GSoC 2018 (was: Re: devel Digest, Vol 75, Issue 41)

Christian Mauderer list at
Sat Feb 24 14:35:35 UTC 2018

Am 23.02.2018 um 18:19 schrieb Salil Sirotia:
> Hi all
> I am more intrested in high level programming projects.Currently I am
> doing a project on wireless sensor networks in python.
> So please suggest me some Open project matching with my skills
> Thanks & regards,
> Salil Sirotia,
> Mtech,CSE-IS(Final Year),
> IIT(ISM),Dhanbad

Hello Salil

please note that answering to the digests isn't really a good idea. It's
really hard to follow a thread of conversation if the topic changes
every day. Beneath that, quite a lot of users on mailing lists use a
mail client that can group messages by some special headers of a mail
(like "Message-ID", "In-Reply-To" and "References") that get lost if you
answer to digests.

Regarding the projects: If you have python experience and want to keep
at a higher level, you might want to take a look at the projects
involving the development ecosystem. That would be the ones here:

and here:

Note that the second link points to older OpenProjects that haven't been
converted to tickets yet. These projects might are not up to date.

And please remember: We don't want to select a project for you and force
you to do it. You should find one that interests you so that you can
have fun while doing the project. So if some other of the projects on
the open projects page picks your eye start to ask about it. If you
really like some framework for example for sensor networks and want to
port it to RTEMS: Suggest that as a project. Someone might think it's a
good idea too. Be creative.

Best regards

Christian Mauderer

>     Message: 1
>     Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2018 15:48:52 +0100
>     From: Christian Mauderer <christian.mauderer at
>     <mailto:christian.mauderer at>>
>     To: devel at <mailto:devel at>
>     Subject: Re: GSOC 2018
>     Message-ID: <8257435e-3cba-80df-1f42-817959fc49a6 at
>     <mailto:8257435e-3cba-80df-1f42-817959fc49a6 at>>
>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>     Am 22.02.2018 um 03:35 schrieb Salil Sirotia:
>     > Hi all,
>     >
>     > My name is Salil Sirotia and I'd like to be a part of RTEMS
>     project for GSoC
>     > 2018.
>     >
>     > As of now, I have gone through 'Getting Started documentation'
>     > available on the? <>
>     <>?and have
>     > managed to set up a working environment
>     > for SPARC/ERC32.The wiki prospective students need to provide a proof
>     > of setting up environemt,? i've sent a snapshot with the modefied
>     Hello
>     > World Test program after I ran it with ' sparc-rtems5-gdb ' as
>     > shown on the wiki page. Please Do let me know if I need to provide
>     > anything else .
>     >
>     > I have modified the hello world Sample application and Now I want to
>     > learn more things like Open Projects in RTEMS? Organization.
>     > Would you like to suggest me some Open Projects that match my skills?
>     > Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
>     >
>     > I would love to work on any open projects.
>     > My skills sets are :-
>     > C,C++
>     > Begineer in Python,Java
>     >
>     >
>     Hello Salil,
>     first of all: Welcome to RTEMS.
>     It really depends on what you would like to do. For some open projects,
>     you can have a look at the OpenProjects page in the wiki:
>     <>
>     If you see something that interests you, just start to discuss it on the
>     mailing list. If you have some ideas of your own you can discuss
>     them too.
>     If you can't decide, it would be useful if you could tell us something
>     more about your interests and experience. Are you interested more in
>     high-level programming or something as close to hardware as possible?
>     Did your already use some embedded boards like Beagle or Raspberry?
>     Kind regards
>     Christian Mauderer

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