Port Update: OmniORB for RTEMS
Rosimildo da Silva
rdasilva at connecttel.com
Thu Aug 3 16:05:51 UTC 2000
Port update to the current releases of RTEMS & OmniORB.
Same place:
Due to the availability of RTEMS sources, and its pre-built
GNU toolsets to several hosts ( Linux, CygWin and FreeBSD ),
it is very easy to get RTEMS running the omniORB's samples.
Check it out !!.
I have not tried to update the port to the omniORB "2.8.0" release, but
should be very easy to do it.
+ RTEMS 4..5.0-beta3a and its GNU toolset
+ omniORB-3.0.0 release
+ this patch:
+ readme.rtems: http://www.connecttel.com/corba/readme.rtems.txt
Sai-Lai Lo,
I would appreaciate if you could take a look at the "patch",
and see if there is a possibility of incorporating the changes to
the CVS tree.
Rosimildo da Silva rdasilva at connectel.com
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