ERC32 BSP & snapshop 20010109

Antonio da Silva Fariña adasilva at
Thu Feb 1 10:08:02 UTC 2001


Joel Sherrill wrote:

> I have to ask does it work if you do this sequence:
> tar sim
> load
> run

Yes, hello and base_sp samples works with rtems release 4.5 and snapshop

> If it runs this way, then there is some difference between
> the "board" the simulator simulates and your real hardware.
> More than likely, it would be a memory layout type thing.

Later when I use gdb remote debug protocol and use ttyS1 to download the
samples to real
ERC32 board:

> (gdb) set remotebaud 19200
> (gdb) tar rem /dev/ttyS1
> Remote debugging using /dev/ttyS1
> 0x2000000 in trap_table ()
> (gdb) lo
> Loading section .text, size 0x18110 lma 0x2000000
> Loading section .data, size 0x9e0 lma 0x2018110
> Start address 0x2000000 , load size 101104
> Transfer rate: 6522 bits/sec, 277 bytes/write.
> (gdb) continue

with rtems release 4.5
- hello sample works fine
- base_sp and ticker samples exists with code 20 and resets the board

with rtems snapshop 20010109
- all demos exists with code 20 and resets the board

Thanks in advance

 Antonio da Silva Fariña
 DIATEL-UPM                URL:
 EUIT Telecomunicación     mailto: adasilva at
 Ctra. Valencia, Km. 7  Tel: +34 91 3367812   Fax: +34 91 3367817
 28031 Madrid, SPAIN

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