Regarding BSP executable conversion

Ayushman Mishra ayushvidushi01 at
Mon Apr 12 16:39:39 UTC 2021

Hello everyone ,
I am working on project "BSP Executable Conversion"
( where I have to make BSP
specific script for conversion of executables from RTEMS executable
format to the BSP boot loader format so that it can run on target.
I know that the previous version of RTEMS had bsp-post-link in some
BSPs which helped in conversion of BSP executables but it's disabled
in the present version to simplify the build process. It would be
really helpful to know what is the current situation regarding the
conversion of BSP executable, that is how BSP specific executable runs
on target in current version of RTEMS . I have checked the executable
section of the user manual but
could not get a specific answer regarding the executables installed
along with installation of BSP.
Also I would be grateful if anyone can please point out some example
regarding it.
Thanks , Ayushman

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