C++ exception thrown and not caught under RTEMS.

efren serra efren.serra at eng.sun.com
Thu Dec 7 18:22:42 UTC 2000


This is what the ANSI/ISO C++ Draft says:

Throwing an exception results in a call to `terminate':
	* if the exception has no corresponding handler
	* if the execution stack appears to be corructed
	* if a destructor throws another exception along the way

The default behavior of `terminate' is to call `abort(),' declared in
<stdlib.h>.  Any terminate handler you provide must not return to its
caller.  And it probably should not do too much before it terminates
execution.  But you can probably get away with a more orderly shutdown,

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>

void _rtems_terminate()
    cerr << "exception: " << ex.what() << endl;

> Nick.SIMON at syntegra.bt.co.uk wrote:
> >
> > Excuse me asking this, I'd try it out but I can't get at a target for a few
> > days.
> >
> > If a C++ program throws an exception which is uncaught, the specified action
> > is that the program terminates.  Under RTEMS, is this implemented by
> > terminating the offending task,  or by exiting RTEMS?  I can see either
> > would be reasonable.  I've just found such a thing is possible in our app,
> > (sheepish <g>) and I'd like to know if it explains a problem we've seen
> > occasionally.
> >
> C++ standard knows nothing about threads/tasks. The action specified
> in the standard is to call terminate() that in all systems, terminates
> the
> process.
> --
> Rosimildo da Silva            rdasilva at connectel.com
> ConnectTel, Inc.              Austin, TX -- USA
> Phone : 512-338-1111          Fax : 512-918-0449
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