Rtems Socket Options

Eric Norum eric at cls.usask.ca
Thu Jun 22 16:21:11 UTC 2000

gene at smith.as wrote:
> Does anyone know if the rtems specific socket options SO_RCVWAKEUP and
> SO_SNDWAKEUP as documented in the Networking Suppliment work as advertised. If
> so, they look like a lifesaver for me.

AFAIK they work properly.  You have to keep in mind that your callback
routine is invoked in the context of the network task.

> I assume also that they can be used to indicate when a non-blocking connection
> has occurred instead of using select.

Yes, that was the intention.
Select() is very expensive.

Eric Norum                                 eric at cls.usask.ca
Canadian Light Source                      Phone: (306) 966-6308
University of Saskatchewan                 FAX:   (306) 966-6058
Saskatoon, Canada.

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