Can't create a region?

Nick.SIMON at Nick.SIMON at
Tue Apr 17 06:10:28 UTC 2001

I know you've got this sorted out, but I thought I'd mention that my mpc860
drivers work by invalidating the cache for buffers prior to receive, and
flushing prior to send, so there's no need for an uncached region.  Charles
Gauthier & Darlene Steward get the credit for this one!

network.c and cosole_generic.c are examples - outside the issue of caching
there are some "funnies" you probably don't want!


-- Nick Simon 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Torre [mailto:ptorre at]
> Sent: 14 April 2001 03:51
> To: rtems-users at
> Subject: Can't create a region?
> In my RTEMS 4.5.0 BSP for our MPC860 board, I want to create a non-
> cached memory region that I can allocate CPM buffers out of.
> (Right now they're malloc'd off of the heap, so it screws up when
> the D-cache is on.)  So at the bottom of bsp_start(), right after
> cache_mmu_init() has set up the page tables containing my cache-
> inhibited area, I make a call to rtems_region_create().  This call
> fails with RTEMS_TOO_MANY, because the _Region_Information struct
> hasn't been initialized yet.  (I did include MANAGERS=region in my
> application Makefile, and CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_REGIONS 1 in my init.c.)
> Is _Region_Information not initialized yet because I'm doing this
> in the wrong place, or have I missed something else?  I've looked 
> over the code and I can't find the place where the struct gets
> filled in with anything.
> Also, regarding non-cached buffers for the 860 CPM:  Am I solving
> a problem that's already been fixed by other means?
> Many thanks for any advise...
> -- 
> =====================================================================
> Phil Torre                               phone: 425-820-6363 x234
> Design Engineer                          email: ptorre at
> Switching Systems Group                    fax: 425-820-7031
> Zetron, Inc.                               web:


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