[PATCH 15/18] modifies 3rd party code - comment filter
Andrew.Butterfield at scss.tcd.ie
Andrew.Butterfield at scss.tcd.ie
Thu Dec 22 11:48:15 UTC 2022
.../comment-filter/.circleci/config.yml | 9 -
.../src/modules/comment-filter/.coveragerc | 2 -
.../src/src/modules/comment-filter/.gitignore | 104 -------
.../modules/comment-filter/CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md | 73 -----
.../modules/comment-filter/CONTRIBUTING.md | 87 ------
.../src/src/modules/comment-filter/Dockerfile | 9 -
.../src/src/modules/comment-filter/LICENSE | 4 +-
.../src/modules/comment-filter/MANIFEST.in | 7 -
.../src/modules/comment-filter/bin/comments | 25 --
.../comment-filter/bin/testdata/hello.c | 8 -
.../comment-filter/comment_filter/_version.py | 0
.../comment-filter/comment_filter/language.py | 14 +-
.../comment-filter/comment_filter/rfc.py | 62 +++--
.../comment-filter/comment_filter/rfc_test.py | 258 ------------------
14 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 620 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/.circleci/config.yml
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delete mode 100644 formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/.gitignore
delete mode 100644 formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md
delete mode 100644 formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/CONTRIBUTING.md
delete mode 100644 formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/Dockerfile
delete mode 100644 formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/MANIFEST.in
delete mode 100755 formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/bin/comments
delete mode 100644 formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/bin/testdata/hello.c
delete mode 100644 formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/comment_filter/_version.py
delete mode 100644 formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/comment_filter/rfc_test.py
diff --git a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/.circleci/config.yml b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/.circleci/config.yml
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--- a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/.circleci/config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-version: 2
- build:
- docker:
- - image: themattrix/tox
- steps:
- - checkout
- - run:
- command: tox
diff --git a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/.coveragerc b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/.coveragerc
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b6154a0..00000000
--- a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/.coveragerc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-omit = *_test.py
diff --git a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/.gitignore b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index af2f5375..00000000
--- a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
-# C extensions
-# Distribution / packaging
-# PyInstaller
-# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
-# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
-# Installer logs
-# Unit test / coverage reports
-# Translations
-# Django stuff:
-# Flask stuff:
-# Scrapy stuff:
-# Sphinx documentation
-# PyBuilder
-# Jupyter Notebook
-# pyenv
-# celery beat schedule file
-# SageMath parsed files
-# Environments
-# Spyder project settings
-# Rope project settings
-# mkdocs documentation
-# mypy
diff --git a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ef343f5..00000000
--- a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
-## Our Pledge
-In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
-contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
-our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
-size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
-nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and
-## Our Standards
-Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
-* Using welcoming and inclusive language
-* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
-* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
-* Focusing on what is best for the community
-* Showing empathy towards other community members
-Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
-* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
- advances
-* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
-* Public or private harassment
-* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
- address, without explicit permission
-* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
- professional setting
-## Our Responsibilities
-Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
-behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
-response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
-Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
-reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
-that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
-permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
-threatening, offensive, or harmful.
-## Scope
-This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
-when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
-representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
-address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
-representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
-further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
-## Enforcement
-Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
-reported by contacting the project team. All complaints will be reviewed
-and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and
-appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain
-confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
-Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
-Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
-faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
-members of the project's leadership.
-## Attribution
-This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
-available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.html
-[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org
diff --git a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/CONTRIBUTING.md b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/CONTRIBUTING.md
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--- a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/CONTRIBUTING.md
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@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-## Contributing to Comment Filter
-Hi there!
-We’re thrilled that you’d like to contribute to this project.
-Your help is essential for keeping this project great and for making it better.
-## Branching Strategy
-In general, contributors should develop on branches based off of `master` and pull requests should be made against `master`.
-## Submitting a pull request
-1. Please read our [code of conduct](code-of-conduct.md] and [license](LICENSE.txt).
