[PATCH v3] doc/raspberrypi: Added instructions for raspberrypi

G S Niteesh gsnb.gn at gmail.com
Mon Jan 6 10:47:49 UTC 2020

Added instructions to run examples on raspberrypi.
 user/bsps/arm/raspberrypi.rst | 73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/user/bsps/arm/raspberrypi.rst b/user/bsps/arm/raspberrypi.rst
index 4ef75bd..b986411 100644
--- a/user/bsps/arm/raspberrypi.rst
+++ b/user/bsps/arm/raspberrypi.rst
@@ -5,4 +5,75 @@
+This BSP supports `Raspberry Pi 1` and `Raspberry Pi 2` currently.
+The support for `Raspberry Pi 3` is work under progress.
+The default bootloader on the Raspberry Pi which is used to boot Raspbian
+or other OS can be also used to boot RTEMS. U-boot can also be used.
+Setup SD card
+The Raspberry Pis have an unconventional booting mechanism. The GPU
+boots first, initializes itself, runs the bootloader and starts the CPU.
+The bootloader looks for a kernel image, by default the kernel images must
+have a name of the form ``kernel*.img`` but this can be changed by adding
+`kernel=<img_name>` to ``config.txt``.
+You must provide the required files for the GPU to proceed. These files
+can be downloaded from this `the Raspberry Pi Firmware Repository <https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/tree/master/boot>`_.
+You can remove the ``kernel*.img`` if you want, but don't touch the other files.
+Copy these files in to a SD card with FAT filesystem.
+Kernel image
+The following steps show how to run ``hello.exe`` on a Raspberry Pi 2.
+The same instructions can be applied to Raspberry Pi 1 also.
+Other executables can be processed in a similar way.
+To create the kernel image:
+.. code-block:: none
+     arm-rtems5-objcopy -Obinary hello.exe kernel.img
+Copy the kernel image to the SD card.
+Make sure you have these lines below in your config.txt.
+.. code-block:: none
+     enable-uart=1
+     kernel_address=0x200000
+     kernel=kernel.img
+Testing using QEMU
+QEMU along with GDB can be used for debugging, but it only supports
+Raspberry Pi 2 and the emulation is also incomplete. So some of the
+features might not work as expected.
+Make sure you have latest version of QEMU, because older ones don't support
+Raspberry Pi.
+.. code-block:: none
+     qemu-system-arm -M raspi2 -m 1G -kernel hello.exe -serial mon:stdio -nographic -S -s
+This starts QEMU and creates a socket at port ``localhost:1234`` for GDB to
+In a new terminal, run GDB using
+.. code-block:: none
+     arm-rtems5-gdb hello.exe
+     tar remote:1234
+     load
+This will connect GDB to QEMU and load the application.
+**Note**: Add ``set scheduler-locking on`` in GDB if you have any issues
+running the examples.
\ No newline at end of file

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