style question: breaking inline assembly lines

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at
Tue Jun 13 14:51:12 UTC 2023

On 13.06.23 00:04, Gedare Bloom wrote:
>       "b _ARM_Exception_default\n"
>       :
> -    : [cpufsz] "i" (sizeof(CPU_Exception_frame)),
> -      [cpuspoff] "i" (offsetof(CPU_Exception_frame, register_sp)),
> -      [v7mlroff] "i" (offsetof(ARMV7M_Exception_frame, register_lr)),
> -      [cpuvecoff] "J" (offsetof(CPU_Exception_frame, vector)),
> -      [cpuvfpoff] "i" (ARM_EXCEPTION_FRAME_VFP_CONTEXT_OFFSET),
> -      [cpacr] "i" (ARMV7M_CPACR),
> -      [vfpsz] "i" (ARM_VFP_CONTEXT_SIZE)
> +    : [cpufsz] "i"( sizeof( CPU_Exception_frame ) ),

If we place operators (e.g. &&, ||, ...) at the end of a broken line, 
then we should do this for the : as well.

My current preference would be to format all non-third-party sources 
with a standard clang-format selection. I guess in the long run, this 
will be the easiest approach to maintain. If we use exotic options, then 
we may up ending as clang-format maintainers.

embedded brains GmbH
Herr Sebastian HUBER
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