-1. [Fork](https://github.com/codeauroraforum/comment-filter/fork) and clone the repository.
-1. Create a new branch based on `master`: `git checkout -b <my-branch-name> master`.
-1. Make your changes, add tests, and make sure the tests still pass.
-1. Push to your fork and [submit a pull request](https://github.com/codeauroraforum/comment-filter/compare) from your branch to `master`.
-1. Pat yourself on the back and wait for your pull request to be reviewed.
-Here are a few things you can do that will increase the likelihood of your pull request to be accepted:
-- Follow the existing style where possible. We try and adhere to [pep8](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/).
-- Write tests.
-- Keep your change as focused as possible.
- If you want to make multiple independent changes, please consider submitting them as separate pull requests.
-- Write a [good commit message](http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html).
-## Developer Certification of Origin (DCO)
-Comment Filter requires the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) process to be followed.
-The DCO is an attestation attached to every contribution made by every developer. In the commit message of the contribution, the developer simply adds a Signed-off-by statement and thereby agrees to the DCO, which you can find below or at http://developercertificate.org/.
-Comment Filter does not merge any pull requests made until each commit has been signed for the DCO.
-Developer Certificate of Origin
-Version 1.1
-Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 The Linux Foundation and its contributors.
-1 Letterman Drive
-Suite D4700
-San Francisco, CA, 94129
-Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
-license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1
-By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
-(a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
- have the right to submit it under the open source license
- indicated in the file; or
-(b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
- of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
- license and I have the right under that license to submit that
- work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
- by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
- permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
- in the file; or
-(c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
- person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified
- it.
-(d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
- are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
- personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
- maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
- this project or the open source license(s) involved.
- ```
-### DCO commit example
-After committing your changes with `git commit -s`, your message should look something like:
-commit 442deae270bf585052be012b064ed92299e221c4
-Author: Random Developer <random at developer.org>
-Date: Sat Oct 21 08:33:15 2017 -0700
- My example commit message
- Signed-off-by: Random Developer <random at developer.org>
diff --git a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/Dockerfile b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fdb19e9..00000000
--- a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-FROM ubuntu:14.04
-MAINTAINER Craig Northway
-RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python python3 python-pip git && pip install -U setuptools==25.2.0 tox
-COPY . /src
-RUN tox -c /src/tox.ini
diff --git a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/LICENSE b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/LICENSE
index b8bf6d0f..158c0dc5 100644
--- a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/LICENSE
+++ b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/LICENSE
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (c) 2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
+Copyright (c) 2017, The Linux Foundation.
+All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
diff --git a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/MANIFEST.in b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/MANIFEST.in
deleted file mode 100644
index f800456f..00000000
--- a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/MANIFEST.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-include *.md
-include .coveragerc
-include AUTHORS
-include LICENSE
-include tox.ini
-exclude Dockerfile
-recursive-include bin *.c
diff --git a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/bin/comments b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/bin/comments
deleted file mode 100755
index 0b9c7d5a..00000000
--- a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/bin/comments
