How one can avoid unnecessary code for file I/O?

leonp leonp at
Tue Dec 18 12:47:14 UTC 2001

Hello, all	.
	Sorry to ask the question, which was, as far as I remember, once asked. But 
I was not able to find it in our mail list, as there is no search capability.
	My project has no system I/O capabilities and tight memory requirements. 
Therefore I am forced to cut out all unnecessary code, such as filesystem, 
console stuff, etc.
	Everything went fine till I tried to use the sprintf function, which 
immediately pulls a lot of file I/O stuff from libc, libc_support and so on. 
Then it looks also for rtems_filesystem_... and all the Co. But all I wanted 
was to produce a string according to my format!! 
	I know, that sprintf calls vfprintf and so on...but...
	Does somebody know the simple way to solve this problem and not to write my 
own sprintf?
	Many thanks ahead.

leonp at

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