Debug info compiler options

Aaron J. Grier aaron at
Thu Sep 14 17:36:26 UTC 2000

On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 12:54:31PM +0100, Nick.SIMON at wrote:
> To satisfy an in-circuit emulator, I wish to use -gstabs+ instead of
> -g in my 4.5.0 beta 3a build.  Can anyone point me at where this
> option is set?  I have spent some time scouring, but to no avail.

I needed to do this to change -g to -gstabs for my target and debugger.
(EST VisionXD/ VisionICE)

in a nutshell, set CFLAGS_DEFAULT to whatever you like in your own BSP
.cfg file (in make/custom) and then change
make/compilers/gcc-target-default.cfg to not override your choice.

  Aaron J. Grier   |    Frye Electronics, Tigard, OR   |   aaron at
   "Cthulhu for President. Why settle for a lesser evil?" -- Matt Minnis

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