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-import os
-import fileinput
-from comment_filter import language
-import comment_filter
-import argparse
-from comment_filter import _version
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--onlycode', help='filter out comments', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('--notokens', help='filter out comment tokens', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=_version.__version__)
- parser.add_argument('path', help='path to file to parse')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- _, ext = os.path.splitext(args.path)
- lang = language.extension_to_lang_map.get(ext, language.c)
- input_stream = fileinput.input(args.path)
- keep_tokens = not args.notokens
- for line in comment_filter.parse_file(lang, input_stream, code_only=args.onlycode, keep_tokens=keep_tokens):
- sys.stdout.write(line)
diff --git a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/bin/testdata/hello.c b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/bin/testdata/hello.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0baf6932..00000000
--- a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/bin/testdata/hello.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-/* multi-line
- comment */
-// single-line comment
-int main() {
- return 0;
diff --git a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/comment_filter/_version.py b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/comment_filter/_version.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/comment_filter/language.py b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/comment_filter/language.py
index a934810e..ce96f5df 100644
--- a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/comment_filter/language.py
+++ b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/comment_filter/language.py
@@ -7,37 +7,37 @@ class Lang:
self.string_literal2_start = "'"
c = Lang(
- line_comment='//',
+ line_comment=['//'],
comment_bookends=[('/*', '*/'), (';;', ';;')],
haskell = Lang(
- line_comment='--',
+ line_comment=['--'],
comment_bookends=[('{-', '-}')],
python = Lang(
- line_comment='#',
+ line_comment=['#'],
comment_bookends=[('"""', '"""'), ("'''", "'''")],
ruby = Lang(
- line_comment='#',
+ line_comment=['#'],
comment_bookends=[("=begin", "=end")],
lua = Lang(
- line_comment='--',
+ line_comment=['--'],
comment_bookends=[("--[[", "--]]")],
perl = Lang(
- line_comment='#',
+ line_comment=['#'],
comment_bookends=[("=pod", "=cut")],
java = Lang(
- line_comment='//',
+ line_comment=['//'],
comment_bookends=[('/*', '*/')],
diff --git a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/comment_filter/rfc.py b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/comment_filter/rfc.py
index 86b7deaa..bf9cf04e 100644
--- a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/comment_filter/rfc.py
+++ b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/comment_filter/rfc.py
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ def parse_line(lang, state, code_only=False, keep_tokens=True):
# If currently within a string literal or multi-line comment, first
# complete parsing that declaration. Store the result in 'rest_of_decl'.
rest_of_decl = ''
+ rest_of_decl0 = ''
if state.in_literal:
# Parsing a string literal.
cnts, state = finish_string_literal(state.in_literal, state)
@@ -83,17 +84,19 @@ def parse_line(lang, state, code_only=False, keep_tokens=True):
elif state.multi_end_stack:
# If there is state, we assume it is because we have parsed
# the start of a multiline comment, but haven't found the end.
- cmt, state = finish_multiline_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens)
+ cmt, cmt0, state = finish_multiline_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens)
if code_only:
rest_of_decl = clear_line(cmt)
+ rest_of_decl0 = clear_line(cmt0)
rest_of_decl = cmt
+ rest_of_decl0 = cmt0
if state.in_literal or state.multi_end_stack:
- return rest_of_decl, state
+ return [rest_of_decl + rest_of_decl0], state
decls, state = parse_declarations(lang, state, code_only, keep_tokens)
- return rest_of_decl + decls, state
+ return [rest_of_decl, rest_of_decl0] + decls, state
def parse_declarations(lang, state, code_only=False, keep_tokens=True):
@@ -120,24 +123,24 @@ def parse_declarations(lang, state, code_only=False, keep_tokens=True):
code, state = parse_code(lang, state)
comment, state = parse_line_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens)
- comment2, state = parse_multiline_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens)
+ comment2, comment2_0, state = parse_multiline_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens)
- if comment or comment2:
- line = state.line
+ if comment or comment2 or comment2_0:
+ line = [state.line]
if not state.multi_end_stack:
