Configuration option for thread-stack protection.

Utkarsh Rai utkarsh.rai60 at
Thu Aug 6 12:12:25 UTC 2020

The thread-stack protection needs to be configured by the user. Two of the
options that need configuring during build time are -
> Enabling thread stack protection ( THREAD_STACK_PROTECTION )- This is a
high-level option similar to RTEMS_SMP, RTEMS_POSIX_API  etc.
> Size of the MMU pages - This is a BSP specific option.
 Using the new build system we can configure these by adding BSP option (
for eg. realview BSP has 'optmmusmallpages.yml'  for 4K mmu pages).
Similarly, we can have 'optthreadstackprotection.yml' similar to
'optsmp.yml' for enabling thread stack protection.  Is there something else
we need to do, for specifying these options?

Another option that needs to be specified is the number of thread stacks
that can be shared with a particular thread. This can be done by specifying
this in rtems/confdefs.h and then configured by the application. I would
request your opinion on this and whether this is the right manner to
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