Improve coverage analysis toolset
Joel Sherrill
joel at
Sun Mar 25 22:19:24 UTC 2018
Just a couple of questions and planning issues. The planning issues
are because the requirements for some of the work are likely not solid
on our side.
1. Do you plan to work on identifying the discrepancies between
what covoar reports directly and what gcov reports based on its
gcov file output? I ask because I lined up someone from the GCC
community who should be able to tell us what is not right once
we have specific cases.
2. My recollection is that the symbol set file is generated from
the RTEMS libraries under test. The scripting that generates this
file will have to change also. The set of symbols changes as
RTEMS evolves.
3. Chris has had ideas on changing the output from directly
producing ascii and html to something else. It is on he and I
to give you input on the actual format.
Personally getting all existing work merged and it in a state
where we can produce coverage reports again is really a
critical thing. The previous work changed it from being
a standalone shell script that drove things to part of the RSB
and make it possible to have the reports based on subdirectories
rather than one large report.
I don't 'think this changes your plan except that the plan seems to
put gcov as bonus work. It isn't discussed as work during the
summer.It would be nice to get gcov correctness done earlier
because that might be the best way to nice reports. For
example, running lcov on the .gcov files produced by covoar
might be an option.
On Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 3:16 PM, Vijay Kumar Banerjee <
vijaykumar9597 at> wrote:
> submitted !
> If you find time , please give final review as well.
> Thanks
> On 26 Mar 2018 1:44 a.m., "Joel Sherrill" <joel at> wrote:
>> I am out and not at a computer. Someone can double check me but I believe
>> you can replace the PDF you upload.
>> Unless someone answers soon, just upload it.
>> --joel
>> On Mar 25, 2018 2:37 PM, "Vijay Kumar Banerjee" <vijaykumar9597 at>
>> wrote:
>>> It's the last day before the deadline!
>>> Please provide a final review of the proposal before submitting.
>>> Thanks
>>> -- vijay
>>> On 24 March 2018 at 21:37, Vijay Kumar Banerjee <
>>> vijaykumar9597 at> wrote:
>>>> hello mentors and other developers of the community , there are only
>>>> three days remaining to the GSoC proposal submission deadline.
>>>> I request the mentors and everyone in the community who has experience
>>>> in RTEMS, to please go through my proposal for Coverage Analysis tool
>>>> improvement project , if they have time , and suggest any kind of
>>>> improvements and changes .
>>>> here is the link to the proposal
>>>> rLETlerxD6t0SOcQNLQ/edit?usp=sharing
>>>> Thank you
>>>> -- vijay
>>>> On 22 March 2018 at 04:30, Joel Sherrill <joel at> wrote:
>>>>> Glad you have tests running. Hopefully as Cillian suggested, you can
>>>>> fix the
>>>>> remaining issues to see coverage.
>>>>> We certainly need to get this merged if Chris is OK with it and it
>>>>> doesn't
>>>>> break anything else.
>>>>> I am reviewing proposals now. Seems to be a queue. :)
>>>>> --joel
>>>>> On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 4:42 AM, Vijay Kumar Banerjee <
>>>>> vijaykumar9597 at> wrote:
>>>>>> Sir ,
>>>>>> I have done the changes in the proposal , based on the comments in
>>>>>> the google doc , please review it and suggest any further changes if
>>>>>> required
>>>>>> Thank you ,
>>>>>> -- vijay
>>>>>> P.S : the previous version is in parentheses , I will remove them
>>>>>> after you review the changes .
>>>>>> On 18 March 2018 at 16:05, Vijay Kumar Banerjee <
>>>>>> vijaykumar9597 at> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Cillian :)
>>>>>>> It's great to see it running , I'll do some background reading
>>>>>>> about RSB, and RTEMS-Tools along with the covoar code . And also work on my
>>>>>>> python skills.
>>>>>>> to try rtems-test on a bsp that runs gdb , I tried it on erc32 and
>>>>>>> that also worked.
