libstdc++ in 4.5.0 b3

Ralf Corsepius corsepiu at
Thu May 18 11:23:43 UTC 2000

Nick.SIMON at wrote:
> For some reason this isn't getting included in builds, with the result that
> cout, endl etc come up as undefined. As well as in my own code, this occurs
> in cdtest if it's set to use cout.
I don't understand, why should libstdc++ be included into rtems
libstdc++ comes with gcc and is not part of rtems sources. Therefore
it is getting build when building gcc.

> There is no libstdc++ under the install directory, 'though there is in
> /opt/rtems/lib...

# rpm -q -l -p powerpc-rtems-gcc-gcc2.95.2newlib1.8.2-5.i386.rpm |
grep libstdc

Please make sure that these files are present in your installation.

> The configuration setting is:
> ../rtems-4.5.0-beta3/configure \
>      --target=powerpc-rtems \
>      --prefix=/usr/rtm-src/tools/install-rtems-4.5.0-beta3 \
>      --disable-posix \
>      --disable-itron \
>      --enable-cxx \
>      --enable-rtemsbsp="dhe860boot"

I guess your problem is originating from the make-exe rule in your

There is a known (and still unfixed) problem with the general
working principle of make-exe and c++, which for some strange reason
only shows with some permutations of multilib flags for some
You might try to add -lstdc++ to the make-exe rule in your <BSP>.cfg
(cf. make/custom/gensh2.cfg - the sh2 is known to suffer from this


Ralf Corsepius 
Forschungsinstitut fuer Anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung
Helmholtzstr. 16, 89081 Ulm, Germany     Tel: +49/731/501-8690
mailto:corsepiu at           FAX: +49/731/501-999

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