[PATCH] libmisc/shell: Work around tmux bug in row and column

Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Wed Dec 13 06:36:10 UTC 2023

On 13/12/2023 5:32 pm, Sebastian Huber wrote:
> On 13.12.23 03:47, chrisj at rtems.org wrote:
>> +        /*
>> +         *https://github.com/tmux/tmux/issues/3457
>> +         *
>> +         * Tmux has a bug where the lines and cols are swapped. There is a lag
>> +         * in the time it takes to get the fix into code so see if tmux is
>> +         * running and which version and work around the bug.
>> +         *
>> +         * CSI > Ps q
>> +         *    Ps = 0   =>   DCS > | text ST
>> +         */
>> +        fputs("\033[>0q", stdout);
>> +        fflush(stdout);
>> +        if (rtems_shell_term_wait_for(fd, "\033P>|", timeout)) {
>> +          int len = rtems_shell_term_buffer_until(fd, buf, sizeof(buf),
>> "\033\\", timeout);
>> +          if (len > 0) {
>> +            if (memcmp(buf, "tmux ", 5) == 0) {
>> +              static const char* bad_versions[] = {
> static const char* const bad_versions
>> +                "3.2", "3.2a", "3.3", "3.3a"
>> +              };
>> +              #define bad_versions_num (sizeof(bad_versions) /
>> sizeof(bad_versions[0]))
>> +              size_t i;
>> +              for (i = 0; i < bad_versions_num; ++i) {
> Maybe use RTEMS_ARRAY_SIZE(bad_versions_num).


>> +                if (strcmp(bad_versions[i], buf + 5) == 0) {
>> +                  row_cols_swapped = true;
>> +                  break;
>> +                }
>> +              }
>> +            }
>> +          }
>> +        }
> Maybe this should be placed in a helper function which returns row_cols_swapped?

Sorry, I am not sure I understand. Are you suggesting the version detection
against the string in the buffer is in a helper function?


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