found: %s' % (inname))
+                    raise error.general('config file not found: %s' % (_config))
                 r.create(config, outname)
             del r
diff --git a/source-builder/sb/setbuilder.py b/source-builder/sb/setbuilder.py
index 9fa19ec..17b781a 100644
--- a/source-builder/sb/setbuilder.py
+++ b/source-builder/sb/setbuilder.py
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import glob
 import operator
 import os
 import sys
+import textwrap
     import build
@@ -49,6 +50,23 @@ except:
     print('error: unknown application load error', file = sys.stderr)
+class log_capture(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.log = []
+        log.capture = self.capture
+    def __str__(self):
+        return os.linesep.join(self.log)
+    def capture(self, text):
+        self.log += [l for l in text.replace(chr(13), '').splitlines()]
+    def get(self):
+        return self.log
+    def clear(self):
+        self.log = []
 class buildset:
     """Build a set builds a set of packages."""
@@ -71,30 +89,43 @@ class buildset:
         self.bset_pkg = '%s-%s-set' % (pkg_prefix, self.bset)
         self.mail_header = ''
         self.mail_report = ''
+        self.mail_report_0subject = ''
         self.build_failure = None
-    def write_mail_header(self, text, prepend = False):
-        if len(text) == 0 or text[-1] != '\n' or text[-1] != '\r':
+    def write_mail_header(self, text = '', prepend = False):
+        if type(text) is list:
+            text = os.linesep.join(text)
+        text = text.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', os.linesep)
+        if len(text) == 0 or text[-1] != os.linesep:
             text += os.linesep
         if prepend:
             self.mail_header = text + self.mail_header
             self.mail_header += text
+    def get_mail_header(self):
+        return self.mail_header
     def write_mail_report(self, text, prepend = False):
-        if len(text) == 0 or text[-1] != '\n' or text[-1] != '\r':
+        if type(text) is list:
+            text = os.linesep.join(text)
+        text = text.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', os.linesep)
+        if len(text) == 0 or text[-1] != os.linesep:
             text += os.linesep
         if prepend:
             self.mail_report = text + self.mail_report
             self.mail_report += text
+    def get_mail_report(self):
+        return self.mail_report
     def copy(self, src, dst):
         log.output('copy: %s => %s' % (path.host(src), path.host(dst)))
         if not self.opts.dry_run():
             path.copy_tree(src, dst)
-    def report(self, _config, _build, opts, macros, format = None):
+    def report(self, _config, _build, opts, macros, format = None, mail = None):
         if len(_build.main_package().name()) > 0 \
            and not _build.macros.get('%{_disable_reporting}') \
            and (not _build.opts.get_arg('--no-report') \
@@ -139,13 +170,13 @@ class buildset:
                 del r
-            if _build.opts.get_arg('--mail'):
+            if mail:
                 r = reports.report('text', self.configs,
                                    copy.copy(opts), copy.copy(macros))
-                self.write_mail_report(r.out)
+                self.write_mail_report(r.get_output())
                 del r
     def root_copy(self, src, dst):
@@ -299,17 +330,20 @@ class buildset:
             configs = self.parse(bset)
         return configs
-    def build(self, deps = None, nesting_count = 0):
+    def build(self, deps = None, nesting_count = 0, mail = None):
         build_error = False
         nesting_count += 1
+        if mail:
+            mail['output'].clear()
         log.trace('_bset: %s: make' % (self.bset))
         log.notice('Build Set: %s' % (self.bset))
-        if self.opts.get_arg('--mail'):
-            mail_report_subject = '%s %s' % (self.bset, self.macros.expand('%{_host}'))
+        mail_subject = '%s on %s' % (self.bset,
+                                     self.macros.expand('%{_host}'))
         current_path = os.environ['PATH']
@@ -318,6 +352,9 @@ class buildset:
         mail_report = False
         have_errors = False
+        if mail:
+            mail['output'].clear()
             configs = self.load()
@@ -337,14 +374,17 @@ class buildset:
                     if configs[s].endswith('.bset'):
                         log.trace('_bset: == %2d %s' % (nesting_count + 1, '=' * 75))
                         bs = buildset(configs[s], self.configs, opts, macros)
-                        bs.build(deps, nesting_count)
+                        bs.build(deps, nesting_count, mail)
                         del bs
                     elif configs[s].endswith('.cfg'):
-                        mail_report = self.opts.get_arg('--mail')
+                        if mail:
+                            mail_report = True
                         log.trace('_bset: -- %2d %s' % (nesting_count + 1, '-' * 75))
-                            b = build.build(configs[s], self.opts.get_arg('--pkg-tar-files'),
-                                            opts, macros)
+                            b = build.build(configs[s],
+                                            self.opts.get_arg('--pkg-tar-files'),
+                                            opts,
+                                            macros)
                             build_error = True
@@ -354,12 +394,14 @@ class buildset:
                             self.build_package(configs[s], b)
                             self.report(configs[s], b,
-                                        copy.copy(self.macros))
-                            # Always product an XML report.
