stm32h747-disco board howto.

Karel Gardas karel at
Tue May 17 11:32:36 UTC 2022


I'm curious, I've spent some time writing board specific howto for RTEMS 
6. I'd like to push that to official doc as much as possible (if you 
like it), but I'm not sure where exactly. So far most natural to me 
looks hardware subsection added into the Quick Start of the User Manual. 
BeagleBone black is already in this category but with no additional 
information (just mentioned in selecting a BSP). The howto I'm attaching 
is more about how to get customer/user up&running on the target board 
with as least as possible energy invested into going thorough excellent, 
but really huge RTEMS doc.

What do you think about this more terse/short format? Is it 
applicable/usable for RTEMS doc or not?


-------------- next part --------------
== RTEMS for STM32H747I-DISCO board HOWTO

This document briefly describes what is needed in order to make
RTEMS development branch code working on STM32H747I-DISCO board.

=== Preparations

* Purchase and connect STM32H747I-DISCO board to your host computer

* Download and install necessary software

* Prepare board for running RTEMS

* Install RTEMS build requirements

==== Board hardware setup
Take the board from its cover and turn it by display down. On the bottom
of the board look for micro-USB connector which is nearest to the RCA
and ETH connectors. It is marked 'ST-LINK V3E'. Plug micro-USB cable
into this port and other side of the cable plug into your host computer. If your
host computer is running, the board should start. There are quite some
demos preloaded on the board showing capabilities of the board and 3
bundled runtime UI libraries. If you got board running, you are done
with this step.

==== STM32CubeIDE installation
Download and install STM32CubeIDE from Install the
software into the user directory. On Linux install with 'sudo' command
to install as a root since as part of the installation USB permissions
rules for ST-Link GDB server are also installed. The reason for
installing into the user directory is that the IDE is based on
Eclipse, which provides
its own update method and this will not work well in case of read-only
access to the installation. In case of any troubles consult
installation manual provided by ST here
For RTEMS we will use only small part of the package which is ST-Link GDB Server for uploading RTEMS binaries to the board

==== STMCubeProgrammer installation
Download and install STMCubeProgrammer from We will
use this software for board setup required for RTEMS and later when
something goes wrong to delete content of the board flash memory. The
software is also internally used by the ST-Link GDB Server from
STM32CubeIDE so it is crucial to have it installed.

==== Board ST-Link firmware upgrade
Download ST-Link board firmware upgrade package from The
software is distributed in a form of Java jar file for Linux and Mac
OSX and in a form of Windows binary for MS Windows. Unpack it
somewhere and run it with:

$ unzip
$ cd stsw-link007/AllPlatforms
$ java -jar STLinkUpgrade.jar
Click on 'Open in update mode' button and then if 'Version' and 'Update
to Firmware' version information are different in shown version number/code, click on 'Upgrade'
button and wait till upgrade finishes.

IMPORTANT: On Linux you will need to have libusb library installed in
order to make upgrade process working. On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS you can do
that with following command.
sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0

==== Board setup for RTEMS
Current RTEMS board support package for STM32H747I-DISCO board supports
running MCU in a single-core mode only with M7 core running and M4 core
switched off. The board by default switches on and boots both cores so
we need to switch M4 core off. This is done using STMCubeProgrammer tool.
Go to the directory where you have installed STMCubeProgrammer
software and run it with
$ cd bin
$ ./STM32CubeProgrammer
IMPORTANT: It is absolutely necessary you will do that from inside the bin
directory where STM32CubeProgrammer binary resides. If you don't, then
programmer UI will crash on attempt to connect to the board. Probably
reason is a bug in the programmer which is not able to correctly locate
its C dynamic library responsible for connecting to the ST-Link board

When you start the programmer application, the UI window of the programmer will

Click on green 'Connect' button in the right upper corner of
the UI. This will connect programmer to the board.