>>>>>>> I'm also waiting for Joel and other mentors' review on my draft
>>>>>>> proposal, so that I can also work on it and make any changes if needed.
>>>>>>> Thanks .
>>>>>>> -- vijay
>>>>>>> On 18 March 2018 at 14:17, Cillian O'Donnell <cpodonnell8 at>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 18 March 2018 at 06:47, Vijay Kumar Banerjee <
>>>>>>>> vijaykumar9597 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> It worked !
>>>>>>>> That's great! That's the good news then. I was using an old leon3
>>>>>>>> build and maybe some older Qemu too and I think that's why I didn't see any
>>>>>>>> issues initially. I was hoping you could see the coverage running and the
>>>>>>>> reports generated from that but it looks like the full update to the
>>>>>>>> current master will be necessary to have a look. So until the parsing for
>>>>>>>> the INI files is added to the we won't see the coverage
>>>>>>>> running. Unfortunately, I'm in the middle of exams until the following
>>>>>>>> Monday so I won't be able to sink any more time into it until then. You can
>>>>>>>> still figure out the RSB problem you're having and do some background
>>>>>>>> reading, brush up on your Python skills, have a read of the covoar code
>>>>>>>> ar/
>>>>>>>> just skim through, read the comments, get a sense of the what it's
>>>>>>>> doing and in what order.
>>>>>>>>> It's great to see it running ! I have attached the result .
>>>>>>>>> -- vijay
>>>>>>>>> On 18 March 2018 at 02:31, Cillian O'Donnell <
>>>>>>>>> cpodonnell8 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 17 March 2018 at 20:08, Vijay Kumar Banerjee <
>>>>>>>>>> vijaykumar9597 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> yes it prints hello world
>>>>>>>>>> Alright I've added an .ini for leon3-qemu to the current
>>>>>>>>>> rtems-tools. Pull this branch
>>>>>>>>>> and try
>>>>>>>>>> $HOME/development/rtems/test/rtems-tools/tester/rtems-test
>>>>>>>>>> --rtems-tools=$HOME/development/rtems/5
>>>>>>>>>> --log=coverage-analysis.log --rtems-bsp=leon3_qemu
>>>>>>>>>> $HOME/development/rtems/leon3/sparc-rtems5/c/leon3/testsuite
>>>>>>>>>> s/samples
>>>>>>>>>>> -- vijay
>>>>>>>>>>> On 18 March 2018 at 01:31, Cillian O'Donnell <
>>>>>>>>>>> cpodonnell8 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> If you run just one test by itself without rtems-test
>>>>>>>>>>>> qemu-system-sparc -no-reboot -monitor null -serial stdio
>>>>>>>>>>>> -nographic -M leon3_generic -kernel $HOME/development/rtems/leon3/
>>>>>>>>>>>> sparc-rtems5/c/leon3/testsuites/samples/hello/hello.exe
>>>>>>>>>>>> Does the hello world print out?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 17 March 2018 at 14:46, Vijay Kumar Banerjee <
>>>>>>>>>>>> vijaykumar9597 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I built it manually
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the environment variable PATH looks like this
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/lunatic/qemu/install/bin:/home/lunatic/development/rte
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ms/5/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> home/lunatic/.local/bin:/home/lunatic/bin
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I tried to run rtems-test again without --coverage , it gives
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the same result
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have attached the log.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- vijay
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 17 March 2018 at 00:55, Cillian O'Donnell <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cpodonnell8 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes this is something more than my build, I'll need someone a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bit more expert in the RSB to step in there. In the meantime, lets just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> build couverture-qemu manually so we can see is everything else working.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> git clone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cd qemu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ./configure --target-list=sparc-softmmu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --prefix=$HOME/qemu/install --disable-docs --disable-virtfs --disable-werror
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make install
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then add the prefix to $PATH in .bashrc as well like before.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> export PATH=$HOME/qemu/install/bin:$PATH
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then run rtem-test and see what happens
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 16 March 2018 at 19:13, Vijay Kumar Banerjee <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vijaykumar9597 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the same error comes when I try to build qemu from the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RTEMS/rtems-source-builder as well
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is the issue coming from my system ? I'm using fedora 27
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 64bit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 17 Mar 2018 12:39 a.m., "Vijay Kumar Banerjee" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vijaykumar9597 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yes , the same thing happens
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 17 Mar 2018 12:13 a.m., "Cillian O'Donnell" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cpodonnell8 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you build regular qemu with the RSB, does the same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thing happen?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Try
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --log=qemu_log.txt
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --prefix=$HOME/development/5 devel/qemu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 16 March 2018 at 16:48, Vijay Kumar Banerjee <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vijaykumar9597 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still the same error
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- vijay
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 16 March 2018 at 21:39, Cillian O'Donnell <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cpodonnell8 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just checked and the build was failing because one of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the patches needed its hash to be updated to sha256. Just pushed that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change. The build finishes successfully on my end. Pull that change into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> couverture-build branch and try it again. I'm not seeing any automake stuff
