gethostbyname in GoAhead

Chris Johns cjohns at
Wed May 24 13:12:51 UTC 2000

Nick.SIMON at wrote:
> Thanks, Chris.  I suppose this means GoAhead will see itself as -
> does this matter?  Or should I put my 'proper' name and IP address in?

I would put in lines for all interfaces you have configured (I should
have read the rest of the source code I have and spotted this, sorry
about that).

> (This IMFS makes a big difference to RTEMS - I can see my mindset will have
> to change!)

I agree. I found the same problem you have and decided this was the best
fix as I did not change any code from the distribution. These files are
reference by the BSD stack.

 Chris Johns, mailto:cjohns at mailto:ccj at

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