Then click on 'OB'
icon in the left upper corner. Actually this is hidden menu item which you
can un-hide by clicking on menu icon (three horizontal stripes) in the
upper left corner.
When you click on 'OB' or 'Option bytes' in un-hidden state, then
click on 'User Configuration' in the options list and when the user
configuration list opens
unselect preselected 'BCM4' item inside it. This disables M4 core from
booting. The action needs to be saved by clicking on 'Apply' button
below the option table.

Do not forget to disconnect the programmer application from the board by clicking on green 'Disconnect' button
in the upper right corner and then close the programmer UI.

IMPORTANT: If you keep programmer connected then you will not be able
to connect ST-Link GDB server to the board and upload RTEMS binary to

==== STM32CubeIDE ST-Link GDB Server setup
In order to use STM provided ST-Link GDB server externally, that is
not from inside the IDE, we need to configure it. Please go to the
directory where you have installed STM32CubeIDE software. Look for
file containing 'ST-LINK' string inside its name. Following shell
command sequence shows example.
$ cd $HOME/sfw/stm32cubeide_1.8.0
$ find . -name 'ST-LINK*'
Notice that in this particular installation case we already have two
versions of GDB server installed. This is due to fact that version
1.8.0 of the IDE was upgraded to 1.9.0 version. Anyway, we will choose
to use the latest one, or if there is only one, then the only one
installed. Please go to its 'bin' directory. E.g.
$ cd plugins/
Now, you will need to edit provided 'config.txt' file inside the
directory. Use your favorite editor. Open the file and scrolls
down in it. You will see following comment:
#  -cp <path>         : Path to STM32CubeProgrammer
#                       Modify to correct path
#                       for STM32_Programmer_CLI executable
and here you will need to place path where your STM32CubeProgrammer is
installed directly behind the '-cp' parameter. E.g.
#  -cp <path>         : Path to STM32CubeProgrammer
#                       Modify to correct path
#                       for STM32_Programmer_CLI executable
-cp /home/karel/sfw/stm32cubeide_1.8.0/plugins/
Once you are done with it, you can save the file and close the
editor. Let's verify that GDB server is configured and running well by starting
it inside the shell. Please go inside the directory where is located and run it by:
$ ./ 

If everything is all right and if you have board still connected to
your host computer then you should see output like following:

$ ./ 

STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 6.1.0
Copyright (c) 2022, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.

Starting server with the following options:
        Persistent Mode            : Enabled
        LogFile Name               : debug.log
        Logging Level              : 31
        Listen Port Number         : 61234
        Status Refresh Delay       : 15s
        Verbose Mode               : Disabled
        SWD Debug                  : Enabled

COM frequency = 24000 kHz
Target connection mode: Default
Reading ROM table for AP 0 @0xe00fefd0
Hardware watchpoint supported by the target 
ST-LINK Firmware version : V3J9M3
Device ID: 0x450
PC: 0x8028fa4
ST-LINK device status: HALT_MODE
ST-LINK detects target voltage = 3.28 V
ST-LINK device status: HALT_MODE
ST-LINK device initialization OK
Stm32Device, pollAndNotify running...
SwvSrv state change: 0 -> 1
Waiting for connection on port 61235...
Waiting for debugger connection...
Waiting for connection on port 61234...
If this is the case, then you can finish GDB server by hitting
'Ctrl-C' key combination.

==== Install RTEMS build requirements
Please note that this paragraph is written for Ubuntu 20.04.x LTS and is
not directly applicable to the Mac OS X or other Linux distributions
except maybe Debian. Whole setup and both tool chain build and RTEMS BSP
build was verified on fresh installation of Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
Desktop. During the installation 'Minimal installation' was chosen to
save installation time and disk space.

