How do we know what priority of the Init task is?

Chris Johns chrisj at
Wed Feb 24 21:47:23 UTC 2021

On 24/2/21 6:13 pm, Sebastian Huber wrote:
> On 23/02/2021 23:41, Chris Johns wrote:
>> On 24/2/21 9:26 am, dufault at wrote:
>>> I re-read Joel's mail and I agree, the priority should be left ridiculously
>>> low (as it is now) or maybe set in the middle (but why bother?).
>>> I was thinking about matching classic RTEMS behavior.  I don't think it
>>> matters in POSIX.
>> The SYSINIT and constructors run on the first created thread before it is
>> enteretd so it makes me wonder if we test initialisation with both types of init
>> task?
> The SYSINIT doesn't run in a task context. It runs in whatever context is set up
> by the BSP low level initialization.

Ah OK and thanks. I had not realised it worked this way but it makes sense. This
limits what SYSINT offers over constructors but SYSINIT is a much better means
of specifying and performing these initialisation operations. There is no
sequencing in constructors.

> Global construction is tested for all initialization task variants.

Yes so it can use any RTEMS resource.

>> Using the same priority would avoid any complication.
> Maybe we should add configuration options for the POSIX initialization thread.



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