Generating separate coverage reports for different symbol-sets from covoar

Vijay Kumar Banerjee vijaykumar9597 at
Wed May 30 21:20:31 UTC 2018


The covoar currently is capable of processing multisets
from the symbol-sets ini file, however, it currently keeps
all the reports in the same directory (../coverage/score).

Before the recent updates to covoar it could only read
one set/subsystem from an ini file, and the script used
to loop over to feed covoar the ini files and store them
in a separate directory. Now this support needs to be
added to covoar .

The report.html generated from coverage has the
support for reading from different directories.
example:- ../coverage/score , ../coverage/rtems etc.
so just creating a directory for result in each iteration
of sets would solve this (I think)

-- vijay
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