Open the shell window and run following command inside it. You will
need to hit 'Enter' key to confirm installation and then wait for
packages download and installation.
$ sudo apt install git build-essential python3 python-is-python3 bison \
    flex texinfo python3-dev

=== Obtain and build RTEMS tool chain

The tool chain code is best obtained and built by using RTEMS source
builder software package. It itself may be obtained from the RTEMS
project git repository. For this demonstration let's create
'workspace' directory inside the user home directory and build
everything there.
$ cd
$ mkdir workspace
$ cd workspace
$ git clone git://
By running the command block above, we have obtained source code of the RTEMS
source builder software package. Let's check that every prerequisite
for it 
is installed well

$ cd rtems-source-builder
$ ./source-builder/sb-check
RTEMS Source Builder - Check, 6 (49e3dac17765)
Environment is ok

If environment is ok, then we can proceed with building the tool
chain. We will install it inside the workspace directory into
'rtems-tools' subdirectory. This is done for the purpose of this demo,
but you can choose other installation target as well. You will just
need to adjust target path in '--prefix' parameter.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you have at least 10 GB of free disk space
on your host computer in order to proceed with building of RTEMS tool
$ cd rtems
$ ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --prefix=$HOME/workspace/rtems-tools 6/rtems-arm
This step will take same time as it'll need to download all the
required source code and build it and the packages like GNU C compiler
are not the smallest one. Let's stand by and follow the output printed
to the terminal window. When the process is finished you may see
output like:

installing: dtc-1.6.1-x86_64-linux-gnu-1 -> /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools
installing: expat-2.1.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-1 -> /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools
installing: gmp-6.1.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-1 -> /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools
installing: arm-rtems6-gdb-11.2-x86_64-linux-gnu-1 -> /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools
installing: arm-rtems6-binutils-2.38-x86_64-linux-gnu-1 -> /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools
installing: arm-rtems6-gcc-0f001dd-newlib-64b2081-x86_64-linux-gnu-1 -> /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools
installing: rtems-tools-3c0e4f74f16e840958c0b1a824cb1dfeba8491fa-1 -> /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools
cleaning: dtc-1.6.1-x86_64-linux-gnu-1
cleaning: expat-2.1.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-1
cleaning: gmp-6.1.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-1
cleaning: arm-rtems6-gdb-11.2-x86_64-linux-gnu-1
cleaning: arm-rtems6-binutils-2.38-x86_64-linux-gnu-1
cleaning: arm-rtems6-gcc-0f001dd-newlib-64b2081-x86_64-linux-gnu-1
cleaning: rtems-tools-3c0e4f74f16e840958c0b1a824cb1dfeba8491fa-1
Build Sizes: usage: 9.234GB total: 2.212GB (sources: 188.691MB, patches: 131.556KB, installed 2.028GB)
Build Set: Time 0:39:23.572995

=== Obtain and build RTEMS BSP for STM32H747I-DISCO board
Development of the RTEMS BSP for the STM32H747I-DISCO board is ongoing
process and its current state is saved into the branch
on Open the shell window and switch to 'workspace'
directory we have created for RTEMS installation before. Use git
command to obtain the work in progress RTEMS repository:
$ cd
$ cd workspace
$ git clone
Cloning into 'rtems'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 597836, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (8145/8145), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4267/4267), done.
remote: Total 597836 (delta 4543), reused 5553 (delta 3630), pack-reused 589691
Receiving objects: 100% (597836/597836), 113.36 MiB | 8.00 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (468783/468783), done.

Use following commands to switch to the branch which implements BSP:
$ cd rtems
$ git checkout stm32h747i-disco-wip
Branch 'stm32h747i-disco-wip' set up to track remote branch 'stm32h747i-disco-wip' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'stm32h747i-disco-wip'

Generate default configuration for the board:

$ ./waf bsp_defaults --rtems-bsps=arm/stm32h747i-disco > stm32h747i-disco.ini
Regenerate build specification cache (needs a couple of seconds)...

