Query regarding covoar

Joel Sherrill joel at rtems.org
Mon Jul 2 23:02:39 UTC 2018

On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 5:50 PM, Vijay Kumar Banerjee <
vijaykumar9597 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I wanted some help in understanding the
> function of the following files in covoar
> 1. qemu-dump-trace.c

Print the couverture trace file in human readable format. Ensure that
covoar can read it correctly. This is the main() for a utility.

If gcc doesn't have one, a gcno and gcda dump would be comparable
and useful utilities.

> 2. CoverageReaderQEMU.cc

Read a Qemu trace and put it into a coverage map. This is an
input converter. Each supported trace format (e.g. qemu, tsim)
has a reader class.

For some formats, there is also a Writer class. The Coverage
RTEMS format was intended for debugging and interchange
with TBD tools.

> 3. TraceConverter.cc

 This is a simple utility which uses a reader and writer instance
to read from one format and write to another. This was envisioned
to help interoperate with tools which only knew one coverage format.
Say you ran qemu but had tools to process tsim coverage files.
Convert them.

Note: Trace files like qemu have more information available than
bit map coverage files like tsim or skyeye.

> If the information I'm seeking is already
> present in a documentation, the link to
> the doc would be helpful. :)

Everyone's a comedian. This stuff needs more documentation. :)

Badly. Maybe the summer of code is followed by you and I having
a winter of documentation.


> Thanks
> --vijay
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