Installin rpms on non-redhat system

Ralf Corsepius corsepiu at
Tue May 16 08:56:12 UTC 2000

jgais at wrote:
> Is there a way of installing the binary rpms on a non-redhat system?
> I'm using slackware-7.0, and the rpm2tgz utilities only return an
> empty tar file when I run it on the rtems rpms. 

I don't know what rpm2tgz is, however I have been able to
successfully convert the rpms to slp and tgz using alien under SuSE
(an rpm based distribution).


Ralf Corsepius 
Forschungsinstitut fuer Anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung
Helmholtzstr. 16, 89081 Ulm, Germany     Tel: +49/731/501-8690
mailto:corsepiu at           FAX: +49/731/501-999

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