BOOTP and TCP/IP networking

Chris Johns cjohns at
Thu Oct 26 23:43:17 UTC 2000

Patrick Kelsey wrote:
>     I am using bootp to get our rtems-4.5-beta3 system going on our ethernet
> network.  Our dhcp server is running on a Redhat linux system (kernel
> version 2.2.16).  I noticed that when responding to BOOTREQUEST messages,
> the linux dhcp server puts together all of the options it wants to send back
> and then partitions it among up to three buffers to fit them into the
> BOOTREPLY message.  Anything that does not fit into the vendor options field
> overflows into the 'file' and 'sname' fields using the dchp options
> overloading mechanism.  RFC 1533 indicates that this options overloading is
> to be used only with DHCP, but the linux dhcpd does it with bootp queries as
> well. 

I am using :

 Internet Software Consortium DHCP Server 2.0
 Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 The Internet Software
 All rights reserved.

 Please contribute if you find this software useful.
 For info, please visit

 $ uname -rv
 2.2.17 #2 SMP Wed Oct 11 10:37:14 EST 2000

on RedHat with only bootp with no problem. I only get the standard bootp
reply. I am not using the RTEMS bootp client. I do not understand what
you are seeing. Is the RTEMS forming the correct request ?

 Chris Johns, mailto:cjohns at mailto:ccj at

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