Umon command line reached in BBB

Ed Sutter edsutterjr at
Fri Jun 19 02:17:54 UTC 2015

I have to take a serious step back here so I can catch up.
Most of my confusion is probably due to my inability to work with git.

Until now, I've been building this in my own happy little private directory that
originated from what I gave  RTEMS folks to put in their repository.

Tonight, for the first time, I did this:
     git clone git://
to pull down the master copy.

I tried to build the csb740 port, and it breaks immediately.  This makes sense
because a few directory names have changed (umon_main -> main,
  umon_ports -> ports) and  a few files have not been included in the core code.
So I'm not sure how you're building your csb740 port.

Is this all explained through the patches you've submitted?  If yes, spoon feed me
a bit regarding how I can pull in your changes, because as of right now I'm confused.
I apologize for not syncing up on this sooner; I tend to just go off on my own and
do things in a corner, so I haven't really been paying enough attention to the stuff
now in git.


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