[GSoC - x86_64 BSP] Using fPIC to compile RTEMS as a shared library

Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Fri Jun 8 02:01:06 UTC 2018

On 08/06/2018 01:50, Amaan Cheval wrote:
> Joel, Chris, I'd appreciate guidance on what I ought to work on next

I would like to see the focus on the kernel context switcher, FPU support, and
then interrupts so we have the basic drivers we need like a tick interrupt running.

This assumes the loader issues we have not resolved do not effect this work.

> and what
> discussions we need to have to decide between the "bundled kernel.so approach"
> (the one implemented here) vs. the "FreeBSD loader.efi+hello.exe" approach. Let
> me know!

I do not think I can help too much here. I understand the loader.efi+exe
solution and it should work because all RTEMS applications we have are
statically linked (I am assuming it is here). I have not looked at the details
being used with the -fPIC and .so solution so I cannot comment. I do have some
concerns the relocatable exe might expose some dark corners and issues in the
host tools we have, for example how does GDB find the base address of the image
so you can debug it? and is this just working or is it really suppose to work
this way?


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