# Continue looking for declarations.
line, state = parse_declarations(lang, state, code_only, keep_tokens)
if code_only:
- line = code + clear_line(comment) + clear_line(comment2) + line
+ line = [code, clear_line(comment), clear_line(comment2), clear_line(comment2_0)] + line
- line = clear_line(code) + comment + comment2 + line
+ line = [clear_line(code), comment, comment2, comment2_0] + line
return line, state
state.line = ''
if code_only:
- return code, state
+ return [code], state
- return clear_line(code), state
+ return [clear_line(code)], state
def parse_code(lang, state):
@@ -157,15 +160,14 @@ def parse_code(lang, state):
while True:
line = state.line
multi_start_tokens = [start for start, end in lang.comment_bookends]
- tokens = multi_start_tokens + [
- lang.line_comment,
+ tokens = multi_start_tokens + lang.line_comment + [
i = index_of_first_found(line, tokens)
if i != -1:
state.line = line[i:]
code += line[:i]
- if line.startswith(lang.line_comment, i) or \
+ if [ () for cmt in lang.line_comment if line.startswith(cmt, i) ] or \
index_of_first_found(line, multi_start_tokens) == i:
return code, state
elif line.startswith(lang.string_literal_start, i):
@@ -271,15 +273,14 @@ def parse_line_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens=True):
(string, State)
line = state.line
- line_comment = lang.line_comment
- if line.startswith(line_comment):
- state.line = ''
- i = len(line_comment)
- if not keep_tokens:
- line_comment = ' ' * i
- return line_comment + line[i:], state
- else:
- return '', state
+ for line_comment in lang.line_comment:
+ if line.startswith(line_comment):
+ state.line = ''
+ i = len(line_comment)
+ if not keep_tokens:
+ line_comment = ' ' * i
+ return line_comment + line[i:], state
+ return '', state
def parse_multiline_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens=True):
@@ -304,11 +305,11 @@ def parse_multiline_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens=True):
if line.startswith(multi_start):
state.line = line[len(multi_start):]
- cnts, state = finish_multiline_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens)
+ cnts, cnts0, state = finish_multiline_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens)
if not keep_tokens:
multi_start = ' ' * len(multi_start)
- return multi_start + cnts, state
- return '', state
+ return multi_start + cnts, cnts0, state
+ return '', '', state
def finish_multiline_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens=True):
@@ -332,9 +333,10 @@ def finish_multiline_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens=True):
# Handle language supports nested comments.
if lang.nested_comments:
- cmt, state = parse_multiline_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens)
+ cmt, cmt0, state = parse_multiline_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens)
cmt = ''
+ cmt0 = ''
line = state.line
if line:
@@ -344,12 +346,12 @@ def finish_multiline_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens=True):
state.line = line[i:]
if not keep_tokens:
multi_end = ' ' * len(multi_end)
- return cnts + cmt + multi_end, state
+ return cnts + cmt + cmt0, multi_end, state
- more_cnts, state = finish_multiline_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens)
- return cnts + cmt + more_cnts, state
+ more_cnts, more_cnts0, state = finish_multiline_comment(lang, state, keep_tokens)
+ return cnts + cmt + cmt0 + more_cnts, more_cnts0, state
- return cnts + cmt, state
+ return cnts + cmt + cmt0, '', state
def parse_multiline_contents(lang, state):
diff --git a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/comment_filter/rfc_test.py b/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/comment_filter/rfc_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dd626a68..00000000
--- a/formal/promela/src/src/modules/comment-filter/comment_filter/rfc_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-from . import rfc
-from . import language
-from functools import reduce, wraps
-from sys import getrecursionlimit, setrecursionlimit
- from cStringIO import StringIO
- from io import StringIO
-# Same as rfc.parse_line(), but ensure it always returns a string with the
-# same length as the input string.
-def safe_parse_line(lang, state, **kwargs):
- old_line = state.line
- new_line, new_state = rfc.parse_line(lang, state, **kwargs)
- assert len(new_line) == len(old_line)
- return new_line, new_state
-def make_state(line='', multi_end_stack=None, in_literal=None):
- return rfc.State(line, multi_end_stack, in_literal)
-def test_state():
- """
- Verify constructor doesn't return a global default value.
- """
- rfc.State().multi_end_stack.append('doh!')
- assert(len(rfc.State().multi_end_stack) == 0)
-def c_line(s):
- """
- Given a string, return only the C comments, and in the column same position.
- """
- line, state = safe_parse_line(language.c, make_state(s))
- assert state.multi_end_stack == []
- return line
-def c_code(s):
- """
- Given a string, return only the C code, and in the column same position.
- """
- line, state = safe_parse_line(language.c, make_state(s), code_only=True)
- assert state.multi_end_stack == []
- return line
-def py_line(s):
- """
- Given a string, return only the Python comments, and in the column same position.
