Correct makefile configuration for test framework?

Utkarsh Rai utkarsh.rai60 at
Sat Apr 11 06:07:30 UTC 2020

I encountered linkage error while building test using the test framework,
in particular
undefined reference to `_Stack_Space_size'
undefined reference to `_Thread_Initial_thread_count'

While building test file through the test framework my makefile
configuration is ( I took the libtests/ttest01 configuration as a refernce)

if TEST_psxclocknanosleep01
psx_tests += psxclocknanosleep01
psxclocknanosleep01_SOURCES = psxclocknanosleep01/init.c
psxclocknanosleep01_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) \
$(TEST_FLAGS_psxclocknanosleep01) $(support_includes) \


Can someone kindly point out, what is it that I am doing wrong?
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