Move libbsp/libchip to top of tree

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at
Wed Mar 28 05:16:16 UTC 2018

On 28/03/18 02:11, Chris Johns wrote:
> On 28/03/2018 07:09, Joel Sherrill wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 2:56 PM, Cudmore, Alan P. (GSFC-5820)
>> <alan.p.cudmore at <mailto:alan.p.cudmore at>> wrote:
>>      I like the idea, but to me it would be confusing to have bsp and bspkit at
>>      the top level, each having nearly the same directories. (but certainly less
>>      confusing than before)____
>>      At the risk of introducing more work, would it make sense to have bspkit
>>      with inc and src subdirectories?
> Alan, this is a good point and highlights a weakness in the current positioning
> of the bsp includes. In this context it would seem to be a mistake to have the
> includes under 'bsps' because it leads to a duplicated name of some type at the
> top level. A 'bsps/include' directory would make the BSPs consistent with
> 'cpukit/include' plus it is a sensible path.

I thought the structure is clear now. Everything BSP related should go 
to "bsps" with public headers in "include" subdirectories. This is the 
same structure we have in "cpukit". Where do you see duplicated names?

>> Yeah. I forgot to mention that we would have to address that. Having a directory
>> that is "pure installed .h" files is desirable and we would have to address having
>> two similarly named directories.
> I think a tree plan needs to be made before we move any more code about to avoid
> moving twice.

I thought we already have a plan.

> As a starting point for a discussion here is a list:
> - Removing 'c' moving all contents to other parts of the tree
>    - bsps/. => bsps/include

We already  have a bsps/include?

>    - c/src/lib/libbsp/. => bsps/

Yes, but please with a common structure for all BSPs as defined by

>    - c/src/ada => ada

There is no c/src/ada.

>    - c/src/support/verison.c => cpukit/sapi/version-string.c

Is the RTEMS_BSP define available in cpukit? If yes, then this is a bug.

>    - c/src/ => bsps/
>    - c/src/libchip => devices (not sure about this)

This should move to bsps/shared/dev/*

> - Rename cpukit because *kit means nothing
>    - cpukit => kernel

No, please lets not do this. This makes searching the commit history 
more difficult just for the sake of some cosmetic naming change. 
Removing the preinstall step or getting rid of three directory levels is 
a different story.

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone   : +49 89 189 47 41-16
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E-Mail  : sebastian.huber at
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