To run basic hello world or ticker samples you do not need to modify
default BSP configuration here as the compilation of basic RTEMS demo samples is
enabled by default. Let's continue with configuration of
the RTEMS source by running:

$ ./waf configure --rtems-bsps=arm/stm32h747i-disco --rtems-config=./stm32h747i-disco.ini --rtems-tools=$HOME/workspace/rtems-tools
Setting top to                           : /home/rtems/workspace/rtems 
Setting out to                           : /home/rtems/workspace/rtems/build 
Configure board support package (BSP)    : arm/stm32h747i-disco 
Checking for program 'arm-rtems6-gcc'    : /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools/bin/arm-rtems6-gcc 
Checking for program 'arm-rtems6-g++'    : /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools/bin/arm-rtems6-g++ 
Checking for program 'arm-rtems6-ar'     : /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools/bin/arm-rtems6-ar 
Checking for program 'arm-rtems6-ld'     : /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools/bin/arm-rtems6-ld 
Checking for program 'ar'                : /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools/bin/arm-rtems6-ar 
Checking for program 'g++, c++'          : /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools/bin/arm-rtems6-g++ 
Checking for program 'ar'                : /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools/bin/arm-rtems6-ar 
Checking for program 'gas, gcc'          : /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools/bin/arm-rtems6-gcc 
Checking for program 'ar'                : /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools/bin/arm-rtems6-ar 
Checking for program 'gcc, cc'           : /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools/bin/arm-rtems6-gcc 
Checking for program 'ar'                : /home/rtems/workspace/rtems-tools/bin/arm-rtems6-ar 
Checking for asm flags '-MMD'            : yes 
Checking for c flags '-MMD'              : yes 
Checking for cxx flags '-MMD'            : yes 
'configure' finished successfully (0.454s)
Build the BSP including samples using 'build' command:
$ ./waf build
the command outputs a lot of information about files being compiled
and ends with output like:
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/rtems/workspace/rtems/build/arm/stm32h747i-disco'
'build_arm/stm32h747i-disco' finished successfully (12.086s)

=== Run BSP hello sample binary on the board
Open 3 shell windows for the test on the host computer. Also make sure
board is connected to the computer and is running. It does not matter
if automatic cyclic demo is running there or if you navigated to some
demo part and left it there. ST-Link GDB server always takes over the
board when connected to it.

Start GDB server in the first window by switching to GDB server
directory and running the shell script. This is from testing machine
installation, the path to GDB server may look different in your
installation case.
$ cd
$ cd sfw/stm32cubeide_1.8.0/plugins/
$ ./ 

STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 6.1.0
Copyright (c) 2022, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.

Starting server with the following options:
        Persistent Mode            : Enabled
        LogFile Name               : debug.log
        Logging Level              : 31
        Listen Port Number         : 61234
        Status Refresh Delay       : 15s
        Verbose Mode               : Disabled
        SWD Debug                  : Enabled

COM frequency = 24000 kHz
Target connection mode: Default
Reading ROM table for AP 0 @0xe00fefd0
Hardware watchpoint supported by the target 
ST-LINK Firmware version : V3J9M3
Device ID: 0x450
PC: 0x8028fa4
ST-LINK device status: HALT_MODE
ST-LINK detects target voltage = 3.28 V
ST-LINK device status: HALT_MODE
ST-LINK device initialization OK
Stm32Device, pollAndNotify running...
SwvSrv state change: 0 -> 1
Waiting for connection on port 61235...
Waiting for debugger connection...
Waiting for connection on port 61234...

In second shell window you will need to run your terminal program. On
Ubuntu 20.04 the recommended way is to use minicom. Let's install it
first by:

$ sudo apt install minicom

And run it with root privileges to be able to reach USB serial port
provided by board:

$ sudo minicom -s
The minicom is invoked with configuration menu open. Go into the
'Serial port setup' and hit 'a' key to select 'Serial Device'
setup. Change '/dev/modem' from there into '/dev/ttyACM0' and hit
'Enter' key. Hit 'f' key to change hardware flow control from 'Yes' to
'No'. When you are done with it, you can hit 'Enter' key to finish
this part of configuration and then scrolls in menu to 'Exit' and hit
'Enter' key on it. The minicom will switch to terminal mode with just
provided configuration.

