RTEMS Documentation BSD licensing

Martin Erik Werner martinerikwerner at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 18:36:56 UTC 2020

Based on the dual-licensing work done as part of 
https://devel.rtems.org/ticket/3899 I was wondering what the licensing
state would be for the documentation going forward?

Previously, as far as I understand it, contributions were implicitly
licensed under BY-SA (CC-BY-SA-4.0 international) by the author and
RTEMS uses and redistributes the content with this license?

With this dual-licensing I understand that contributions will now be
implicitly licensed under both BSD (BSD-2-Clause) and BY-SA by the
author for contributions to some (or all?) parts.

Is there any documentation that will indicate this more specifically?
"If you contribute to this item, your agre to provide your
contributions under this(these) license(s)".

Will the documentation with inbound BSD/BY-SA contributions still be
outbound licensed under BY-SA in the "web" documentation? Or will this
documenation shift to being outbound BSD/BY-SA as well?

BSD is inbound compatible with BY-SA, right? If so I would guess that
providing contributions under BSD would be the same as providing them
under BSD and BY-SA (since one can simply take BSD and make it BY-SA)?

Assuming that BSD is inbound compatible with BY-SA, would it then make
sense to use only BSD as both inbound and outbound for the doxygen-
shared part of the "web" documentation?

If it remains outbound BY-SA-only there would be an assymetry, and for
example have the mild hitch that only the RTEMS project itself is
allowed to copy documentation to BSD-doxygen.

Martin Erik Werner <martinerikwerner at gmail.com>

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