- """
- line, state = safe_parse_line(language.python, make_state(s))
- assert state.multi_end_stack == []
- return line
-def java_line(s):
- """
- Given a string, return only the Java comments, and in the column same position.
- Unlike c_line, java_line supports nested comments.
- """
- line, state = safe_parse_line(language.java, make_state(s))
- assert state.multi_end_stack == []
- return line
-def parse_code(lang, line):
- return rfc.parse_code(lang, make_state(line))
-def test_parse_code():
- c = language.c
- assert parse_code(c, '') == ('', make_state(''))
- assert parse_code(c, '\n') == ('\n', make_state(''))
- assert parse_code(c, 'foo // bar') == ('foo ', make_state('// bar'))
- assert parse_code(c, 'foo /* bar') == ('foo ', make_state('/* bar')) # Ensure '*' is escapted.
- assert parse_code(c, '/**/ foo') == ('', make_state('/**/ foo')) # Only return code /before/ comments.
- # Multi-line Python strings are treated as comments.
- assert parse_code(language.python, '""" bar """') == ('', make_state('""" bar """'))
-def line_comment(lang, line, keep_tokens=True):
- cmt, state = rfc.parse_line_comment(lang, make_state(line), keep_tokens)
- return (cmt, state.line)
-def test_parse_line_comment():
- c = language.c
- assert line_comment(c, '') == ('', '')
- assert line_comment(c, '\n') == ('', '\n')
- assert line_comment(c, '//\n') == ('//\n', '')
- assert line_comment(c, '//\n', False) == (' \n', '')
-def test_index_of_first_found():
- assert rfc.index_of_first_found('', []) == 0 # Nothing to find.
- assert rfc.index_of_first_found('', ['a']) == -1 # Nothing found.
- assert rfc.index_of_first_found('ab', ['b']) == 1 # 'b' found.
- assert rfc.index_of_first_found('abc', ['b', 'c']) == 1 # 'b' found first.
- assert rfc.index_of_first_found('acb', ['b', 'c']) == 1 # 'c' found first.
-def test_clear_line():
- assert rfc.clear_line('') == ''
- assert rfc.clear_line('abc') == ' '
- assert rfc.clear_line('abc\n') == ' \n' # Preserve newline.
- assert rfc.clear_line('abc\r\n') == ' \r\n' # Preserve multibyte newline.
-def test_get_linesep():
- assert rfc.get_linesep('') == ''
- assert rfc.get_linesep('foo\n') == '\n'
- assert rfc.get_linesep('foo\r\n') == '\r\n'
- assert rfc.get_linesep('foo\r\nbar\n') == '\n'
-def multiline_comment(lang, line, keep_tokens=True):
- return rfc.parse_multiline_comment(lang, make_state(line), keep_tokens)
-def test_parse_multiline_comment():
- c = language.c
- assert multiline_comment(c, '/**/\n') == ('/**/', make_state('\n'))
- assert multiline_comment(c, '/**/\n', False) == (' ', make_state('\n'))
-def declarations(lang, line, keep_tokens=True):
- return rfc.parse_declarations(lang, make_state(line), keep_tokens=keep_tokens)
-def test_parse_declarations():
- c = language.c
- assert declarations(c, '\n') == ('\n', make_state())
- assert declarations(c, '/**/\n') == ('/**/\n', make_state())
-def test_parse_line():
- assert c_line('') == ''
- assert c_line('no comments') == ' '
- assert c_line('/**/') == '/**/'
- assert c_line('/* a */') == '/* a */'
- assert c_line('// a') == '// a'
- assert py_line('""" a """') == '""" a """'
- assert py_line("''' a '''") == "''' a '''"
- # Preserve newline
- assert c_line('/* a */\n') == '/* a */\n'
- # Ensure column position is not modified.