In the third shell window navigate into the BSP build directory and start
RTEMS GDB with the hello.exe sample.

$ cd
$ cd workspace/rtems
$ ../rtems-tools/bin/arm-rtems6-gdb build/arm/stm32h747i-disco/testsuites/samples/hello.exe 
GNU gdb (GDB)
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "--host=x86_64-linux-gnu --target=arm-rtems6".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:

For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from build/arm/stm32h747i-disco/testsuites/samples/hello.exe...

Now, you need to connect GDB with the ST's GDB server by:

(gdb) target extended-remote :61234
Remote debugging using :61234
0x08028fa4 in ?? ()
and finally you will need to load hello.exe binary into the board
memory by:

(gdb) load
Loading section .start, size 0x458 lma 0x24000000
Loading section .text, size 0xfca8 lma 0x24000480
Loading section .init, size 0xc lma 0x24010128
Loading section .fini, size 0xfecc lma 0x24010134
Loading section .rodata, size 0x1aab lma 0x24020000
Loading section .ARM.exidx, size 0x8 lma 0x24021aac
Loading section .eh_frame, size 0x4 lma 0x24021ab4
Loading section .init_array, size 0x4 lma 0x24021ab8
Loading section .fini_array, size 0x4 lma 0x24021abc
Loading section .rtemsroset, size 0x540 lma 0x24021ac0
Loading section .data, size 0x6a4 lma 0x24022000
Start address 0x24000400, load size 140923
Transfer rate: 684 KB/sec, 2562 bytes/write.
If everything went fine, then you can run the RTEMS binary by using
'cont' GDB command.

(gdb) cont
Note that this command should never finish. To see the actual output
from RTEMS switch to
the second shell window with minicom running and you should see hello output

*** BEGIN OF TEST HELLO WORLD ***                                            
*** TEST VERSION:             
*** TEST STATE: EXPECTED_PASS                                                
*** TEST BUILD:                                                              
*** TEST TOOLS: 10.3.1 20220224 (RTEMS 6, RSB 49e3dac17765fa82ce2f754da839638ee352f95c, Newlib 64b2081)
Hello World                                                                  
*** END OF TEST HELLO WORLD ***                                              
[ RTEMS shutdown ]                                                           
RTEMS version:
RTEMS tools: 10.3.1 20220224 (RTEMS 6, RSB 49e3dac17765fa82ce2f754da839638ee352f95c, Newlib 64b2081)
executing thread ID: 0x08a010001

Since default RTEMS BSP configuration resets the board after run
immediately you can also see output from the immediately started ST

STM32H747I-DISCO_MB1248: Out Of the Box Demonstration V1.0.1 (Build Aug 22 2019 at 11:56:22)
STM32H747I-DISCO_MB1248: ST Menu Launcher V1.1.0
CPU running at 400MHz, Peripherals at 100MHz/100Mz
which is not a problem here at all. Later we can reconfigure BSP to
not reset board to prevent demo output here.

=== Run RTEMS testsuite on the board

Due to work in progress nature of the STM32H747I-DISCO support the
current RTEMS tester framework is not ready to support the board
out of the box. There are several steps which need to be done in order to
support running the tester in close cooperation with the board.
Note that you already have RTEMS tester framework installed
as part of the RTEMS tool chain.

.Quick introduction to RTEMS tester framework
There is a huge documentation about the topic so description here is
purely focused on STM32H7 family and its testing. For more general
information about the topic 
please see
Note that board specific configuration consist of board specific
configuration file in the RTEMS tester itself and of user
configuration file which describes user/system specific configuration
details and is provided by the user. Tester supports running tests using various mechanism but
here we solely rely on GDB which connects to ST-Link GDB
server. Tester also supports looking into the output of the test by
various means, but here we will need to use ser2net as the only
supported way to look into the board serial output.
When using ST-Link GDB server it needs to be remarked that it is very stable piece of software but testing shows
that it sometimes is not able to survive running all RTEMS testsuite
tests in test by test manner in one run. Sometimes it gets into strange state and
stops responding and then tests fail. Solution to this issue is to
start ST-Link GDB server process per every test run. The RTEMS tester provides
functionality for it, but the functionality is somehow limited as it
does not support starting background process. Due to this fact we need to use
external script which based on notification from the tester will
start and stop ST-Link GDB server as needed. The notification in our case is
really simple and done by creating and deleting certain files on /tmp
filesystem. This is a brute force poor man solution to workaround RTEMS
tester limitations.