+                                        copy.copy(self.macros),
+                                        mail = mail)
+                            # Always produce an XML report.
                             self.report(configs[s], b,
-                                        format = 'xml')
+                                        format = 'xml',
+                                        mail = mail)
                             if s == len(configs) - 1 and not have_errors:
@@ -428,25 +470,29 @@ class buildset:
             end = datetime.datetime.now()
             os.environ['PATH'] = current_path
             build_time = str(end - start)
-            if mail_report:
-                to_addr = self.opts.get_arg('--mail-to')
-                if to_addr is not None:
-                    to_addr = to_addr[1]
-                else:
-                    to_addr = self.macros.expand('%{_mail_tools_to}')
-                log.notice('Mailing report: %s' % (to_addr))
-                self.write_mail_header('Build Time %s' % (build_time), True)
-                self.write_mail_header('')
-                m = mailer.mail(self.opts)
+            if mail_report and not self.macros.defined('mail_disable'):
+                self.write_mail_header('Build Time: %s' % (build_time), True)
+                self.write_mail_header('', True)
                 if self.build_failure is not None:
-                    mail_report_subject = 'Build: FAILED %s (%s)' %\
-                        (mail_report_subject, self.build_failure)
-                    pass_fail = 'FAILED'
+                    mail_subject = 'FAILED %s (%s)' % \
+                        (mail_subject, self.build_failure)
-                    mail_report_subject = 'Build: PASSED %s' % (mail_report_subject)
-                if not self.opts.dry_run():
-                    m.send(to_addr, mail_report_subject,
-                           self.mail_header + self.mail_report)
+                    mail_subject = 'PASSED %s' % (mail_subject)
+                mail_subject = 'Build %s: %s' % (reports.platform(mode = 'system'),
+                                                 mail_subject)
+                self.write_mail_header(mail['header'], True)
+                self.write_mail_header('')
+                log.notice('Mailing report: %s' % (mail['to']))
+                body = self.get_mail_header()
+                body += 'Output' + os.linesep
+                body += '======' + os.linesep + os.linesep
+                body += os.linesep.join(mail['output'].get())
+                body += os.linesep + os.linesep
+                body += 'Report' + os.linesep
+                body += '======' + os.linesep + os.linesep
+                body += self.get_mail_report()
+                if not opts.dry_run():
+                    mail['mail'].send(mail['to'], mail_subject, body)
             log.notice('Build Set: Time %s' % (build_time))
 def list_bset_cfg_files(opts, configs):
@@ -467,6 +513,7 @@ def run():
     import sys
     ec = 0
     setbuilder_error = False
+    mail = None
         optargs = { '--list-configs':  'List available configurations',
                     '--list-bsets':    'List available build sets',
@@ -477,10 +524,27 @@ def run():
                     '--report-format': 'The report format (text, html, asciidoc).' }
         opts = options.load(sys.argv, optargs)
+        if opts.get_arg('--mail'):
+            mail = { 'mail'  : mailer.mail(opts),
+                     'output': log_capture() }
+            to_addr = opts.get_arg('--mail-to')
+            if to_addr is not None:
+                mail['to'] = to_addr[1]
+            else:
+                mail['to'] = opts.defaults.expand('%{_mail_tools_to}')
+            mail['from'] = mail['mail'].from_address()
         log.notice('RTEMS Source Builder - Set Builder, %s' % (version.str()))
         if not check.host_setup(opts):
             raise error.general('host build environment is not set up correctly')
+        if mail:
+            mail['header'] = os.linesep.join(mail['output'].get()) + os.linesep
+            mail['header'] += os.linesep
+            mail['header'] += 'Host: '  + reports.platform('compact') + os.linesep
+            indent = '       '
+            for l in textwrap.wrap(reports.platform('extended'),
+                                   width = 80 - len(indent)):
+                mail['header'] += indent + l + os.linesep
         configs = build.get_configs(opts)
         if opts.get_arg('--list-deps'):
             deps = []
@@ -496,12 +560,14 @@ def run():
                not opts.no_install() and \
                not path.ispathwritable(prefix):
                 raise error.general('prefix is not writable: %s' % (path.host(prefix)))
             for bset in opts.params():
                 setbuilder_error = True
                 b = buildset(bset, configs, opts)
-                b.build(deps)
+                b.build(deps, mail = mail)
                 b = None
                 setbuilder_error = False
         if deps is not None:
             c = 0
             for d in sorted(set(deps)):
@@ -522,6 +588,10 @@ def run():
     except KeyboardInterrupt:
         log.notice('abort: user terminated')
         ec = 1
+    except:
+        raise
+        log.notice('abort: unknown error')
+        ec = 1
 if __name__ == "__main__":
2.14.3 (Apple Git-98)

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