- assert c_line('abc /* a */') == ' /* a */'
- assert c_line('abc // a') == ' // a'
- # Test comments in comments
- assert c_line('// /*abc*/') == '// /*abc*/'
- assert c_line('/* a */ // a') == '/* a */ // a'
- assert java_line('/* /**/ */') == '/* /**/ */'
- assert java_line('/*/**/*/') == '/*/**/*/'
- assert c_line('/*/**/*/') == '/*/**/ '
- assert c_line('/* // */') == '/* // */'
- assert py_line('"""# a"""') == '"""# a"""'
- # Test strings with strings
- assert c_line('"\\\"foo\\\""') == ' '
- assert c_line('"foo') == ' '
- # Test string literals with comments
- assert c_line('"/*"') == ' '
- assert c_line("'/*'") == ' '
- # Test c_code
- assert c_code('') == ''
- assert c_code('no comments') == 'no comments'
- assert c_code('/**/') == ' '
- assert c_code('/* a */\n') == ' \n'
- assert c_code('/* a */ abc') == ' abc'
- assert c_code('abc /**/') == 'abc '
-def string_literal(quote, line):
- lit, state = rfc.parse_string_literal(quote, make_state(line))
- return (lit, state.line)
-def test_parse_string_literal():
- assert string_literal('"', 'abc') == ('', 'abc')
- assert string_literal('"', '"a"') == ('"a"', '')
- assert string_literal("'", "'a'") == ("'a'", '')
- assert string_literal("'", "'a'b") == ("'a'", 'b')
- # String without an end quote.
- assert string_literal('"', '"a') == ('"a', '')
-def parse_line(lang, line, multi_end_stack=None, code_only=False):
- return safe_parse_line(lang, make_state(line, multi_end_stack), code_only=code_only)
-def test_incomplete_multiline():
- c = language.c
- assert parse_line(c, '/* a\n') == ('/* a\n', make_state('', ['*/']))
-def test_incomplete_string_literal():
- c = language.c
- assert parse_line(c, '" a \\\n', code_only=True) == ('" a \\\n', make_state('', None, '"'))
-def test_previous_state_maintained():
- c = language.c
- assert parse_line(c, '', ['foo']) == ('', make_state('', ['foo']))
- assert parse_line(c, '/**/', ['foo']) == ('/**/', make_state('', ['foo']))
- assert parse_line(c, '/*', ['foo']) == ('/*', make_state('', ['foo']))
- j = language.java
- assert parse_line(j, '/*', ['foo']) == ('/*', make_state('', ['foo', '*/']))
-def test_code_of_resumed_multiline_comment():
- c = language.c
- assert parse_line(c, 'a', ['*/'], True) == (' ', make_state('', ['*/']))
- assert parse_line(c, 'a */', ['*/'], True) == (' ', make_state('', []))
-def parse_lit_line(lang, line, code_only=False):
- return safe_parse_line(lang, make_state(line, None, lang.string_literal_start), code_only=code_only)
-def test_previous_state_maintained_literal():
- c = language.c
- assert parse_lit_line(c, '') == ('', make_state('', in_literal='"'))
- assert parse_lit_line(c, '"') == (' ', make_state(''))
-def test_code_of_resumed_multiline_literal():
- c = language.c
- assert parse_lit_line(c, '', True) == ('', make_state('', in_literal='"'))
- assert parse_lit_line(c, '"', True) == ('"', make_state(''))
-def c_comments(s, keep_tokens=True):
- return list(rfc.parse_file(language.c, StringIO(s), keep_tokens=keep_tokens))
-def test_parse_file():
- assert c_comments('/* hello */ world\n') == ['/* hello */ \n']
- assert c_comments('/* hello */ world\n', False) == [' hello \n']
-def test_parse_comments_via_reduce():
- def f(st, x):
- st.line = x
- _, st = safe_parse_line(language.c, st)
- return st
- assert reduce(f, ['/*a', 'b*/'], make_state()) == make_state()
- assert reduce(f, ['/*a', 'b'], make_state()) == make_state('', ['*/'])
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