.Rebuild to include more tests and not reset the board after test
We will need to rebuild BSP with not resetting the board after every
test since otherwise test output may get mangled by board demo output
which would start immediately after every single test. Please edit BSP
configuration file 'stm32h747i-disco.ini', scroll to the bottom of the
file and change

When we're going to rebuild BSP for testing it is also a good idea to
compile more tests. Let's enable them by first enabling POSIX API and
then by enabling all tests. Scroll up in the BSP configuration file
and change:


that is to enable POSIX API. Now scroll a bit down and change:

that is to build every possible testcase for the board and
configuration. Now, let's clean the build, reconfigure and rebuild
again by:

$ rm -rf build/
$ ./waf configure --rtems-bsps=arm/stm32h747i-disco --rtems-config=./stm32h747i-disco.ini --rtems-tools=$HOME/workspace/rtems-tools
$ ./waf build
This way, the testsuite is ready to be run in RTEMS tester.

.Ser2net installation

RTEMS tester does not support hooking directly to the serial port or
serial port over USB as presented on ST-Link board interface. We need
to use 3rd part software known as 'ser2net' which basically bridges
output from serial port to the TCP/IP network. On Ubuntu use following
command to install it:
$ sudo apt install ser2net
IMPORTANT: Make sure you install ser2net only on dedicated testing or
lab machine. It is not responsible to connect hardware serial port to
potentially wild internet environment. Use firewall to protect the
exported port!

We need to configure ser2net to export ST-Link serial device
on TCP/IP port 3033. You can do that by editing /etc/ser2net.conf file
and adding following line to the bottom of the file.
3033:telnet:600:/dev/ttyACM0:115200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner

You can verify that ser2net is working well by telnet to localhost and
3033 port and reruning hello sample again this time without running
minicom terminal. You should see output in the telnet window. If this
is working, you are done with this step.

.RTEMS Tester patching to support the board
The RTEMS tester is missing board/connection configuration file. The
file is prepared for you in the BSP directory you just need to copy it
to appropriate place by following commands:
$ cd
$ cd workspace/rtems
$ cp stm32h7-stlink_ini ../rtems-tools/share/rtems/tester/rtems/testing/bsps/stm32h7-stlink.ini

.GDB Server manager installation
The GDB Server manager is probably too noble name for the hackish
script to start/stop ST-Link GDB server in our case. Anyway, it is
already provided in the BSP directory with the name
'stlink-gdbserver-mgr'. You will need to edit it and change
'PLUGIN_DIR' environmental variable to point correctly to your
installation of the STM32CubeIDE directory in which ST-LINK_gdbserver
file is located. That is the directory which holds
ST-Link GDB server and its configuration 'config.txt' file which you
have already edited above. When you are done with this, you can test
the manager script by running it in one shell window and from another
shell window you can start and stop GDB server by creating files on
/tmp file system like:
$ touch /tmp/stlink-start
this is to start the server and:
$ touch /tmp/stlink-stop
to stop the server.
When testing watch the manager shell window as it shows precisely when
the ST-Link GDB Server is started and when it exits.