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here, so just check that and let me know.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 16 March 2018 at 14:59, Vijay Kumar Banerjee <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vijaykumar9597 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> building couverture-qemu from rtems-source-builder (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> onnell/rtems-source-builder/tree/couverture-build )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gives error building auromake-1.12.6-x86_64-linux-gnu-1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have attached the error report .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- vijay
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 15 March 2018 at 19:17, Cillian O'Donnell <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cpodonnell8 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 15 March 2018 at 12:26, Vijay Kumar Banerjee <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vijaykumar9597 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It runs with a bunch of errors . I have attached the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> log file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, I'm guessing you didn't set up Couverture-Qemu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (special version of qemu designed for generating extra trace data for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coverage analysis). That's what those errors are about. I have an RSB build
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for that.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nell/rtems-source-builder/tree/couverture-build
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the instructions for building it are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SoC/2017/coveragetools#Buildin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gCouverture-QemuwiththeRSB
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I know what the other problem is too. I have a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specific environment variable defined for the path, sorry I can't even
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remember putting it there, I thought that was automatically generated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (probably should be, another thing to add to the list :)... ). So wherever
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you stuck the export path for where the rsb built the tools, in .bashrc or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whatever you're using. Also put something like:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> export PATH=$HOME/development/rtems/5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /bin:$PATH
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> export PATH=$HOME/development/rtems/t
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> est/rtems-tools/build/tester/covoar:$PATH
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or you could just copy covoar into the /bin directory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with all the other rsb tools gcc and all that, it'll find it either way.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- vijay
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 15 March 2018 at 16:58, Cillian O'Donnell <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cpodonnell8 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Looks good. If you run the samples without coverage
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is everything ok?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So removing --coverage and tacking on /samples
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $HOME/development/rtems-tools/tester/rtems-test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --rtems-bsp=leon3-qemu --log=log-leon3.log --rtems-tools=$HOME/development/rtems/5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --rtems-builddir=$HOME/development/rtems/kernel/leon3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sparc-rtems5/c/leon3/testsuites/samples
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do the tests run?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 15 March 2018 at 10:53, Vijay Kumar Banerjee <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vijaykumar9597 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have attached the output of the ls of that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> directory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- vijay
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 15 March 2018 at 15:52, Cillian O'Donnell <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cpodonnell8 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 15 March 2018 at 03:58, Vijay Kumar Banerjee <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vijaykumar9597 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hello ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as told by Joel , I started this thread to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> further discuss the coverage analysis toolset .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Current status is , I'm trying to builld and run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rtems-test from the coverage-merge branch of the previous GSoC student
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cillian .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nell/rtems-tools/tree/coverage-merge
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm getting an error that says .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Covoar not found !"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's supposed to find it in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rtems-tools/build/tester/covoar/ If it's in there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it should be fine. Can you show me the contents of that directory?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cpod at cpod ~/development/rtems/test/rtems-tools/build/tester/covoar
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ ls
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Covoar appeared in rtems-tools/tester/covoar .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vijay
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