Cautionary Word on Licenses and Intellectual Property

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at
Sun Oct 29 15:21:21 UTC 2000

Privately, I have discussed these issues with many people
over the years.  My rule of thumb is to honor the 
intellectual property and license of others.  But as
this particular case points out, you need to be careful
when looking at proprietary source code.

  Say "No, thanks" to Offers of Illegal MS Source Code

It includes this quote:

  Jeremy Allison, one of the lead developers on the Samba project, 
  said that his response to one anonymous offer of Windows NT 
  source code was, "You're offering to end my career. Thanks, but 
  no thanks." 

The bottom line is that everyone involved in the free software
community needs to be careful to remain uncontaminated.  Do NOT
look at proprietary source code and then work on an open source
or free software equivalent.  

Be careful and play nice. :)


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