.RTEMS Tester user configuration
The BSP RTEMS tester configuration requires user to supply
configuration for console connection to the board/BSP and for pre test
and post test commands which we like to run. The user configuration is
also supplied in the BSP source directory in a file
'stm32h7-stlink-user-config_ini'. The console configuration is set in
a way to use 'ser2net' configuration, e.g. /dev/ttyACM0 exported on
port 3033. So you do not need to touch this. However you will
need to edit the file and
modify 'target_pretest_command' and 'target_posttest_command'
variables. Both should point to scripts in BSP source directory which
are also provided. The scripts are 'stlink-gdbserver-start' for
pretest command and 'stlink-gdbserver-stop' for posttest command. Both
scripts are create appropriate file on the /tmp filesystem and then
wait for the file deletion. The deletion is kind of notification
from the ST-Link GDB server manager script that the required action, either start or
stop, happened. Please modify the user configuration file and fix paths to
both scripts there.

.Verify RTEMS Tester configuration
After modification of the user configuration it is a time to test
RTEMS tester framework on one test to see if it is running as expected
or there is some issue which needs to be solved. Single test run is
performed by 'rtems-run' command and in our case run inside the BSP
source directory like:

$ ../rtems-tools/bin/rtems-run --timeout=70 --rtems-bsp=stm32h7-stlink --rtems-tools=../rtems-tools --user-config=./stm32h7-stlink-user-config_ini build/arm/stm32h747i-disco/testsuites/samples/hello.exe
Still it is possible some demo output gets in, but hello world test
case output should also be presented in the output of 'rtems-run'
command. If this is the case, then RTEMS tester is configured
correctly and ready for the next step.

.Run the testsuite using RTEMS Tester
Final step is to run all or subset of tests depending on chosen test
directory. We need to use 'rtems-test' command for it and to run all
testsuite samples for example we can use following command:
$ ../rtems-tools/bin/rtems-test --timeout=70 --rtems-bsp=stm32h7-stlink --rtems-tools=../rtems-tools --user-config=./stm32h7-stlink-user-config_ini build/arm/stm32h747i-disco/testsuites/samples/
The output of such command may looks like (due to more or less random
nature of SIGTRAP in 0xa05f0000 issue):
Passed:        5
Failed:        3
User Input:    1
Expected Fail: 0
Indeterminate: 0
Benchmark:     0
Timeout:       0
Test too long: 0
Invalid:       0
Wrong Version: 0
Wrong Build:   0
Wrong Tools:   0
Wrong Header:  0
Total:         9
User Input:
Average test time: 0:00:25.806113
Testing time     : 0:03:52.255017

In case you would like to run different subset of the testsuite use
different testsuite subdirectory. In case you would like to run whole
testsuite, use just 'build/arm/stm32h747i-disco/testsuites/' directory
as a source of the tests.

=== Various receipts

.Load binary file into the board QSPI NOR
Connect the board physically to your host machine using USB
cable. Start STM32CubeProgrammer and connect it to the board by
clicking on 'Connect' button which is located in the the right upper
corner of the programmer application UI. For accessing QSPI connected
memory you will need to configure programmer's external loader which
needs to match your target board. Click on 'EL' icon (or 'External
loaders') in the left side-bar menu. Either go thorough the list of
external loaders or just search for your board type by typing board
type into the search bar located on top of the table view. When
you find your board, select it by selecting rectangle in the 'Select'
table column. That's what is needed to make programmer ready to
program your board memory.
For uploading file to the board, you need to continue with clicking on
'Erase & programming' menu item in the side-bar menu. It's second item
from the top. Now, let's select
your file to upload by clicking on 'Browse' button and selecting the
file name from your host filesystem. The most important thing here is
to specify start address of flashing process. You need to do that by
typing start address into the 'Start ad...' field.

TIP: Usually external memory connected to QSPI has 0x90000000 starting

When all is set you can click on 'Start
Programming' button.

IMPORTANT: Cube programmer is very picky about files it shows in the file list. The only recognized suffixes are: elf, bin, hex and
similar. Also do not try to fool programmer by renaming let's say text
file to bin file. It'll detect file type as ascii text and will not
show it in the list of files to flash. So bin file type is really for
media types like avi, jpeg, mpeg or for binary dumps from elf
files. If you need to save text file, convert it to hex file first.

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